How is this fair ?

I have new idea, if a player has no eff. Points at the end of the match they are awarded 250 free synergy

I have new idea, if a player has no eff. Points at the end of the match they are awarded 250 free synergy

Stop double posting mooseman. Anyways that is a bovis merda idea. You could just be running around not doing anything. At least my idea makes sense. You are defending someone or an objective and contributing to the team.

My internet went off right when i posted, so i thought i didnt go up and i posted again

Stop double posting mooseman. Anyways that is a bovis merda idea. You could just be running around not doing anything. At least my idea makes sense. You are defending someone or an objective and contributing to the team.

excuse me, but a t5 ship needs like 100k synergy for 1 lv

There is an auto kick function in the game for AFKers. Thus that problem can be avoided. 


not if you rotate your ship e.g. move the mouse off centre and walk away. the amount of people i have seen afk’ing all match and spinning round in a circle is verging on ridiculous

excuse me, but a t5 ship needs like 100k synergy for 1 lv

I said numbers can change. That includes scaling as you go up the tiers.

This complaint is as old as the game; the Devs have always been totally clueless as to their own product. It’s a squad-focused, class-based, objective orientated game… so the Devs reward CoD style solo heroics, encourage kills over objectives and nerf everything that’s making life hard for the solo pug.

If you are an Engineer in healing range of the Captain or Bomb Carrier you should be earning Efficiency constantly. Say, 5 per second. Same with Commands. Why? Because THAT’S YOUR DAMN JOB!

Guards should get Efficiency for taking damage and surviving. Debuffs like White Noise or the ECM’s shutdowns should give synergy if they’re used on a ship attacking an ally. Tacklers and Recons should get bonus synergy if they debuff a ship being fired upon by allies. Gunships and LRF should get bonus synergy for assisting kills or firing upon ships that allies are pinging.

Capping beacons gives Efficiency, but simply being AT a Beacon should as well. If it’s live and you’re within 750 you should be getting xp for that. If you were within 750 when your team caps you get the full reward even if under fire. Why? Because if you’re taking fire and your team capped then you were CLEARLY taking fire on their behalf.

If the game was set up properly, the best way to get Efficiency wouldn’t have anything to do with kills - it would be about flying your class properly.

If the game was set up properly, the best way to get Efficiency wouldn’t have anything to do with kills - it would be about flying your class properly.

Properly use LRF/Gunship/CoOps should get kills… that’s why these classes are there!

Properly use LRF/Gunship/CoOps should get kills… that’s why these classes are there!


Hey you all Don’t FORGET about the ENGINEERS s 

Properly use LRF/Gunship/CoOps should get kills… that’s why these classes are there!


Yeah, and that is a cornercase. Most of the classes are not about kills, but helping these three getting the kills, or getting some objective or holding it. That is not rewarded properly, and even though it cannot really be rewarded properly, there are huge options open at the moment which are not used.

I agree with jason, but there is something we are all forgetting. 


The devs are all working on the Open world which would, most likely, render the current game, moot. 

Hey you all Don’t FORGET about the ENGINEERS s 


You just have to sit and get tons of assist and some Hands Free medals

You just have to sit and get tons of assist and some Hands Free medals


Hey that at least solves the problem in T2 where people forget to TURN ON there heals…

You just have to sit and get tons of assist and some Hands Free medals


Depends on team composition and your capt’s performance. In Kine’s case, it’s damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I’m sure many engie players would have seen the same situation before.


But I’ve gotta agree that in other game modes like Team Battle, it’s tons of assists, hands free, and fear me. 

Hey that at least solves the problem in T2 where people forget to TURN ON there heals…

they dont forget to turn on their heals… They simply dont have heals,a month ago while i was finishing my last t2 ships, i was in combat recon and my capt and i died, so i was spectating 3 people who had engies

Alligator-m:shield booster,mass shield generator,multiphase shield adapter

Alligator-m:IR flares,shield booster,nanocomposite coating

Raptor mk||:shield booster,hull repair kit

Don’t those xxxx listed in Ace’s comment realize that the engie mods increase their own regens as well?

Don’t those xxxx listed in Ace’s comment realize that the engie mods increase their own regens as well?

I’ve seen a shield tanked Styx with only shield booster and no other heals, I’ve seen T5 engineers pulse their auras, I’ve seen everything. It’s a wondrous thing they realize how to fit modules to their ships at all…

I’ve seen a shield tanked Styx with only shield booster and no other heals, I’ve seen T5 engineers pulse their auras, I’ve seen everything. It’s a wondrous thing they realize how to fit modules to their ships at all…

seen all of that! 


but did you saw T5 engies w/o auras or stations with 700ish SR dealing less dmg than bots?

I’ve seen a shield tanked Styx with only shield booster and no other heals, I’ve seen T5 engineers pulse their auras, I’ve seen everything. It’s a wondrous thing they realize how to fit modules to their ships at all…


That sentence wants me to become a cargo ship pilot… you know what im talking about. those cargo ships in pve.