how to get more new players...

I was thinking of how we can get more players into the game, is there any way of porting the game to consoles and all play on the same servers?

Controller support isn’t even finished on the PC end nor do we have the ability to all play on the same servers yet either. Same servers would probably just lead to everybody playing on the Russian servers anyway. The only thing that’s going to get more players is advertising and the devs know that. IIRC they said they won’t advertise until the game is out of beta though.

In winter -> 2800 players in noon.

In spring -> 2000 players in noon.

In summer -> 1200 players in noon.

In autumn -> 2000 players in noon.

This is based on last year, Monday to Friday, GMT +1

If the game wants more players they just have to advertise. It’s not that hard thing but the game is still under development and everyone is waiting for a release date, if you want new players just invite your friends to the game. :lol:

I was thinking of how we can get more players into the game, is there any way of porting the game to consoles and all play on the same servers?




We just need advertisement, we don’t have any. 


We don’t need porting, we don’t need our devs even more busy doing stuff for pea… console players. We just need advertisement and people will come for sure.

free cake usually works

In winter -> 2800 players in noon.

In spring -> 2000 players in noon.

In summer -> 1200 players in noon.

In autumn -> 2000 players in noon.

This is based on last year, Monday to Friday, GMT +1

If the game wants more players they just have to advertise. It’s not that hard thing but the game is still under development and everyone is waiting for a release date, if you want new players just invite your friends to the game. :lol:

well those facts is wrong


europe time, 3pm-7 pm


2000+ players online at summer all the time, and up until christmas around 2000-2500. after christmas it decreased hard. now max 1500 players on at a time. 


also, after 11pm here, its usually noon for you guys, then its 1100 players and less, down to  450-700 players 6 hours later.  

US prime times sees about 300-500 players. 


Also player retention rate is an issue. 

They just need to get the bitter stuff out of the way faster. 

Here’s to the hope that we get patches that we can’t complain about in the future. 


Now, someone get me my towel. Bring on the universe!!



Also player retention rate is an issue.

You are not allowed to complain about Player Retention regarding the fact your farming in T2 and directly impacting on the Player Retention Factor.

You are not allowed to complain about Player Retention regarding the fact your farming in T2 and directly impacting on the Player Retention Factor.


Shots fired

Shots fired

Hey, it is Rakza, have some respect…

Pulsar, not shots

Hey, it is Rakza, have some respect…

Pulsar, not shots


He still has the Heavy Blaster

He still has the Heavy Blaster

he uses those guns as a melee weapon, when he rams the enemy, like i don’t know how Rakza fly :lol:

well those facts is wrong

europe time, 3pm-7 pm

2000+ players online at summer all the time, and up until christmas around 2000-2500. after christmas it decreased hard. now max 1500 players on at a time.

also, after 11pm here, its usually noon for you guys, then its 1100 players and less, down to 450-700 players 6 hours later.

I talk about noon in Central European time -> 2pm - 5pm and in summer there are NEVER 2000+ players at those times i always see 1200, 1300, 1400, thats all.

I said that this is based on the last year i didn’t talked about last year.

He still has the Heavy Blaster

I use the Beam Cannon, the Heavy Blaster and the Coil Mortar.


he uses those guns as a melee weapon, when he rams the enemy, like i don’t know how Rakza fly :lol:

 All my guns are melee weapon, my true weapon is my ship !

please be aware we are still in Beta status, i.e. there is no active advertisment


This will be dramatically change if the game is released

We can only hope.

Games require active Cooperative and competitive concepts. At the moment, Star conflict provides limited aspects of that. What must be understood (Which i have said 100 times over and over and a point i have stressed to error strongly and repeatedly) is that this is a pvp game; That is a problem because few people like matched based pvp, and fewer people like pvp as a pure focal point. While there are exceptions to these rules, they are not a commonality there of. IF the game wants to have high population(ie 5-10million players) the game needs to have PvE Based Open world content. The focus of the game needs to shift to the open world content and open up things like mining and trading. Until the game is taken in some sort of similar direction, it will never house a large amount of players, because action-based Space shooters are not popular due to the skill required to excel. Creating a more level playing field would help this, but itself causes problems (though for the most part are minor), so the real solution is to add trading and mining to the game.

  1. I don’t think anyone thinks in the millions.

  2. Many games are perfectly fine by providing only PvP. (just check the eSport sections)

  3. Competitive would be nice, but it forms constantly. Admins held tourneys, there are underground tourneys, we have leaderboards (bad implementation, but still, the direction is good).

please be aware we are still in Beta status, i.e. there is no active advertisment


This will be dramatically change if the game is released


What you mean *IF* the game is released??