Ideas and Suggestions.

***Warning: Long wall of text ahead. Also, this is my first post!***

(Main point of each suggestion is in bold, for you TL;DR people)



I have a few suggestions, that are semi-simple, and would fix a lot of headaches in-game. I’ve only been playing about 4 days, so some of these might be on their way, or already almost implemented. These are just some things that I think could greatly increase the fun/longivity of this thusfar amazing game. Here they are, in no particular order:


  • Being able to add custom chat tabs. If this is already implemented, I apologize, as I haven’t seen how to do it. It’s quite hard for me to communicate in the pre-game lobbies with my squad mate with the current influx of 5 year old spammers that came along with the Steam integration. Even clicking on the Squad tab doesn’t seem to work for me, I remain in the global channel. In a game in which coordination and teamwork is basically a necessity, I’d be nice to be able to communicate with my friends/teammates. This one is one of the bigger problems in my opinion.


  • Some sort of VoIP voice chat to teammates during battles, or perhaps only with squad mates. Typing while dogfighting is very difficult. I’ll do it during respawns if completely needed, but I’d much rather use voice. I have a TeamSpeak server for when I’m playing with friends, but sometimes I’m the only one on. I’d love to be able to tell newer players objectives or strategies, but the fact is, even if I do type out things, most people don’t see it due to the immense concentration this game requires. Can’t really pause to read/respond to chat when doing Mach 3 around an asteroid with 3 interceptors on your tail.


  • Skins for ships. This seems highly likely as planned, but being able to skin all the ships in a corporation just seems like something that would really make people feel like they were flying for a certain guild. I know the stickers are there, and I do love my Japanese flag on all my interceptors, but as far as I’ve seen in games, the more customization players can have on their prized ships, the more they enjoy them. A full on paint-per-part system would be awesome, but even just being able to unlock 4 or 5 skin colors by completing contracts or corporation assignments would be amazing.


- A cockpit view. Not sure how plausible this one is, but I am a long-time veteran of the X-Wing series of games. I still play X-Wing Alliance quite frequently, and the cockpit view while chasing down enemies is something that I’d pay good money for in this game. The immersion of actually being inside the craft, not to mention the extra skill it takes to not be able to just scan 360 degrees whenever you want makes the game all that much more fun to master. Ask any serious gamer who plays car racing games. Once you have the interior view of the vehicle you’re controlling, you’ll never go back.


- Some sort of crystals/dyes/something to change the color of your weapons. This one’s benefits are basically the same as the ship skins.


  • Multi-squads. Keeping the 4 man squads is fine by me, but being able to have 2 squads linked when they go into matchmaking would be awesome, and would allow for corporation vs corporation battles. Possibly even a corporation battle gamemode, in which you must have 8 men/women in your linked squad to even join. Large PvP battles are something all, (or at least most,) of us crave in fast-paced games like this.


  • Custom games. I really hate to use other games as references, but the easiest way to explain this is the Halo series of games. Have an option for a custom game, and make friends invitable. No experience gains or reputation gains can come from this, but it would be an excellent way to practice and hone skills against other people without worrying about objectives. Add the ability to have a third “team” consisting of bots would be a huge plus.


  • A large 30 vs 30 battle matchmaking option. Huge battles are awesome. Enough said. :wink:


  • A deathmatch game type. No objectives, first person/team to kill a set amount of enemies is the winner. I absolutely adore the Team Captain gametype, but some good old fashioned DM is something this game is severely lacking. Plus, it would make the games last a little longer, which is always a good thing.


  • Gametype Idea: A gametype in which one person spawns as a hugely large cruiser. When the cruiser dies, you lose instantly. The cruiser itself should be quite tanky, and with a large amount of hitpoints, but not very strong at attacking. Would force players to really team up, instead of just going for kills.



Sorry for the long-winded post. I’m adoring this game, and making as many suggestions as I can to make sure it becomes the game for everyone else that it already has for me. I’m sure I’ll think of more suggestions with the amount of time I’m spending in this game. I won’t make a new topic when I do, I will just make a new post in this one. Anyone else who has ideas is welcome to post here as well. And please, if you like or dislike any/all of my ideas, feel free to explain why. I love constructive criticism, and would love to hear everyone else’s opinions and idea.


Thanks for reading!



I would also suggest to swap the Federation Interceptor’s small rocket rack with the Cloaking Fighter’s missile rack. The Fighters are meant for behind the line assasinations of snipers, a rocket rack that allows you to flush the entire volley fast would help a lot. Lost count of the time I ambushed a sniping frigate only to have him focus so much normal DPS that I get killed instead. Interceptors end up more as dogfighters and the guided missile might help more there too.

And suggestion for SCENARIOS - An escort mission Where players need to defend a convoy of ships on their route

Being able to add custom chat tabs +1


Some sort of VoIP voice chat to teammates during battles, or perhaps only with squad mates.+1   you still can use teamspeak but still I would prefer build in.


 Skins for ships. +1 



- Some sort of crystals/dyes/something to change the color of your weapons -1 No sir. I know which weapon Im being hit with depending on the color, so if you change colors will be difficult for me to know which weapon to adapt to.



Large PvP battles are something all, (or at least most,) of us crave in fast-paced games like this.  +1    I would like to add to this. I want to see huge space battles 200+ players, bigger ships. cruisers , battleships, everything has to be balanced. Scenarios like battling out control for the asteroid fields, team that wins gets credits + items. and on and on, I can talk about this all day.



A large 30 vs 30 battle matchmaking option. Huge battles are awesome. Enough said. :wink:   I +++++ that