Noticed that color BLACK is bit brighter than default black on ships? Only noticable on jericho ships. Just saying.


However, I would suggest adding some more paint…like all 50 shades of grey. We have only 4 now.

Ok joke aside, adding some more shades of any kind of color would be really cool.

Also ships have different paintjob patterns. That makes them visually reckognizable. Wich is…ok…but not fun (painting guard so it looks like a snipy, muehehe). Giving option to change the pattern…even better, giving few additional patterns to play with would be really awsome.


Add more stickers. Dont have them? Make sticker contest and you have plenty of those to choose.


Personally I would definetly waste my GS on paint. I love c-c-c-c-paint.


We just need this




Let us have whatever color we want on our ships already.

Yes! So my cow-M would finaly mutate to milka cow!

Color picker and finish (metallic, gloss and such) would be nice


i vote we should have cat ships with captions on them! 


Call them, memeShips

I agree to everything in this post.

We just need this




Let us have whatever color we want on our ships already.


They should improve this color palette by adding more options and it would go nicely with my Customization DLC pack listed here:


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/25550-ships-customization-dlc-pack-full-access-for-all-features-in-ships-customization-tree/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25550-ships-customization-dlc-pack-full-access-for-all-features-in-ships-customization-tree/)

I have to change stickers every match because my son loves the stickers.


In general people just like silly options like this.

someone made that .gif with disco paint…

I want dat one!

I want to have it on LRF!

thanks for the input - forwarded to Devs


but please consider this

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/25406-guideline-for-suggestions/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25406-guideline-for-suggestions/)

someone made that .gif with disco paint…

I want dat one!

I want to have it on LRF!

Dr.Rockso the rock’n’roll clown?

thank u for this idea!) we will consider it further in our new update

I jump on the necrotrain to upvote the suggestion of Ravendark.


We already have different pattern for same model of ship. It would be great to be able to change the pattern.


Could be done by making painting patter available once we unlock the ship.


Example : I like the Anaconda-M. But the camo pattern is really ugly and make no sense in space (only in my opinion!). I would love to threw some GS to the tuning guy to allow the use of the Anaconda painting pattern, or even better, the Anaconda MkII (which is really beautifull to me) and have more a spaceship feeling. Those 3 ships share the same 3D model, it shouldn’t be hard to apply different pattern to them.

New colours, that will be fun! :slight_smile:

PINK!!! :smiley: (just to emphasise what yeahalex said at the start of this topic)

thank u for this idea!) we will consider it further in our new update

Just out of interest, if you did apply a colour wheel (and you really should, because it’s a much more appealing system and would get a lot more people to treat themselves to custom colours) what would happen with existing paint schemes? Would players with paint jobs get a refund or would the colours be fixed as they are? Or would they get some kind of “early adopter bonus” like what we had with stickers?

Perhaps we’ll see more painted ships ingame when this comes through?


We can’t give any specific details for now. the idea is interesting yes, but we r definitely not planning to completely reorganize the current system and it will stay and if this idea breaks through we will try to find the way to implement it in a way that perfectly matches the system which we have now, maybe as an additional option.