How to start playing

If you have already downloaded the client, but do not know how to get in the game, everything is simple:

  1. Your login - this is the email, which you had used to register on

It must be entered like this: (just example)

  1. Your password - this is the password you use to log on to your account on

That’s all :rolleyes:

How do I change my Username? My email is and the game assumed pedroalexxxferre as my username :confused: which sucks xD

How do I change my Username? My email is and the game assumed pedroalexxxferre as my username :confused: which sucks xD

Try to change your nick on

'course - you should change it through

'course - you should change it through

I’ve changed my Nickname and password through the profile editor at Yuplay…

How long will it take before I can use this information at the login screen? I’ve tried every variation I can think of and am still unable to log in to the game. I can log in to the website just fine with the new Nickname and Password.




Got it working… disregard.


Is there a place i could download the client? I didn’t even knew i was choosen to Beta. Today i have recieved mail “Star Conflict – Beta test forum” agreed to NDA and here i am :). Anyone can help me with that?

Thanks in advance.


Is there a place i could download the client? I didn’t even knew i was choosen to Beta. Today i have recieved mail “Star Conflict – Beta test forum” agreed to NDA and here i am :). Anyone can help me with that?

Thanks in advance.

Same here

Same here

There needs to be a download link in the email.

Yeah where can we get the client?

No sorry, no link in email :frowning:

email talks ONLY about As a participant of the closed beta test of Star Conflict you’ve been given access to a special section of the Gaijin forums called Closed beta test forum.

There needs to be a download link in the email.

I only have one email from “” title: “Star Conflict – Beta test forum” and only link inside is "" nothing more i have :wink:

yeah am i in beta or just aloud to post on closed section of forums?

Same here, where do I download the client?

There needs to be an email where you got invited to closed beta.

As we said above, we dont get beta invite email, we got email that saying: As a participant of the closed beta test of Star Conflict you’ve been given access to a special section of the Gaijin forums called Closed beta test forum.

Same here, just got an email that gave me access to the closed beta forum, but no prior or following email that said anything about the game. So, is this just a forum testing invite, or are we supposed to have got a game invite as well?

EDIT: Okay, so I got an email that contained a download link to the game now. Currently downloading :00666:

Can a dev clear this up?

Same here. Just got the forum invite an hour ago. Would very much like to play the game.

You can include me with the fellas above. No such download link email for this guy, just the forum access one. I suspect you guys are working on it, but I figured I’d post just in case.

Got email now :slight_smile: thank you