idea for ship lv up

when a ship lvs up it gets an overal boost to most of it stats hp, shield, energy, etc… i whant to propose a change to this.

first thing would be to remove pasive skills from the skill tree, this means skill tree will only research new equipment and skills.

now the idea, instead of an automatic overall improvement when a ship lv up what about making each lv up give some points to distribute into several options say:

weapon tunning (standar and missiles): each point increase dmg by 5%

generator upgrade : each point gives 1% of max energy regen every second. (stacks with capacitors)

capacitors upgrade: each point increase max energy load by 5%

booster tunning: each point increase boosting speed by 1%

engine tunning: each point will increase ship turning by 2%

hull upgrade: each point increase hull armor vs all by 4

hull nanites upgrade: each point increase hull regen by 0.3% of max hp per sec

shield regen upgrade: each point increase shield regen by 0,3% of max hp per sec

shield reinforcement: each point increase shield armor vs all by 4

shield density upgrade: each point increase chance to ricochet (read below)

probably a couple more.

*ricochet: chance for an attack to bounce from the shield, chance is based on the stat and the attack type, as an example:

lasers will have the highest chance to ricochet while missiles will have the lowest.

why would this be a good idea?

well to bigging it will help to balance the gap between starting players and someone with lv 15 upgrades playing t1 ships, it will olso open tons of builds making the game less repetitive and with always something new to try.

only problem of this would be that buying new ships specialy high tier ones would become a pain in the xxxx since they will be lv 1, this could be solve by adding a feature where the player is given the posibility to swap one ship for another retaining part of their exp as long as they are the same type of ship (interceptor,frigate,fighter)

this will be similar to world of tanks, lets say i have a harpy with a crew that has 1k exp and i whant to get the steel harpy, this option will aloud me to buy the steel harpy and retain part of crew exp based on how much i paid

steel harpy price + 100k = i get steel harpy with a crew that has 50% exp of the harpy

steel harpy price + 200k = i get steel harpy with a crew that has 75% exp of the harpy

steel harpy price + 200 gold = i get steel harpy with a crew that has 100% exp of the harpy

Hello and thanks for the feedback. There is already a new skill tree under developement for fixing some balance issues.

Hello and thanks for the feedback. There is already a new skill tree under developement for fixing some balance issues.

this idea was more about improving how ships lv up, or this means ship lvs or sinergy will olso see a rework?

this idea was more about improving how ships lv up, or this means ship lvs or sinergy will olso see a rework?

At the moment I can only tell you that the skill tree and some modules will get a rework. The rest is still a secret.

At the moment I can only tell you that the skill tree and some modules will get a rework. The rest is still a secret.

what is this area 51?, the CIA? or is a matter of national security? :00444:

throw us a bone.

what is this area 51?, the CIA? or is a matter of national security? :00444:

throw us a bone.

At the moment it’s only the skill tree I can throw to you. The rest is still too far away.