Honoris Causa (HC)

Hello, everybody.

Olá a todos.

I am Black Storm, one of the marshalls of the clan Honoris Causa (by the cause of honor, in latin), as known as HC here in Brazil.

Sou Black Storm, um dos marechais do clã _ Honoris Causa _ (por causa de honra, em latim), mais conhecida como HC aqui no Brasil.

I am posting to present my clan to the Star Conflict forum. The game promises a lot of fun.

Estou postando para apresentar o meu clã ao fórum do Star Conflict. O jogo promete muita diversão.

Our clan was established during 2011 on a brazilian science fiction MMOG. We were one of the biggest clans there. Our team has expertise in both combat and resource mining. We always work as a team.

Nosso clã foi formado em meados de 2011 em um MMOG brasileiro de ficção científica. Lá, éramos um dos maiores clãs. Nossa equipe é especialista tanto em combate quanto em mineração de recursos. Trabalhamos sempre em equipe.

We are strongly organized and we have a hyerarchy alike the military. From the command to the personnel, the HC is constituted by, in short, marshalls, generals, majors, sergeants and pilots.

Somos fortemente organizados e temos uma hierarquia parecida com a militar. Do comando ao efetivo, a HC é constituída por, resumidamente, marechais, generais, majores, sargentos e pilotos.

We always had many rival clans and, because of it, the union of our group is our strong characteristic. Actually, we are circa 40 members divided on various games due to the lack of option.

Sempre tivemos muitos clãs rivais e, por isto, a união do nosso grupo é uma forte característica nossa. Atualmente, estamos com cerca de 40 membros divididos em vários jogos por falta de opção.

If we find SC to be an entertaiment option filled with content and objective, we surely will be on the game, raising our clan in quantity and quality.

Se o SC nos parecer uma opção de diversão com conteúdo e objetivo, estaremos com certeza no jogo, fazendo nosso clã crescer em quantidade e qualidade.

We eagerly wait for the closed beta.

Esperamos ansiosamente o beta fechado.

Warm regards and see you in space.

Um abraço a todos e vejo vocês no espaço.

Go Honoris Causa!


Hi to all Honoris Causa members :01212:

I’m happy to see other clans interested in SC! And i hope to see lot of players in game from NBK, HC, and many more :slight_smile:

In the meantime, we wait for closed beta all together :fed001:


Hello, AngelRipper.

As another marshall of the Honoris Causa clan, it’ll be interesting to test the Star Conflict beta with the Natural Born Killers clan.

We know we are good.

Italians are known to be good players.

HC expects a fair and great game from NBK.

If Star Conflict becomes a good game, more brazilian clans will join us. Expect some of HC rivals to join the game and fight for space superiority.

We are curious about playing with foreign clans. I’m sure it’ll be an outstanding experience for HC personnel even if most of them don’t speak English. Naturally, HC command will intermediate all conversation with foreign clans. Expect us to conversate a lot in Portuguese on the game… and me to learn some Italian.

Arrivederci, amico.

PS: I’m one of the heavy gun men. The heaviest the ship, the better.

Hi Leonardo :fed002:

Star Conflict is a new “adventure” for all, because isn’t only a new game, but a great way to know new people, new clan, new gameplay styles, new friends, and obviously, new rivals.

NBK play almost ever in mmo with different server for america and europe… in fact i’ve see in your website the list of game that you play, and i’ve see at least one game played also by NBK, but in different server. For this, we are used to play only with other european people, and the opportunity of playing SC (at least in the closed beta, i don’t know future plan for game servers) with new players from all around the world, is a great opportunity for all :fed001:

I know other italian clans interested in SC… and similar to you, if Star Conflict become good, i expect to see their players here. Some are friends, some rivals, but it’s ok… in a space combat game, we need rivals :fed006:

Anyway, in the first period, don’t expect to see a lot of players with NBK tag. As you can imagine, many of us are still involved in other games, and only a little group is totally free for testing SC from the beginning. But if SC is good as i hope, after the first days of testing, a little “migration” can start, and other players join us.

Thanks for the good words about italian players :00111: But i need to admit: as any other place, here you can find good players and bad players, it’s natural. But the NBK clan tries to represent only the good side. I don’t talk about gaming skill, i talk about respect of other players, and in general the intention to play fairly.

let’s go the game hehehe

Iron Man,

We’ll soon have new challenges in space, a new frontier for space warriors.

I see you in space.

how do i join?

english only.

goodluck with clan. I hope there will be some american clans available, Myself being in Idaho. Timezones for us I think would be brutal. Cheers to you guys

so right guys, let’s go

Coldmaster too! Man all taikodom will be here soon

Coldmaster too! Man all taikodom will be here soon

Waiting for this moment, it would be legendary!


kkkkkkk amen

Coldmaster too! Man all taikodom will be here soon


The SC is being recommended by Honoris and Templarios Corp here in Brazil.

So, as soon that the SC realeased, a lot of Brazilian players will go to SC.

Let’s rock baby!

I’m not really sure about most of the Taikodom playerbase moving to here. Right now it looks like Taikodom and SC have their own niches, Taikodom being for the hardcore grinders.

I’m not really sure about most of the Taikodom playerbase moving to here. Right now it looks like Taikodom and SC have their own niches, Taikodom being for the hardcore grinders.

In neither, but the fact is that Star Conflict has proven even in closed beta very attractive, we were assiduous Taikodom players and so far the SC has not disappointed. Therefore, I believe that many players will come to SC.

If you guys dont mind taking a US player let me know. I could use a home as well hold the western front for you if you are in need of american players. As I can see there is no US clans yet, and I am not ambitious enough to run one. I prefer the killing part :slight_smile:

I’m very happy for your interest…

We really are thinking of HC to accept members from other countries - who speak English of course.

But we have the difficulty that we have only one member who speaks English fluently. Mine is very poor.

I’ll take your interest to other members and maybe we can try to play together.


I’m very happy for your interest…

We really are thinking of HC to accept members from other countries - who speak English of course.

But we have the difficulty that we have only one member who speaks English fluently. Mine is very poor.

I’ll take your interest to other members and maybe we can try to play together.


that would be great. So far it seems Im the only american here lol. But no worries, worst case scenario I will turn into that pilot for hire who somehow manages to kill everything :p. Let me know, be great to be apart of a team. Cheers mate