I hate all the weapons.

Remember to feel free to suggest new weapon designs in the suggestion forums. Borderlands proved you can never have too much pew-pew.

Scratch what i said, i prefer shrapnel

I tried the shrapnel cannon and just hated it. The only weapon I like is the Ion Emitter, but most of the time I STILL get assists.


Sounds like me in an engie, thats just fine.

I tried the shrapnel cannon and just hated it. The only weapon I like is the Ion Emitter, but most of the time I STILL get assists.



did you consider you’re not a born killer but just an assister? xD

Sounds like me in an engie, thats just fine.


Well, that’s in the Machete, using lasers.

did you consider you’re not a born killer but just an assister? xD

Sadly, No. But I want kills ultimately.

What can I say to you? Practice more, you can’t expect to go killing everyone with ease…


Well, that’s in the Machete, using lasers.

Sadly, No. But I want kills ultimately.


what’s your ign?

what’s your ign?

You make that sound like I should know it. Yet I have no clue what you mean.

You make that sound like I should know it. Yet I have no clue what you mean.

ign = in game name

Same as my forum Username, WolfOfAudacity.

what’s your ign?

you headhunting residente?

you headhunting residente?


no, I want to check his stats, average kills/assists, w/l ratio, amount of games, ranks, medals etc


In other words. residente wants to stalk him… :smoke:

No! I just want to know his experience to say such things about weapons 

Having played for less than 2 weeks I have to say I’m not seeing where your complaints are coming from.

Sounds like you’re not playing smart if you’re having this much trouble.

Go watch some gameplay on YouTube and see how others play to get kills?

  • RF blaster is good vs fighters and frigates, but bad vs ceptors


whut? I find them very helpful against any moving or bigger target in high speed boats. It’s bad for kills, but good for damage. Spray and pray!

whut? I find them very helpful against any moving or bigger target in high speed boats. It’s bad for kills, but good for damage. Spray and pray!


The spread is so high that you need anti spread modules or just focus on other enemies, as you said you can do some damage but you won’t get any kills. Fighters and Frigates in the other hand will tremble against you

The spread is so high that you need anti spread modules or just focus on other enemies, as you said you can do some damage but you won’t get any kills. Fighters and Frigates in the other hand will tremble against you

How many anti-spread mods? I cant use them with a purple one.