How is this fair ?



12 whole minutes of playing the crucial role of Captain’s engineer.


( I abandoned ship start of game since there was no one flying Engi )


a whopping 2,000 synergy


so in this game mode it is better to leave the captain without heals as I pursue synergy up the field ? or am I to be punished with no synergy because captain decided to camp far behind the frontlines ?

Well, your captain was the typical duck and cover one, who didn’t do a thing all the game, and you were just letting your team die without engi support in the front.


I don’t see the problem. No activity, no rewards.

You should kill that enemy captain… with DEagle it’s easy, unless it’s ECM

engis can get rich in rewards if they follow in, but are hardly rewarded if the enemy goes for kills instead of the captain - and you choose to do the job. Even the bot suicides his engis every friggin time. It’s hard to learn the role (or play it) if you get games like that, so I understand the frustration.


partly the captains fault, i admit, still, I’d whish engineers sometimes would have more incentive to play. also, not every captain is sure of himself, better cowering than the freckstorm you get if you die too soon.


people who overuse the LRF should be forced to bring an engineer sometimes. :stuck_out_tongue:

might be a good corp rule :stuck_out_tongue:


you can always do some fun stuff if too bored tho:


people who overuse the LRF should be forced to bring an engineer sometimes. :stuck_out_tongue:

might be a good corp rule :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t see the problem. No activity, no rewards.

Agreed. Just because your captain abandoned the team no reason to join him in that.

so I deserve the 2,000 synergy


got it thx for great tips on how to play better.

What they say. If i see a captain hiding, i tell him to get to the front. If he doesn’t come, well, f*ck him.

It makes sense even from a winning perspective, your bot will die less the more forward you are.

Aye, hiding with the captain won’t win you the game, it just means your team is down 2 players instead of just 1.

so I deserve the 2,000 synergy



No you dont deserve 2k, 0 would be apropriate :lol:

I feel you, Kine.


I can’t count the number of recon matches I lost because I went up front to support my team, and the capt dies to an ambush. I’ve also lost track of how many zero score matches I had because I decided to stick with the capt. 



What they say. If i see a captain hiding, i tell him to get to the front. If he doesn’t come, well, f*ck him.


Effing the capt doesn’t do anything to improve the situation.



Aye, hiding with the captain won’t win you the game, it just means your team is down 2 players instead of just 1.



Staying with the team usually means your team is 1 capt down, considering the quality of capts that usually run off to the very rear.


engis can get rich in rewards if they follow in, but are hardly rewarded if the enemy goes for kills instead of the captain - and you choose to do the job. Even the bot suicides his engis every friggin time. It’s hard to learn the role (or play it) if you get games like that, so I understand the frustration.


partly the captains fault, i admit, still, I’d whish engineers sometimes would have more incentive to play. also, not every captain is sure of himself, better cowering than the freckstorm you get if you die too soon.



Indeed, but alas even Fed engies don’t have the mobility to cover both the frontline and the capt at the same time. When the capt dies and the engie is up front, everyone blames the engie for not healing the capt. And when people are dying in the frontlines while the capt is safe and sound, they xxxxx about having no engie support.

Effing the capt doesn’t do anything to improve the situation.


It does if it gets him moving. If not, it would be a boring match anyways. I care for the captain, protect him as a priority, but not at the cost of fun. Get your xxxx close to the front, where everyone else is.

A game cannot be won by sitting in the back and just watching the battle :slight_smile:

When the capt dies and the engie is up front, everyone blames the engie for not healing the capt.

No, everyone rightly blames the captain.

A game cannot be won by sitting in the back and just watching the battle :slight_smile:


Actually it can, by trusting your covops teammate to eliminate the enemy  :yes_yes:  hate covops. Actually no, i hate captains who are careless about covops. You see everyone on the map, why can’t you be careful?

Actually it can, by trusting your covops teammate to eliminate the enemy  :yes_yes:  hate covops. Actually no, i hate captains who are careless about covops. You see everyone on the map, why can’t you be careful?

Well, if the captain wasn’t sitting in the back but with his team that covops wouldn’t be a problem, would it now… Whichever way you look at it, sitting in the back does not win battles. They may be won despite the captain doing everything to lose it, that’s all.

Funny how this could all be avoided if the game went back to picking captains according to rating rather than just random (or as I like to put it randumb). But yeah, it’s a case of damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

There needs to be incentives for Captains to be near the team and near the fight and for teams to defend a Captain with more than just a babysitter of an Engie.

Funny how this could all be avoided if the game went back to picking captains according to rating rather than just random (or as I like to put it randumb). But yeah, it’s a case of damned if you do, damned if you don’t.There needs to be incentives for Captains to be near the team and near the fight and for teams to defend a Captain with more than just a babysitter of an Engie.


What if the captain acted like a beacon. If an enemy was attacking or targeting a cap they would get one of those red flag thingies under the scores for the map and next to the other information with he buff/debuff etc. If an ally is within 750 or so meters of the cap they get one of the blue flag things. For each minute they stay there they get 50 efficiency points.

Numbers can be changed. Say what you want about the concept though.

If they cap doesn’t go to the fight bring the fight to the cap.

Cap has 75% Damage boost, if you have a ship build to be a captain, you can easily wreck faces.