How to un-nerf Ellydium

So. Backstory. I un-ranked all of my Elly ships to fly bare R5 because it’s actually hella fun (esp in woz) and I noticed that repair cost for everything even at R5 was still 70,000 credits. The same amount as an R15 destruction. It got me thinking.

Since Ellydium ships are “grown” not purchased, why do they have a repair cost like that? So I thought of a brilliant way to satisfy everyone! (Well almost everyone. Some people are never happy. Looking  at you, Kosty.)


So basically I propose that you roll back Ellydium ships and their modules to how they were when first released, (minus bugs and invincibility stuff,) and set a new “repair” function for them.

In battle, each ellydium ship can be used only once, and it is required for players to equip at least 1 non-ellydium ship before battle. If that Ellydium ship is destroyed, it is no longer able to be used in that battle. And instead of having a repair cost, it will have a “regrowth period” that will render them “broken” until a short time passes. The player can still queue for battle, but their Ellydium ship will be unusable until it grows back.

The timer for regrowth should scale up with the ship rank, with a maximum of maybe 10-15 minutes for R15 and a minimum of 2-5 minutes for R5. Actually just make it minutes equal to rank to save time and effort. That way, players who fly Ellydium ships will need to be more careful how they fly and how they rank up their ships, because crystals take time to grow! (just like it takes a long time for them to naturally re-grow their hull in-battle.)

13 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

So. Backstory. I un-ranked all of my Elly ships to fly bare R5 because it’s actually hella fun (esp in woz) and I noticed that repair cost for everything even at R5 was still 70,000 credits. The same amount as an R15 destruction. It got me thinking.

Since Ellydium ships are “grown” not purchased, why do they have a repair cost like that? So I thought of a brilliant way to satisfy everyone! (Well almost everyone. Some people are never happy. Looking  at you, Kosty.)


So basically I propose that you roll back Ellydium ships and their modules to how they were when first released, (minus bugs and invincibility stuff,) and set a new “repair” function for them.

In battle, each ellydium ship can be used only once, and it is required for players to equip at least 1 non-ellydium ship before battle. If that Ellydium ship is destroyed, it is no longer able to be used in that battle. And instead of having a repair cost, it will have a “regrowth period” that will render them “broken” until a short time passes. The player can still queue for battle, but their Ellydium ship will be unusable until it grows back.

The timer for regrowth should scale up with the ship rank, with a maximum of maybe 10-15 minutes for R15 and a minimum of 2-5 minutes for R5. Actually just make it minutes equal to rank to save time and effort. That way, players who fly Ellydium ships will need to be more careful how they fly and how they rank up their ships, because crystals take time to grow! (just like it takes a long time for them to naturally re-grow their hull in-battle.)


I like the idea. Having to grow your ships before you can battle again would really bring out the concept of Elly ships whilst adding some balance. The only trouble would be pilots who play cautious or do hit and run or even just if they fly good. It’s all well and good having a one use ship, but if you never die than you’re no worse off. Add to that the re-powered Ellydium gear and your chances of having to deal with this regrowth timer is significantly reduced. Of course there are balancing factors to this which are obvious; Pilots pouring resources into their run-and-gun alien super weapon, leaving them with sub-standard backup ships, along with the subsequent inclination for players to annihilate any alien ship the moment they see them (Perhaps even kamikaze runs becoming a viable strategy just for taking them out). 


I can see a handful of things that might be a problem, but there are plenty of good things that can come from it. +1 for what it’s worth.

48 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

So. Backstory. I un-ranked all of my Elly ships to fly bare R5 because it’s actually hella fun (esp in woz) and I noticed that repair cost for everything even at R5 was still 70,000 credits. The same amount as an R15 destruction. It got me thinking.

Since Ellydium ships are “grown” not purchased, why do they have a repair cost like that? So I thought of a brilliant way to satisfy everyone! (Well almost everyone. Some people are never happy. Looking  at you, Kosty.)


So basically I propose that you roll back Ellydium ships and their modules to how they were when first released, (minus bugs and invincibility stuff,) and set a new “repair” function for them.

