I really hate limited availability content

Sirius is by far the most lucrative ship for os, at least for me. I gradually collected stuff in OS and made the ships, the destro season lasted a whole year so there was plenty of time to get materials done. The only reason why im not burnt out is that i just set my priorities first and work on them, since i know a lot about OS in general finding stuff isn’t hard for me and i dont even use the spatial anymore, i get by the usual way pretty good. If you guys want to stockpile materials, now is the time, idk what will happen to os after rework.

How is Sirius more lucrative then other ships? 

Speed, cargo, tank, damage and multiple other options you can choose for a successful farm or whatever you’re into.

9 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Speed, cargo, tank, damage and multiple other options you can choose for a successful farm or whatever you’re into.

This is why I want one.

The Antares looks really stupid IMO, and I hate side-mounted modules for several reasons, so working towards a Sirius would be a primary objective for me.

Buuuuuut, they’re not even on the ship tree. And I have doubts that they will ever show up outside of short events. So this is yet another thing that makes me sick to my stomach, knowing that the one ship I want in the game is only available for brief windows, and I will probably never have the monocrystals to build it in time when it DOES show up.

You need 400+ monos, 60 enriched electrum (12 ores for one), 36 beryllium, 36 neodium. Im not sure about sirius having activators like the rest (fyi it didnt have any back then) but just in case, you would need 300 of them. You should be able to gather 75% for free or all of it depending on your time when they re-appear. I suggest you do as much as your limitations allow you to and buy the rest, it should not take too much then.

Well, if you would also count the resources you have already, you might not even need to pay at all, it depends, gather as much stuff as you can in your spare time, be it in or out of events.

I need a proxi mortar.

I need Covert ops + LRF + Destroyer ellydium ship. 

I’ll go with Recon + Covert + LRF and Destroyer, maybe even more if possible.

On 26/03/2017 at 3:13 AM, Weylin29651 said:

This is why I want one.

The Antares looks really stupid IMO, and I hate side-mounted modules for several reasons, so working towards a Sirius would be a primary objective for me.

Buuuuuut, they’re not even on the ship tree. And I have doubts that they will ever show up outside of short events. So this is yet another thing that makes me sick to my stomach, knowing that the one ship I want in the game is only available for brief windows, and I will probably never have the monocrystals to build it in time when it DOES show up.

then start saving up now.