How to improve the polls!

Okay, We all know about the polls what were introuduced in the lastish update. We get one a week.
What I was thinking about was that runescape has a similar thing but tey have one once a month and the hgihest vote would be gurrented to be implemented into the game.

So it could be like :

" What module would you like to see next"

1: Rainbow cannon

2: Death star

3: Troll face super rocket

(just examples XD)


And lets say people want the troll face super rocket the most then it would be implemented. Of course the options would be decided by the devs so that the options arnt to rediculas.


Anyone think that this is a good idea? Because no offence one a week isnt really much and dont get me wrong I think the polls were an excellent thing and i dont know wether they  are ment for something or just something to keep us occupied ^-^ But this poll if suggested would mean that player would have more freedom for what they want.

The poll system is currently under testing and it will get some improvements.

The devs always take a look into the polls and try to realize the players wishes.

The poll system is currently under testing and it will get some improvements.

The devs always take a look into the polls and try to realize the players wishes.

I know that the polls are a new thing and needs to be tested, Im not complaiming tho :))