House Harkonnen

its no problem and alright  :yes_yes:

hmmm didnt see you last night as i was on will try again this evening ill be on in about 12-13 hours thats about 20:00 my time and ill be on about 2-3 hours

welcome harkonnen - pretty nice introduction, hopefully other clans will do something as creative as yours


i wish you good luck and may the best Ace get the kill!


see you in space - don’t hit the asteriods

SpIn N3UNTO3T3R out

Honored Citizens of the Empire

I Baron Vladimir Harkonnen wish to thank all members for your efforts

As of now our corperation is Accepting new members.

please by intrest inquire below and feel free to join our ts star conflict ts3

He who controls the Spice, controls the universe!

Long live House Harkonnen


All players wishing an invite please report to ts this afternoon for an invite

Long Live House Harkonnen

Proposition for new tag : [HoH]

Then it looks like a ship. :wink:

As of now our corperation is Accepting new members.

please by intrest inquire below and feel free to join our ts star conflict ts3

He who controls the Spice, controls the universe!

Long live House Harkonnen

Hey, I’ve only been playing 3 days, but im “already” rank 5. Idk if thats good or not, but hell I enjoy this kind of games a lot. Otherwise I love dota 2 , but kinda geting tired of it. I’d like to join some corp, and see if people actualy communicate in games, cos this matchmaking, noone speaks, or they speak in cyrlic and , hell i know russian, but cyrlic is a no go :slight_smile:

edit: changed my nick, since krakatur was taken, didnt even notice it before (Krakatoa)

hi dude …sorry i wanst on the last 2 days …got big tests this week for my new job …but i should be on tomarow …if not beastrabban can invite you also …ill deffinaly be on tomarow and mos of the weekend to invite you :slight_smile:

Sorry guys, momentan hab ich nicht so viel Zeit.

Wenn ich spiele, lehre ich das Spiel zu Freunden, oder bleibe ich nicht sehr lange.


Aber spiele ich doch fast jeden tag, und es reicht um my niveau zu halten.


Hoffe, dass wir bald spielen können.

Hey Feyd.

Schön das du uns bescheid sagst. Ist natürlich kein problem.

Du bist gerne gesehen und wir freuen uns wenn du wieder zeit hast.

Well, I’m from Slovenia, speak both English and German so communication should not be a problem. Wenn sie alle langsam sprechen :) 

I’m 27 years of age, avid gamer since my teens. Mostly love strategic games, like starcraft, warcraft 3 , and now Dota 2 (that is my other main game). Stumbled upon this, while searching for something new, and it really got to me. 

Though I cant play as much as I used to, since work stuff, and lately new girlfriend, I still get at least an hour a day in. Being in IT, should be some more, when work ceases off. 


I will be geting a mic soon, but I just moved and still sorting stuff out, ofc gaming rig and internet was dealt with first :slight_smile:


Thats about it, been long since I applied for a corp/guild, last time was 6 years ago, when I was still a WoW freak. 

hay krakatur …i added you to my friends list …

and in 11 std when i get online you can join our…teamspeak3

if ya cant join ts tomarow …its no problem

…ill get ya invited as soon as i see you online on sunday :slight_smile:

the spice must flow

Honored Citizens of the Empire

I Baron Vladimir Harkonnen wish to thank all members for your efforts

As of now our corperation is Accepting new members.

please by intrest inquire below and feel free to join our ts star conflict ts3

He who controls the Spice, controls the universe!

Long live House Harkonnen


contact me on ts

for a invite

He who controls the Spice, controls the universe!

Long live House Harkonnen

Ahoy there Baron!

Glad to be a part of your “commerce”.


The time is right for some pickings!


Lets rip the rich of their wealth, Yarrr!

Long live the House.

Citizens of he imperium

As of today House Harkonnen and Space Invaders are merging

And from today on we will be knowen as Harkonnen Invaders

We being the English part of said organazation

Our clan tag as of now is [HarIn] (a big thanks to Manus for the tag)

We Harkonnen Invaders a Evil pirate based corp.

Are looking for a few good Sardukars to fill our ranks

Do you like the smell of napalm in the morning …

or hearing the screams of your victims Over the com as thay burn up in space?

Than Harkonnen Invaders is the Corp for you…pls applie here or by Capkoko , or Me in game for an invite

feel free to join our ts star conflict ts3

Long live House Harkonnen


hmmm aaa yes

you fit right in Redship Welcome

You should never be in the company of anyone with whom you would not want to die.

Any Harkonnen wishing a Harkonnen sig pls contact me