Heavy Laser Issue


Best Medal ever fitting for that one: Hate Ray!

The game is right now really dominated by Heavy lasers. They deal a crapload of dmg and the thing making them kinda “OP” is the autoaim from the slow barrel. Compared Assault with Heavy and the only diffrence in aiming is the autoaim from the slow barrel. You only need to get close to the square and the autoaim will land the lasers… High dmg and easy to use what do you whant more? (Well maybe a instant nuke of the entire enemy team :smoke: )

Assaults need to really hit the Shields and it becomes even worse when the shields are gone since you really need to hit a peace of hull here to deal your dmg.

So possible ways to deal with it is to remove autoaim from slow barrels at all or nerv the heavy lasers. I dont mind if the range is the same but they should run way faster into overheat and deal less dmg. (T2mk3 has 365dps per turret -> 2190dps from frig -> 22776dmg dealt untill overheat) Currently it has 10.4s to overheat and 3.47s cooldown. -> Spammable mass dps

My T2-2 Empire Frig has a total health of 20751hp with the basic ship res and thermal res on modules its maybe 30% more but you see where is goes. Everything else in open space that is targeted with heavy laser is spacedust.

Sorry Gentai, but i have to correct you.

The Heavy Laser’s dont have any autoaim… but its still OP.

Only Heavy Railguns and Heavy Plasma Cannons has an autoaim.

From my experience they have it. My heavys will jump on the target if they are very close and will most likely stay on the target and deall 100% of dmg. If i aim the same way with assaults they deal up to no dmg at all since i need to corret them permanently. Heavys clue on the target like nothing else. The only issue i have seen so far is that slow barrels tend to break out and freak around if you try to aim.

It’s the range the heavy lasers I’m having to deal with, they get a range of over 7-8k which is extremely absurd.

T2 ones can only scratch 6.5km and wont do that much dmg anymore. T3 and T4 can go up to 10km with the mk3 range lense and 3 range mods…



Also to remember is that at least 80% of the skilltree bonuses only work with T3 and T4 ships so the diffrence in combat strengh between T2 and T3 is ridiculus high.




mk3 range lense adds 25% total to max and effective range

Horizon mk3 grants 35% max range and 45% effective


Im Taking a T4 ship here with Range lense and 3 horizon modules, all mk3:


effective range will go up to 10400m

maximal range will go up to 12060m


If i also assume the 15% range buff for lasers out of the skilltree effcive range: 11km max: 12840m.


Im not sure if this is correct, since the % calculations I’ve tested so far are broken for hull, shield, energystore and speed. Maybe also range, projektile speed and resistances are broken too.

Im using heavy lasers on my frigate and its not op as you say. Higher tier enemies are either to fast to track with the laser on higher distance and I usually get pain in my hand after 3 battles lol. And other ones have absurd modules that makes them very hard to damage. And if someone gets to close to me i can just say my prayers. If not for those lasers frigates would be useless. 

My only problem with heavy lazer is that they can kill.

A frigate is a support ship, it should only weak the enemy. Perhaps like plasma weapon which destroy a shield only.


I think that frigate should only destroy shield, and then let interceptor and fighter do the rest.

My only problem with heavy lazer is that they can kill.

A frigate is a support ship, it should only weak the enemy. Perhaps like plasma weapon which destroy a shield only.


I think that frigate should only destroy shield, and then let interceptor and fighter do the rest.

then no one will ever fly a damn frigate if it cant kill crap…


i want the frigate that’s in the intro, it takes a squadron of fighter take it out with tactics…


in-game? fighter sees a frigate, oh! free points!

From my point of view I see this:
With heavy lasers frigates are very strong on long range and they can kill everything in a few seconds, but on short range they will die very fast if they have no good support.

From my point of view I see this:

With heavy lasers frigates are very strong on long range and they can kill everything in a few seconds, but on short range they will die very fast if they have no good support.

frigate will die very fast if they have support at close range anyway (well equiped T2+ can mitigate this problem, but in T3 and up, this applies…), that is why people choose to use empire frigate special (i just cant recall the name 0rz) or just heavy laser sitting and the back at shoots everything that’s in range.


at higher tiers (tier 3 and up), heavy laser is maybe at burning shields, but not very good at burning hulls with thermal damage due to high resistance and hard tracking targets. one of my friend plays T4 frigate and concludes this from last patch: if an enemy fighter closer than 7K from you, you can just start praying because you are about to die.

From my point of view I see this:

With heavy lasers frigates are very strong on long range and they can kill everything in a few seconds, but on short range they will die very fast if they have no good support.


your right but the problem is: you will not get so close that you have a chance to kill…if there are two frigates anyway. one you have a little chance but two it is nearly impossible

Indeend, and thats the problem you have a weapon with a lot of dmg, spammable on a high range that is easy to land. Snipers are nerved very hard and are most likely unuseable. The only one that is still strong enough to deal decent dmg is the Hail. All other weapons have a way lower dmg output on that range. The dmg output needs to be reduced by ~8% and the cooldown time must be increased a bit to balance the lasers again.

Indeend, and thats the problem you have a weapon with a lot of dmg, spammable on a high range that is easy to land. Snipers are nerved very hard and are most likely unuseable. The only one that is still strong enough to deal decent dmg is the Hail. All other weapons have a way lower dmg output on that range. The dmg output needs to be reduced by ~8% and the cooldown time must be increased a bit to balance the lasers again.

i disagree, laser only deals large amount if the fighter pilot fly a relatively linear path, and at medium range and close range, a fast flying/turning target is hard to track and end up not doing so much damage.


in T4, at the range of 12K, and T3 at range of 10K, we have a whole squad of laser frigates (4 of us) to all focus laser on 1 target that’s flying around so the damage is decent enough to be lethal.