I hate all the weapons.

It couldn’t be any simpler really, I have just hated almost every weapon I have used. I very rarely got kills most if the time and have mostly just been getting assists. I know it sounds stupid but I just can’t stand most of them.

I hate all the fighter weapons, railguns are mostly useless, singularity cannons are useless against all ships but frigates. Gauss Cannons are only useful from long range and once a ceptor moves in your screwed. Ion Emitters are the only type that seem to work for me, but most of the time I am surrounded by interceptors and can’t hit them.

I hate most of the ceptor weapons, Rapid fire blasters are too inaccurate, Pulse lasers just don’t do enoug against an enemy and plasma guns just don’t do enough damage and take time to get accurate. I’m going to try the shrapnel cannon and see what I think of it.

I don’t know about frigate weapons, purely because I hate frigates, too slow, vunrabable and not manoverable enough to be of any interest to me.

Give me a reason why I should be using a particular weapon and try and convince me such a weapon is worth keeping.

Just don’t mention frigate weapons because I’m not going to be using them.

Shrapnel cannon: king of alpha strike, if you learn how to use it.

Learn to play, then be ashamed of what you wrote here…


  • Railguns are useful in gunships built with critical fits.

  • Gauss is a nightmare against any interceptor and weak fighters like fed ones, you need good aiming.

  • Singularity cannon kills anything, specially interceptors, you need proper rotation and aiming. (and high projectile speed or be at very close range)

  • Ion does wonders against frigates and fighters, and if you’re decent, against ceptors.


  • RF blaster is good vs fighters and frigates, but bad vs ceptors

  • Pulse laser is good against anything, out of a cov ops it loses effectiveness.

  • Plasma gun is good because it’s a long range weapon and very accurate, but the damage is bad, it’s good for ecms and bad for the rest because there are better options.

  • Sharpnel is good against anything if you have good aim.

All weapons have their “ups & downs”, it comes to a matter of taste and gameplay style. You never said your tier, nor which roles are you using, so it’s kinda hard to give you advicement.

Shrapnel cannon used to be so powerful that it can store up to three shoots before firing. For now, it’s no better than other weapon unless you got some decent skills (and plus a low ping network, perhaps…) 

You know that you can tweak the Weapons with CPU Modules and Ammo, right?


Residente said pretty much all there is. 

All weapons have their “ups & downs”, it comes to a matter of taste and gameplay style. You never said your tier, nor which roles are you using, so it’s kinda hard to give you advicement.

T1 and T2 are the tiers I am at, I’m currently using a Fox, Hawk and Machete S.

Yeah… Most weapons dont came into their own until t3. Honestly most gear is quite bad until t3.

Learn to play, then be ashamed of what you wrote here…


  • Railguns are useful in gunships built with critical fits.

  • Gauss is a nightmare against any interceptor and weak fighters like fed ones, you need good aiming.

  • Singularity cannon kills anything, specially interceptors, you need proper rotation and aiming. (and high projectile speed or be at very close range)

  • Ion does wonders against frigates and fighters, and if you’re decent, against ceptors.


  • RF blaster is good vs fighters and frigates, but bad vs ceptors

  • Pulse laser is good against anything, out of a cov ops it loses effectiveness.

  • Plasma gun is good because it’s a long range weapon and very accurate, but the damage is bad, it’s good for ecms and bad for the rest because there are better options.

  • Sharpnel is good against anything if you have good aim.

Plasma’s also good for inty pilots who go after beacons a lot, because it’s the safest weapon for taking out the drones.  You can only dodge so much in a 4v1.

Plasma’s also good for inty pilots who go after beacons a lot, because it’s the safest weapon for taking out the drones.  You can only dodge so much in a 4v1.


you can 1-2 shot a drone with a crit sharpnel, 1 shot ensured if using orion

In T2 Ions are the king for fighters, hands down

Singularity is terrible down there, gauss and assaults are ok but not as good as ions


For inties I would rate as Shrapnel>Pulses>Plasma>Blaster


But this is only for T2

It couldn’t be any simpler really, I have just hated almost every weapon I have used. I very rarely got kills most if the time and have mostly just been getting assists. I know it sounds stupid but I just can’t stand most of them.

I hate all the fighter weapons, railguns are mostly useless, singularity cannons are useless against all ships but frigates. Gauss Cannons are only useful from long range and once a ceptor moves in your screwed. Ion Emitters are the only type that seem to work for me, but most of the time I am surrounded by interceptors and can’t hit them.

I hate most of the ceptor weapons, Rapid fire blasters are too inaccurate, Pulse lasers just don’t do enoug against an enemy and plasma guns just don’t do enough damage and take time to get accurate. I’m going to try the shrapnel cannon and see what I think of it.

I don’t know about frigate weapons, purely because I hate frigates, too slow, vunrabable and not manoverable enough to be of any interest to me.

Give me a reason why I should be using a particular weapon and try and convince me such a weapon is worth keeping.

Just don’t mention frigate weapons because I’m not going to be using them.

Welcome to Star Conflict. It takes practice to master flying, aiming, killing and staying alive. You can start that in PvE/Missions in the beginning a little bit but still in PvP it is harder to hit someone but you need to keep trying and do it maybe different next time.

The weapons and ships maybe suck in T1 compared to T2 or T3 but everyone is using the same ships so has to deal with the same weapons…


I would not dismiss flying frigates you should it least try all roles even if you don’t stick to them but then you know how they are and what their weaknesses are.

T1 and T2 are the tiers I am at, I’m currently using a Fox, Hawk and Machete S.


The Fox is a little underwhelming, though it’s flyable with assault rails. Don’t hold down your mouse button; keep clicking at a pace that is just slightly slower than its normal rate of fire and you won’t have overheating issues. In this way, you can spray intys with your rounds. But the moment you hit T3, ditch the rails for singularities. 

Here is a question: in t3 what do i put on an interceptor with a cpu slot that isnt electronic guidance (black swarm in particular)

Here is a question: in t3 what do i put on an interceptor with a cpu slot that isnt electronic guidance (black swarm in particular)


Mapoko had a [Tempest screenie](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21780-kris-ae-build/?p=239666) that might interest you. It’s also an Imperial ECM, though obviously not in the same tier.

Horizon’s always good.  People generally only think about maximum range, they forget about optimal range.  My CPU slots tend to be infrared scanners or horizons.  Enhanced scanner really helps a team on a recon, but my Sai goes for crits.  I’m gonna miss Icebolt.



Horizon’s always good.  People generally only think about maximum range, they forget about optimal range.  My CPU slots tend to be infrared scanners or horizons.  Enhanced scanner really helps a team on a recon, but my Sai goes for crits.  I’m gonna miss Icebolt.




Why? it’s honestly a piece of s*


if you’re searching for kinetic damage why don’t take the awesome sharpnel?

3.3k range.  It’s a kinetic plasma gun.

Yeah, im gonna miss it too

They may stay with us forever, after a few tweaks.