How do they do it?

I was playing vs ESB and they keep hitting me perfectly. I can’t hit anyone with my 170 ping and crashing and stuff. how do they do it? I mean, i know they have like 10 ping on Rus servers, 70 on EU, and 150 tops on U.S. but still, that can’t be completely it. is it just their builds? I doubt they’re aimbotting but they never miss.


If it is the builds, what are some builds i can’t miss with like that?

They miss plenty on USA servers, but when ping gets higher you have to aim further ahead than the aim prediction shows, even for lasers.


This is somewhat ignored completely in interceptors, where chaotic maneuvering combined with high ping makes you essentially impossible to hit when you have server advantage.

They miss plenty on USA servers, but when ping gets higher you have to aim further ahead than the aim prediction shows, even for lasers.


This is somewhat ignored completely in interceptors, where chaotic maneuvering combined with high ping makes you essentially impossible to hit when you have server advantage.


Pretty much. They are well-practiced and get good ping (10-50) 90%+ of their games. This makes it extremely easy to hit a lot.


Play on a US or SA server, and I guarantee they will miss more frequently, sometimes they will miss even more than they hit.


If you were to play on a server with 10 ping (or even 30) you will be hitting most of the time. I personally think that US players will actually have a higher hit-rate when we get US servers, as we are used to playing with high ping, and have learned to adapt to hitting things with high ping, and when we finally get good ping, we will be amazing at hitting. (Just my opinion though, no way to definitively prove this.

I personally think that US players will actually have a higher hit-rate when we get US servers, as we are used to playing with high ping, and have learned to adapt to hitting things with high ping, and when we finally get good ping, we will be amazing at hitting. (Just my opinion though, no way to definitively prove this.

doubt it, if you’ve learned for high ping you’ll overcompensate and miss in a low ping environment more than likely

How do they do it?

They are cheating.

we play with our feet

How do they do it?

They are cheating.


oi you cheat too

After getting face absolutely demolished by takamina earlier today, I would like to know how they do it too? I mean, when the kill cam showed takamina flying around, it looked like they were having a seizure or something.


-No offense intended

How do they do it?

Maybe they just bash their keyboard randomly and hope for the best? o.O

After getting face absolutely demolished by takamina earlier today, I would like to know how they do it too? I mean, when the kill cam showed takamina flying around, it looked like they were having a seizure or something.


-No offense intended


Small resolution in windows mode + low ping + lots of rotation + good aiming.

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doubt it, if you’ve learned for high ping you’ll overcompensate and miss in a low ping environment more than likely

kind of like using a broken gun or a bent knife

doubt it, if you’ve learned for high ping you’ll overcompensate and miss in a low ping environment more than likely


I am a US player, and I can say from my experience, my aim is extremely good when I get a US server. I said it’s my opinion because there isn’t a practical way to prove it.

I am a US player, and I can say from my experience, my aim is extremely good when I get a US server. I said it’s my opinion because there isn’t a practical way to prove it.

custom game on US server and prove your awesomeness

custom game on US server and prove your awesomeness


i meant comparative to on an RU or EU server

ok this would explain stuff. i’m naturally bad at aiming with flak cannon, have never used it. 


Ping would definitely help i guess lol. I forget what it’s like to play on a U.S. server. jk but seriously, it’s really rare and i’m always adjusting to different ping. 

Look at his builds. 3 Verniers, the E5 rotation implant, etc. There’s a thread on them. He probably has over 240 pitch. And he’s very good. There’s probably players that disconnect simply because he’s on the opposing team.

Not all of them. You should see his new build with the Tier 4 jerry cov ops, 340 Strafe and ranged plasma gun. it is like trying to hit a mosquito from 3000 m.


If you get close it is easier, but still, fun to play against. I mean, you are not going to kill him, because he always run as soon as you drain the shields, but at least he is not murdering your team.


The only bad thing about takamina is that he forces you to play covert ops, and sometimes I just want to play some other classes. But if he is on the enemy team, you MUST fly a cov ops to have a chance against him.

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Any chance to see the build?


You can play tier 4 and meet him. Or you can just ask him. He usually shares his builds. But it should be easy to replicate. Just fit all strafe you can (he had like 80 rotation) passive resists (no adaptives) and range + critical damage.


I’ve been testing the new plasma gun and it is quite good. Against interceptors is better than the RF blaster. Even with the supernova ammo.

Any chance to see the build?

Nodachi A

Slow plasma gun

guided missiles

3x strafe

1x EB

1x thermal 1x EM

1x energy hull

1x proton wall 1x infrared


just a guess