How to get a reward for stage 25 of the Moon Race



Pilots! UMC informs pilots on how to get a reward for stage 25 of the first Moon race phase. After the opening of the 25th stage, pilots unlock a special bonus which allows them to choose one premium ship. The bonus is displayed in the “Bonuses” section and is valid for 1 hour.


The following ships are available for selection:


  • KingDvergr
  • Siegfried
  • Scout
  • Kalah
  • Trooper
  • Deimon
  • Nukem
  • Sigurdr
  • Leonina
  • Orelus
  • Atlas
  • Berserker
  • Spark
  • BlackDragon
  • BlackDeath
  • BlackHort
  • Talon
  • Neuron
  • CrusQ
  • Spirit
  • Strong
  • CrusA
  • KevlarHa
  • Flamberge
  • Scimitar
  • Excalibur
  • Patriarch
  • TigerM15A3
  • RaptorM2
  • BladeofAressa
  • Rhino
  • Honor
  • EagleB
  • Parallax
  • Valor
  • Konkistador
  • Panther
  • Polus
  • GoldenEagle
  • Rockwell
  • Mammoth


Yours truly,
Star Conflict Team

Thanks for the clarification on what ships are available~

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Thanks for the clarification on what ships are available~


Wow Cool Post TheDarkRedFox, Thanks For Sharing! lol

6 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:


Wow Cool Post TheDarkRedFox, Thanks For Sharing! lol

Cool beans dude my man ORCA1911 it was nice of you to respond to my comment and help.

Oh hey wow hey TheDarkRedFox and ORCA1911 I see you are having a pleasant encounter on the forums and I would very much like to join you.

Fell free to join up in the pleasant encounter on the forums with your marvelous memes sire.

Ok. What if a person does have all “normal” premium ships?

29 minutes ago, OwnageMaster said:

Ok. What if a person does have all “normal” premium ships?

You simply get nothing.

This is a post from yesterday.
What about the players who did not have the opportunity to read it, before they managed to unlock access to the purchase of a premium ship and lost the bonus?

You will get another chance in the other stages.

  I unblocked access before this post was created.
There is no information in the game that it is limited.
Not everyone reads the forum, not everyone has the time to do it, not to mention the time of this information.
I got the impression that if there is no information, you can buy the ship until the end of the event.
There is information that the premium account is for 7 or 30 days, that the bonus of the experience is 50%, but the limited time of the bonus is gone.

And for that I have a grudge, it is not done, not everyone here is a child that can be given away by some answer.

I also found myself losing the free ship while deciding which one to pick. Gaijin Support solved my problem, but I had a hard time figuring out how to contact them.


I finally discovered the trick for contacting Gaijin Support: The “support” tab in this forum sends you to another website. This Gaijin website has a FAQ and a hidden hyperlink to the secret bug report forums here. If you log into the Gaijin website, a new option appears that allows you to contact support.


In my first message to the Gaijin support team, I told them which ship I had decided to pick, and a stripped down version was given to me immediately. Perhaps this info will help others with the same trouble.

i have the same problem need to know the exakt addes of the people that can help pls



1 hour ago, AvengerofEarth2 said:

i have the same problem need to know the exakt addes of the people that can help pls



Scroll up, click support, click Sign-In, enter your details (probably twice), click “Submit a request”, fill out the form.


That is how you show long term SC members and most paying customers your gratitude, by giving them nothing. Whereas players that have not spend any money or only little get a free Premium ship. You literally bully most paying customers away and do not inspire anybody to spend money on this game. This is just the next very bad decision on how to develop and manage this game. 


4 hours ago, MathModelSim said:

That is how you show long term SC members and most paying customers your gratitude, by giving them nothing. Whereas players that have not spend any money or only little get a free Premium ship. You literally bully most paying customers away and do not inspire anybody to spend money on this game. This is just the next very bad decision on how to develop and manage this game. 


Well. The problem here is that most payed items are one-offs. You get the thing and then you’re done. No more need to spend money again. If your end-game players have bought all that there is to be bought, there’s no more reason to cater to them.

It’s a terrible business model but it seems to be the one that the devs have stuck with for now.

Kick away players who can’t spend any more money, and entice new players to spend more money by giving them cool things.


13 hours ago, MathModelSim said:

That is how you show long term SC members and most paying customers your gratitude, by giving them nothing. Whereas players that have not spend any money or only little get a free Premium ship. You literally bully most paying customers away and do not inspire anybody to spend money on this game. This is just the next very bad decision on how to develop and manage this game. 



At some point while playing the game you have probably received free items/ships during events just like i did and everyone else. This is not the first time we had a summer or winter event or a contest or a smaller kind of an event in general. We all got free stuff at least once.


9 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Well. The problem here is that most payed items are one-offs. You get the thing and then you’re done. No more need to spend money again. If your end-game players have bought all that there is to be bought, there’s no more reason to cater to them.

It’s a terrible business model but it seems to be the one that the devs have stuck with for now.

Kick away players who can’t spend any more money, and entice new players to spend more money by giving them cool things.



Nobody is kicking away anyone here, lets be rational, it’s not catering to possible customers, it’s just an event that was equally distributed to all players alike, the thing is that not everyone feels like they have a use for the event in equal terms since some players already got some items that are being handed out.


BTW please note that this is just my opinion since we’re all opinionated and everything. Just enjoy the free summer event and free stuff, it’s supposed to be fun, not a conspiracy theory.

42 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:


At some point while playing the game you have probably received free items/ships during events just like i did and everyone else. This is not the first time we had a summer or winter event or a contest or a smaller kind of an event in general. We all got free stuff at least once.



Nobody is kicking away anyone here, lets be rational, it’s not catering to possible customers, it’s just an event that was equally distributed to all players alike, the thing is that not everyone feels like they have a use for the event in equal terms since some players already got some items that are being handed out.


BTW please note that this is just my opinion since we’re all opinionated and everything. Just enjoy the free summer event and free stuff, it’s supposed to be fun, not a conspiracy theory.

Ye ye ye ye ye.


Summer event fun. Go play.


It’s a game.


This just brings me back to my question, what do you give to someone who already has everything? What would even be the point in playing anymore, now that you have everything, and your reason of playing is solely to get something out of it?


If you turn this from a game into a contest of who can get every single item first it defeats it’s purpose of being some mindless past time fun, and instead it’s nothing but a hoarder fest, and if that’s what you’re after, I advise taking a break from it, and think what you really want from this game.

Just now, xXThunderFlameXx said:

This just brings me back to my question, what do you give to someone who already has everything?

Lots of premium. New missiles. New weapons. Cosmetics. Boosters. New ship parts. Etc.