Can we get a non-designated hotkey option for switching control modes on the fly? Who’s interested?
Actually a good idea. I am in for it.
This is perfect
I suggest the
G - key for cycling through multiple “special module” modes and extras, and
H - key for cycling ‘control modes’
Yeah, i like it
it would actualy be pretty useful
We suggested this so many times already.
I guess they don’t want to.
Only this time is added on the review list 
that would perfectly make sense for the larger, slower ship-class with lower strafe, roll, pitch like frigates, would love to see it realized! I noticed the devs already did experiment with these ship control modes over the last patches since xmas - if I am not mistaken…
At the current state, these 2 control modes are not so much different from each other. I’ll be glad to read something about how and what for you, guys, use expert mode for example ”)
8 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:
At the current state, these 2 control modes are not so much different from each other. I’ll be glad to read something about how and what for you, guys, use expert mode for example ”)
Expert mode is really useful when using ships with lots of rotation. Because your camera more stable and your maneuvers more reactive.
I use expert for inties/fed fighters, and normal for other ships. But it’s too boring to switch everytimes, so I don’t always switch.
Expert mode is an eye candy for open space cruising also it’s much more fun for its fluid movement in pvp but not as effective as the basic sadly but it can be managed. Competitive=basic, fun=expert, basically, for me at least, thats how i view them.
1 minute ago, ORCA1911 said:
Expert mode is an eye candy for open space cruising also it’s much more fun for its fluid movement in pvp but not as effective as the basic sadly but it can be managed. Competitive=basic, fun=expert, basically, for me at least, thats how i view them.
Max uses expert, and he’s more competitive then most of us. 
Fact is that trying to use, let’s say, pulse laser in a dogfights. With basic controls you’ll have hard time keeping your mouse always hover the target.
With expert, the camera is much more stable, allowing you to follow your target more easily.
The modes are highly situational and build based, i would have to think in a bit different way when building a ship if i were to use lets say expert mode, each has it’s own charm but i’m lately interested in the expert mode because it’s just awesome. Maybe ill switch over to expert mode by a bigger part, who knows.
5 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:
At the current state, these 2 control modes are not so much different from each other. I’ll be glad to read something about how and what for you, guys, use expert mode for example ”)
I fly mostly frigates, support role in pvp but also damage style in pve, co-op, some pvp modes.
In “expert” mode i am sitting unmovable duck in my engi behind front lines if a killer inty or an killer tharga shows up: simply I can’t get these circling ships into my focus of the main gun, i am too slow.
In “basic” mode, however, I manage to put at least some dmg out to the curcling killer inty and maybe notice where he is (siotuational awareness) == in this situation switching from expert mode to basic mode -quickly- would be beneficial.
In normal situations expert mode quarantees more likely to get high dmg out into crosshairs with main gun.
In t3 the only insurance to survive are a guard shield, or the 3 Phoenix drones in combat mode, they can -like 50%- fend off cicling killer intys and circling killer thargas.
Well, looks like in terms of control elements we have technical restrictions. Design team faced it recently when we tried to implement double-taping mechanics into the game, currently working on that though. But unfortunately, we can’t do this control switching feature in the near future.
15 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:
Well, looks like in terms of control elements we have technical restrictions. Design team faced it recently when we tried to implement double-taping mechanics into the game, currently working on that though. But unfortunately, we can’t do this control switching feature in the near future.
And instead of a keybind to switch, is it possible to associate this parameter to a crew member instead?
So no hotkey? Shame 
12 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:
we tried to implement double-taping mechanics into the game.
Working on a tweak to teleportation sphere i see. Cool.
What about a combination of keys. For control modes or w/e else. Would that bypass the restrictions. But you must have thought about that already.