Idea’S to DISINT Ability:



So lots of complaining about this so i have been thinking somewhat of idea’s which could be cool to do with it to prevent its ”rolf” effect in lower tiers and its complete useless feel in higher tiers.


Will try to list them and try to list the least intrusive to start with ^^




One of the major issue’s is the BURST, meaning when people are good at predicting especially at lower tiers they hit for A LOT of dmg by hitting the spot ONCE with ONE click every 3-4 seconds (this is WORLDS easier to do then having to follow the target consistently)


So for the first idea: change the beam to a LASER: which does a static dps per second.

This is how it could work:

It drains energy while active, it starts at low dps and in 3 seconds off continually shooting it gets it’s max dps (basicly same as now you need to wait 3 seconds each time you turn it of), you now have to FOLLOW the target consistently to apply the dps and the target won’t see the sudden HUGE burst hitting them, instead it will see a “slow” dps which steadily raising and after 3 seconds it starts to do its max dps (which is still a dps instead of a burst.)

So lets try some numbers:


Current mechanic: (we will do t1 for this)

Dmg: 2800

Energy: 110

Cd: 3 sec


New mechanic: (starts at 33% dps on first hit(first second) then goes to 66%(2 second), then 100%(on the third second))

Max dps per second: 934

Energy per second: 50

CD to restart if you stop it: 1 seconds (would need testing)


Now range:

Let ALL its attributes be touched by mods, that means ROF, Range, DMG, etc. all mods, ammo and implants should have FULL effect on it like they have on everything else(meaning dmg type as well.):

So with this in mind now we can reduce the range; base range should be 5km. this would mean that MAX range you can bring would be: 6km base+max 4*22,5%(passive modules)+20% implant+20%ammo = max 130% range as the very max giving it=13,8km at the very max (and lets be serious for a second, you are gonna use ALL your passive t4 modules on range? and ammo forcing losing rof or dmg% and forcing dmg type.…and you need armada RANK 12!!! To even do it, soo no :stuck_out_tongue: )

You can’t use range modules at all before t3, so effectively that range would stay at 6km


And instant sniping hits at t1 would start of at a wupling dmg of 312 on the hit compared to the 2800 dmg now, and first after 3 seconds it would have accumulated the same dps as it have now from the first base hit, it would also require the “frig pilot to close distance early on and sacrifice A LOT later to get high long range BUT at later tiers the ability to change dmg types and to focus modules on dmg increase will be invaluable and the instant hit from the LASER instead of a projectile will make the weapon wildly better while giving people planty of time/chances to simply keep dodging or get out of los, or simply kill you due to what you sacrifice for the range”


All in all this would be a fine way of changing it while making It “weaker” for newer people and stronger for veterans and later tiers, while keeping a good balance and range vs. dps. (not sure if it will need some barrel roll mechanic (I LOVE this mechanic it feels sooo cool even though its actually a nerf to the weapon, and in this case it could be needed to prevent heavy use on small ships very close distance, but that’s a testing thing, in these numbers its actually balanced out without having barrel roll :)   ))


so give it some time and try to think of scenario’s where this would get meaningfully op or up (please do some math on the numbers etc and give it some REAL thoughts before just stating stuff :) 



ty all for reading

I like the idea of nerfing lower tier snipers, however I think that the sniper is already vastly underpowered in higher tiers considering the speed and resistance stacking abilities of the ships. A good Sniper can take down an interceptor in 2-4 hits, a fighter in 6-10 hits and let’s not even talk about frigates. This is excluding any misses or cover. Take an optimum firing speed of a shot every 3 seconds and you get 6-12 seconds for an interceptor and so on. Talking realistically it should be around 10-20 seconds tho. This is a long time. Your idea would only decrease the dmg output even more compared to abilities like plasma web or overdrive (would also make aiming far easier as opposed to harder)

I like the idea of nerfing lower tier snipers, however I think that the sniper is already vastly underpowered in higher tiers considering the speed and resistance stacking abilities of the ships. A good Sniper can take down an interceptor in 2-4 hits, a fighter in 6-10 hits and let’s not even talk about frigates. This is excluding any misses or cover. Take an optimum firing speed of a shot every 3 seconds and you get 6-12 seconds for an interceptor and so on. Talking realistically it should be around 10-20 seconds tho. This is a long time. Your idea would only decrease the dmg output even more compared to abilities like plasma web or overdrive (would also make aiming far easier as opposed to harder)

you don’t seem to know how the mechanics works or you didnt understand what i wrote :slight_smile:

i will explain the working


in early tiers this change would not be a NERF it would be a change, which most people are more accustom to play against, making it ALOT less “wtf i got instant powned” feel of the ability.


in late game this is what i would do myself “2 times ranged mods, and the normal stuff” this would now give me a long range laser of 8,7km with a crazy high dps output due to the fact i can change dmg type on the go (meaning hmm i see a target i aim for it and start firing 3seconds later we are talking the same dps of the sniper now, but with changeble dmg types same as the weapon, meaning “ow xxxx i am hitting the target for only 1/3 of what my max dps is, hmm change to another dmg type… ow see this guy got no resist vs this dmg type and BAM massive dps inflicted” as long as you can keep your aim on him (which ofc is the point of the game as well ability to aim yourself.))

in late game its actually not the dps itself thats the issue with the disint, but that you will miss so incredibly much vs most fast targets especially on longer ranges and the long range is almost none existing becouse of LOS issues, add to that the high base thermal resist and especially if people fit an extra thermal resist (becouse you are garenteed there will be at least a few frigs of either empire or jaricho or at the very least people using lasers or thermal missiles, so its a pretty good no brainer for survival.).


so the issue in late game is:

projectile speed makes you miss too much too oftend at the ranges you would use it.

thermal resist completely negates it.

LOS prevents you from getting the bonus out of the 12km range you theoretically would have as your benefith to all the downsides.


this change does:

first off remove projectile speed.

lets you choose dmg type.

lowers the issue of LOS due to range decrease which is made up for by the bonusses which implant,mods and ammo gives instead.


so overall it would greatly increase the Edps of this ability while making the enemy able to easier decide IF it is a good idea to stick around with a 3 second “spin up” to allow for weaker targets like inties to go “ow xxxx lets get the fck out of here” before they goes PUFF :stuck_out_tongue: (as comparison the heavy laser which i am sure you have been hit by if you are in t3+ does around 500dps base, at t3 the disint in this version would do around 2k dps, not sure about you but when i get hit by a heavy laser i am not in any doubt and it hurts crazy, if i got hit by something melting me with 4times that dps. i wouldnt call that a Nerf to the dps of the disint :wink: but it would start of at 666± dps which is around the heavy laser so i would have time to get my xxxx out of there before the hardcore dps started to spinup(ofc the numbers can be tweaked if needed but the idea of it i find MUCH better and more suited for the ship then what we got now, and you are able to tweak it much better for good balance with the rest)




in early game it: does stuff which i think you get the whole idea about and know why it would fix current issues(else i can explain as well ^^)
