How is this fair ?

I’d rather have a range boost than a damage boost. Be able to attack things while still using the snipers meatshields at least. I’d like to have a ship just for being Captain, but I’m picked so rarely as to not be worth it.

Cap has 75% Damage boost, if you have a ship build to be a captain, you can easily wreck faces.

E-LRF with poistrons or Bubble-gunship?


I’d rather have a range boost than a damage boost. Be able to attack things while still using the snipers meatshields at least. I’d like to have a ship just for being Captain, but I’m picked so rarely as to not be worth it.

You can have ship with long range weapons(5-7k) and as capt get +75% dmg boost… That’s perfect combo.

I still find it BAD game design to allow that low of a synergy gain. Pitiful. Regardless of circumstances, you should be rewarded at least 5k Synergy. 

I still find it BAD game design to allow that low of a synergy gain. Pitiful. Regardless of circumstances, you should be rewarded at least 5k Synergy. 


more synergy for doing nothing? why? to help the afkers? (not in kines case but alot of people afk in matches)

   Wow as an Engi…  IN Combat Recon I always make it a point to stay with the CAPT even if it means staying with them when you know it is the WRONG place.    Somebody needs to be back there protecting or it may be game over real quick. 

Usefulness of this thread expired when people began criticizing the captain’s bad decisions to justify penalizing those others who did their jobs.

A game cannot be won by sitting in the back and just watching the battle :slight_smile:


Those people sitting and watching from the back ?

  • we are the ones who make it possible for you to play up front. Win or lose you still get the rewards even though the captain made bad decisions. Because we made sure he didn’t die and you got to play. Yet rewards are not shared fairly is it ?

Funny how this could all be avoided if the game went back to picking captains according to rating rather than just random (or as I like to put it randumb). But yeah, it’s a case of damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


+1. I really hope to see improvements for capt selection.


Those people sitting and watching from the back ?

  • we are the ones who make it possible for you to play up front. Win or lose you still get the rewards even though the captain made bad decisions. Because we made sure he didn’t die and you got to play. Yet rewards are not shared fairly is it ?


It’s a relatively thankless job after all. 

Reason why I posted this in 


Star Conflict Forum → Game Discussion → Levelling and Economy


is because I’m questioning the synergy gains


not looking for a pat on the back :stuck_out_tongue:


wait time + match time could have been 20 minutes and I came out of that game with 0 synergy.


not exactly fair returns for a team player.

I offered a suggestion. Usually more effy points means more synergy

But why would you get rewarded for doing nothing Kine? You didn’t as much as damage anyone who ended up dying with your combat drones. You didn’t heal anyone else while they where doing the killing either. How is that useful? If you are scared about your camper captain getting attacked why not help your team kill the enemy before they can even get to your captain. Equip a warp gate so you and your team can get back to him should things turn sour.


He is nice guy he deserve synergy!!!


btw who need synergy…


more synergy for doing nothing? why? to help the afkers? (not in kines case but alot of people afk in matches)


There is an auto kick function in the game for AFKers. Thus that problem can be avoided. 


Reason why I posted this in 


Star Conflict Forum → Game Discussion → Levelling and Economy


is because I’m questioning the synergy gains


not looking for a pat on the back :stuck_out_tongue:


wait time + match time could have been 20 minutes and I came out of that game with 0 synergy.


not exactly fair returns for a team player.


Could not have agreed more. The game meta hurts you when you do your job. But rewards you when you dont. Funny right? *sarcasm*

But why would you get rewarded for doing nothing Kine? You didn’t as much as damage anyone who ended up dying with your combat drones. You didn’t heal anyone else while they where doing the killing either. How is that useful? If you are scared about your camper captain getting attacked why not help your team kill the enemy before they can even get to your captain. Equip a warp gate so you and your team can get back to him should things turn sour.



Can tell the above remarks you RARELY step into an ENGI to put yourself in a situation of Protecting the CAPT.    :facepalm:  :00444:


He is nice guy he deserve synergy!!!

Kine knows I love him. <3

Can tell the above remarks you RARELY step into an ENGI to put yourself in a situation of Protecting the CAPT.    :facepalm:

Actually I used to do that all the time from T2 to T3. Heavy blaster Styx before it became cool.

You’d be surprised how many captains can be made to move forward simply by telling them they’ll only get heals and protection if they do so. Many don’t camp in the back out of malice but because they simply don’t know better.

But then game play turned into a camp fest so I took a break from the game and when I came back I either was the captain (plenty of times without any engineer on the team, always fun…) or the one trying to kill theirs because otherwise it’s just a 12 minute camp fest (combat recon and team battle are my most hated game modes in case it wasn’t apparent :P).

Sooo the problem is still that you get synergy for kills, and disproportionately so.

The problem always was that winning or losing is rather secondary economically. A rank 9 gets about 2.5k bonus synergy for winning, which is irrelevant in grand scheme of things, and there is no bonus to credits at all (well actually going for objectives makes it more likely that you incur repair costs so you could say that winning earns you less credits).

But it’s a Gaijin thing, War Thunder is the same, the last thing you want to do there is risk anything for the win.

A guard that parked his ship by a beacon after his team captured it acts as a deterrent for enemy interceptors thinking about ninja capping it back. In fact you have to commit a significant amount or manpower to safely overcome that lone guard. He made no kills, assist nor part of the capture team. Yet every second he is there, he is helping the team drain enemy control points.


Well timed White Noise or Ion Diffuser on Takamina will be enough to not only deny him a kill but may also likely get him to break off his attack run. And you know that debuff will never translate to an assist or synergy because he will finish that match without dying.


Tackler floating near an LRF might just dissuade interceptors from assassinating him. He would finish the match with 20+ kills making life easier for the team helping them win yet the tackler gets nothing.


Experienced brawlers wont be able to take out a guard Captain the first time but they know without heals, their deaths won’t be in vain as they mop him up on the second attempt. Simply having an engineer paired up with the guard captain tells the enemy that whatever damage they do will be healed back and them dying trying to take out the captain is only effective in lowering their DSR. Most people won’t bother the captain if they see that pair at the back and will wait for better circumstances which may never come. Inties did try to make that push because they saw my captain isolated at the back but promptly turned around when I popped up within their sensor range. After other players respawned as engineers that joined the front, those same interceptors prodded our backline again thinking I moved up and turned back around when they still see me there with the captain.


People who went ahead to secure the next beacon in Hunt game mode. Dying early while only managing to damage the initial enemy wave that had the same idea. The same wave that is also forced to retreat due to low HP as the main body of friendly forces comes in to capture the activated beacon. Those damaged enemies may not die after that encounter and assists will not be awarded. Yet allies who came in later gets synergy for capping an easy beacon.






There are many situations where the scoreboard cannot accurately reward teamwork that is totally understandable. 


But underappreciated captain’s bodyguards is all too common and some effort should be put to reflect their contributions synergy wise.


That big fat zero on my scorecard is just too much of a F…U… to teamplay that I felt it deserved a topic.

Brought a tear to my eye. 


Them feels. 

Read my flipping suggestion. It solves almost any “lack of reward to teamplay” problem. It works for defending beacons as well as defending captains. Ping an ally within a certain radius and you act as a defender until you leave that radius. You can still attack enemies while within that radius and still be a defender. Please if you actually paid attention to my suggestion, instead of skipping over it. It’s a solution that could work. -_-*