Help with Empire LRFs

Noone knows how to pewpew… everyone just do it.  :crazy:


to improve your aiming skills:

  • osu!

I Suck at osu even on easy.

Tried aimbooster. What modes should I do?

or Acceleration Coils

Positron and this


every Ace always puts on iridium heatsinks or the +10% damage cause that seems best in their opinion. 

I Suck at osu even on easy.

Maybe is that the reason why ur Aim is so bad. :lol:

No, don’t care i even suck at Hard and i hit everything with Disintegrator if i am in good mood. Just training. is better IMO. Just Ctrl+Shift+3, bam instant screencap with link like this!


Maybe easier for you, but from a viewer point of view, imgur is superior to anything.