In battle, each ellydium ship can be used only once, and it is required for players to equip at least 1 non-ellydium ship before battle. If that Ellydium ship is destroyed, it is no longer able to be used in that battle. And instead of having a repair cost, it will have a “regrowth period” that will render them “broken” until a short time passes. The player can still queue for battle, but their Ellydium ship will be unusable until it grows back.

The timer for regrowth should scale up with the ship rank, with a maximum of maybe 10-15 minutes for R15 and a minimum of 2-5 minutes for R5. Actually just make it minutes equal to rank to save time and effort. That way, players who fly Ellydium ships will need to be more careful how they fly and how they rank up their ships, because crystals take time to grow! (just like it takes a long time for them to naturally re-grow their hull in-battle.)

Some of us were able to go on very long streaks without dying even once while raking hundreds of kills, I don’t see how this is a way to balance things around  ![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)

“Use them only once” rule but only in current state and with proper waz’got healing nerf. Delete that abominations from game.


Let at least one game have not the same stereotype that “alien stuff = better and stronger” and instead have “alien stuff = different”

5 hours ago, xKostyan said:

Some of us were able to go on very long streaks without dying even once while raking hundreds of kills, I don’t see how this is a way to balance things around  ![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)


and this is why he said " (Well almost everyone. Some people are never happy. Looking  at you, Kosty.) "

Yep, same here, most of the games I don’t even die when playing my Ellydium ships, bringing them back to how they were when released, especially Thar’Ga and Tai’Kin will make them harder to kill, besides, I never understood why they needed repairs either, they have passive hull regeneration, and their passive modules too, Tai’Kin just needs to jump around, and Thar’Ga either needs a kill or to use the Condensing Crystals or the Hive, boom, back to full health, yes, there needs to be a downside but still, aren’t they considered premiums, thus giving a credit boost, and not needing repairs either? They have a free respawn in OS just like premiums do.

1 hour ago, Original_Taz said:


and this is why he said " (Well almost everyone. Some people are never happy. Looking  at you, Kosty.) "

Kosty is right tho.

9 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

So. Backstory. I un-ranked all of my Elly ships to fly bare R5 because it’s actually hella fun (esp in woz) and I noticed that repair cost for everything even at R5 was still 70,000 credits. The same amount as an R15 destruction. It got me thinking.

Since Ellydium ships are “grown” not purchased, why do they have a repair cost like that? So I thought of a brilliant way to satisfy everyone! (Well almost everyone. Some people are never happy. Looking  at you, Kosty.)


So basically I propose that you roll back Ellydium ships and their modules to how they were when first released, (minus bugs and invincibility stuff,) and set a new “repair” function for them.

In battle, each ellydium ship can be used only once, and it is required for players to equip at least 1 non-ellydium ship before battle. If that Ellydium ship is destroyed, it is no longer able to be used in that battle. And instead of having a repair cost, it will have a “regrowth period” that will render them “broken” until a short time passes. The player can still queue for battle, but their Ellydium ship will be unusable until it grows back.

The timer for regrowth should scale up with the ship rank, with a maximum of maybe 10-15 minutes for R15 and a minimum of 2-5 minutes for R5. Actually just make it minutes equal to rank to save time and effort. That way, players who fly Ellydium ships will need to be more careful how they fly and how they rank up their ships, because crystals take time to grow! (just like it takes a long time for them to naturally re-grow their hull in-battle.)

That will penalize players that are prone to dying in the battle (e.a. weaker). So the stronger players will have their stronger ships and the rest will not. Sorry mate, that’s just not gonna work.

With these lovely critiques I say that instead of completely un-nerfing them, they just un-nerf the spec-mods and main weapons. There.

Alien ships don’t need buff. Even if they did, doing it this way would be silly


Your proposed system basically rewards farming kills and discourages risky play and unexperienced players. We’ve seen things like that when old DSR system was in place



I still think they should be grown not paid for.


With the new player rank stuff, each ship have limited life - more it get destroyed, more degraded it will be. Degradation recover over time that can be rushed  once per day  with GS. Highier player rank, more “life” it will have. Of course eliminating repair credit cost.

