i find that frigs long range needs some buffs (not in pure dmg but in utility),
i find frigs support need some range (when they are set to be long ranged dps give them long range support mods, as an example allow modules like “direct shield generator” and “directed recovery” modules to get a huge CD reduction and a range of 8-10km with an aiming ability on them for long range support, while keeping modules like “directed repair” and “shield generator” in the aoe range they got now for support of the brawlers, so each have their own place of “work” and tactic.)
i do feel like fighters need the ability to self repair/shield, i think they need a less effective version of “liquid armor” and “increased shield power” as it is now they have to be 100% relaying on a frig support setup to be floating within 4,5km from them to have ANY healing ability :/.
i feel that the “shield booster” and the “hull maintenance” are INCREDIBLE WEAK!! compared to them taking up an active module slot, in almost every situation i can possibly come up with ANYTHING else then these two modules would be wolrds better. so i really feel like these needs a major tweak (higher healing, longer duration, maybe lower cd, make it valid to have them, remember ANY ECM will break the healing and WASTED their cd, so if someone pops both to become “invulnerable” for 8sec(IF we imagin we overbuff them to crazy town) all you need to do is 1ecm and he just wasted 2 active slots which could have been used for “engineer suppression” and “pulsar” which would have garenteed the kill on a interceptor for a frig.)
need buffs/changes.
these needs some serious changes i get what they are about but they really dont do their job:
they got an extremely hard time taking out frigs(they will but it takes them FOREVER!! to kill a frig) and they got no chance in hell to take out a fighter (equelly good pilots here).
they do add some SICK CC to the battlefield but everything on them is close range, their dps is quite low, they die incredibly fast and have little to no dmg metigation.
all they have is their CC which is cool but if you had to choose between that and an extra fighter which granted moves at 20% lower speed, maybe 30%(if build for something else) the extra fighter would do soo much more for the team, even an extra frig would be so much better.
i feel like interceptors are the fun little fly’s which didn’t get enough love: i assume they are supposed to take out fighters? or lock down support ships?! or what are they actual for?!
i am not quite sure becouse they dont SHINE at anything which other ships cant do better besides moving REALLY fast, but that doesnt really do the trick in a teamgame of over 10 people per match, you will have to fight and when you are wildly inferior to everything you encounter it does seem to be an imbalance in the concept.
so with interceptors i would like to see more continually thrown CC.
like modules which gives you a huge spread increase, or much lower optimal/max range, or permanent slowing as long as its activated, etc.
CC modules which you can utilize on a target “permanent” to effectively LOCK IT DOWN! and prevent it from attacking friendlies or killing you (their dps in general seems ok, maybe a little bit nerf would be needed to balance out the ability to shut down another ships ability to attack you at all :) )
but i want to see them much more in the role of a “interruptor” type ship, instead of now where it feels more like a fast “dps ship with some CC” which i dont think it does very well (it survives PURELY on badly made mechanics and lack of decent overview, and any concept which trives on the abuse of bad mechanics seriously needs rethinking)