8 minutes ago, Rob40468 said:


With the new player rank stuff, each ship have limited life - more it get destroyed, more degraded it will be. Degradation recover over time that can be rushed  once per day  with GS. Highier player rank, more “life” it will have. Of course eliminating repair credit cost.

I like it

The best way to “un-nerf” them is to let the bar thingy, that fills up when u select nodes, fill a bit further than it does now so you dont make that elly ship entirely out of the first 3 branches and then only be able to select one or two nodes in the remaining 3 branches of the node tree. Its simple and it would offer a bit more modularity minus the broken features.

Just now, ORCA1911 said:

The best way to “un-nerf” them is to let the bar thingy, that fills up when u select nodes, fill a bit further than it does now so you dont make that elly ship entirely out of the first 3 branches and then only be able to select one or two nodes in the remaining 3 branches of the node tree. Its simple and it would offer a bit more modularity minus the broken features.

I primarily mean un-nerfing the special mods. They used to be fine but now they’re hardly worth anything over standard role spec mods.

5 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I primarily mean un-nerfing the special mods. They used to be fine but now they’re hardly worth anything over standard role spec mods.


How was combat reconstructor fine before the nerf?

Just now, Cr0 said:


How was combat reconstructor fine before the nerf?


Idk? I mean it seemed fine to me. Maybe could have used a percentage of heal nerf but now the radius is absolutely useless. You gotta stick to your targets like glue now.

11 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

So. Backstory. I un-ranked all of my Elly ships to fly bare R5 because it’s actually hella fun (esp in woz) and I noticed that repair cost for everything even at R5 was still 70,000 credits. The same amount as an R15 destruction. It got me thinking.

Since Ellydium ships are “grown” not purchased, why do they have a repair cost like that? So I thought of a brilliant way to satisfy everyone! (Well almost everyone. Some people are never happy. Looking  at you, Kosty.)


So basically I propose that you roll back Ellydium ships and their modules to how they were when first released, (minus bugs and invincibility stuff,) and set a new “repair” function for them.

In battle, each ellydium ship can be used only once, and it is required for players to equip at least 1 non-ellydium ship before battle. If that Ellydium ship is destroyed, it is no longer able to be used in that battle. And instead of having a repair cost, it will have a “regrowth period” that will render them “broken” until a short time passes. The player can still queue for battle, but their Ellydium ship will be unusable until it grows back.

The timer for regrowth should scale up with the ship rank, with a maximum of maybe 10-15 minutes for R15 and a minimum of 2-5 minutes for R5. Actually just make it minutes equal to rank to save time and effort. That way, players who fly Ellydium ships will need to be more careful how they fly and how they rank up their ships, because crystals take time to grow! (just like it takes a long time for them to naturally re-grow their hull in-battle.)


This is basically proposing to once every 15 minutes giving a player the ability to utterly anihilate the enemy team. Sounds fun… but would fix nothing at all.


Combat reconstructor rebuff and Hive nerf are needed.

1 hour ago, Flash0914 said:


This is basically proposing to once every 15 minutes giving a player the ability to utterly anihilate the enemy team. Sounds fun… but would fix nothing at all.


Combat reconstructor rebuff and Hive nerf are needed.

Yes, because we totally need that 10s invulnerability and 3km aimbot lasers back. Trust me, most fun is generated when both teams have the same chances to win to the point where 1 frag or 50 beacon points decide of winner. Invulnerable or nearly invulnerable ships, one hit push kills, auto aim weapons or unavoidable missiles give fun maybe for first 10 matches. Then it became boring.
Ellydium ships were bad designed from very start.

2 hours ago, Rob40468 said:

Yes, because we totally need that 10s invulnerability and 3km aimbot lasers back. Trust me, most fun is generated when both teams have the same chances to win to the point where 1 frag or 50 beacon points decide of winner. Invulnerable or nearly invulnerable ships, one hit push kills, auto aim weapons or unavoidable missiles give fun maybe for first 10 matches. Then it became boring.
Ellydium ships were bad designed from very start.

Rebuff does not necessearily mean back to what it was at the start… just change it from being useless. And I said Hive NERF.