Heavy Blaster Hate

It’s only that way in R11+ because of the Fed R11 implant and increased projectile speed.   T3 and below Coil is too easy to avoid even in a frigate much less a fighter or interceptor.


I think all the interceptor pilots are crying about it because of crit build guards two shotting them with it once they get within Mass Propulsion Inhib range.  

I’m dodging it in goddamn frigates xd

Not in the upper Tiers, you’re not.


It’s only that way in R11+ because of the Fed R11 implant and increased projectile speed.   T3 and below Coil is too easy to avoid even in a frigate much less a fighter or interceptor.


I think all the interceptor pilots are crying about it because of crit build guards two shotting them with it once they get within Mass Propulsion Inhib range.  

You have to admit. Considering Ceptors SHOULD be a Frigate’s bane… That is wrong. Purely wrong.

They still are.  Stop coming at them from the front and on an even plane.  Bait their pulsar and inhib, wait for them to run out, then go in.  I think you’ll find the results quite different.

They still are.  Stop coming at them from the front and on an even plane.  Bait their pulsar and inhib, wait for them to run out, then go in.  I think you’ll find the results quite different.

You still can’t kill them in the Inhib’s cooldown.

I suck with ceptors, but even I dodge cm in t3 in a ricasso at times

T3 isn’t HIGH TIERS.

You still can’t kill them in the Inhib’s cooldown.


Watch what ESB does with their kill squads.  Fight near terrain, and wear targets down instead of trying to one shot a guard or properly built empire engi in 5-10 seconds.   Plus the 38 second downtime of inhib is more than enough to move in and get behind them.  Once there it’s just a matter of how much strafe you have to stay there.

[…] instead of trying to one shot a guard or properly built empire engi […]

It’s funny there are still people thinking that’s how you’re supposed to kill tanks. And the amount of people orbiting your frigate with their ceptors instead of sitting at your back is also staggering. That’s why CM is fine imo. Sit at it’s back - avoid all damage. And i’d rather fit pulse dischargers and iridium heatsinks instead of accelerated projectile mod (what’s it’s name again?). At least till people understand how to properly deal with frigates instead of ‘nerf em nao!’

Watch what ESB does with their kill squads.  Fight near terrain, and wear targets down instead of trying to one shot a guard or properly built empire engi in 5-10 seconds.   Plus the 38 second downtime of inhib is more than enough to move in and get behind them.  Once there it’s just a matter of how much strafe you have to stay there.

You still have no idea how to play against these ships, do you? That’s EXACTLY what you should do against them. Of course you’re not gonna 1-shot or even solo them, that’s impossible. What I am saying, however, is that Ceptors should be able to 2-man any Frigate. They still get their xxxx pushed in, regardless.

Because it’s too easy to predict your damage type…thermal or kinetic.

HB rarely used? Fly T2 most of frigz have It after damage buff patch.

It was my guard weapon of choice even before the buff

It was my guard weapon of choice even before the buff

Positrons had the biggest damage before the patch. Right now, I’m still leaning towards those or Mortars. Heavy Blasters are still not that good.

As it is [the CM] is an anti-everything weapon and that won’t do.

Well…yeah…that’s kind of the point of Soldier’s post…frigs need a weapon OTHER than the coil mortar.  Most frigs choose it because it’s really the only weapon that’s consistently dependable (relatively).  However, I agree with Soldier on this one.  I would LOVE to see the mechanism behind the HB change significantly to something a little bit more mainstream.  A shotgun laser?  I mean…that just doesn’t sound like it would work anyways.  They should be focused, fast-firing, and potentially quite deadly.  I don’t think that charge shots are a good idea, as in PvP, it’s too fast-paced to be able to kill someone with a few charged shots.  If you miss, you’re pretty much screwed.  I know most people (including me) want those types of kills to be encouraged, but come on…if you HAVE to charge up your shots to kill an enemy, then the weapon is pretty weak, imo.  


Basically, make the heavy blasters alternate between guns, with about 2-3 shots per second PER gun.  Just make the shots do less damage, and make it add up to about the same as the coil mortar in terms of DPS.  I can see this new mechanism becoming much more popular, especially since it removes the penalty of missing AT ALL with either the CM or the HB.  This new mechanism would yield many more actual hits, but with the reduced damage, it doesn’t become too OP, imo.


Thoughts on this?

I think they should remove it and just give us the heavy lasers back.

They should  give the Heavy blastor to fighter and put the Ion emitter on frigates.

HB is nice to have in a squad. You can bring heavy suppressing fire and your mates can protect you from close range assaults. I have it on my engie ships. Since you need to be in second line anyway, the low rotation rate is not a problem.

my experence with heavy blasters (mostly T2, little bit of T3) have been they are excelent at dealing with interceptors that are on their way to you, they do that kinda area saturation thing so you will be hiting with some blasts even if they are dodging around and inties dont have a huge healthpool, by the time they get to you they are easily finished with mines/pulsar/drones.  Wereas the coil morters/ positrons, wile can kill in a few hits, also means if you miss a few shots the inty will alreayd by on you.  And assault lasers have a much lower damage output.  Once they are on you you’re out of luck though.  But still my engi packs heavy blasters and makes an excelent captain guard in combat recon (or captain itself).  And of course the dps makes it great vs frigates or in pve.



Ops idea sounds good for a new weapon, but i kinda like they heavy blaster as is.  Though if the turbolaser theory is put into use maybe the heavy blaster could change to heavy vulcan and do kenetic damage.

IMO the problem is that they’re trying to make a suppressing fire weapon in a game whose mechanics don’t allow for that.   Suppressing fire only works when the enemy is standing on the ground and you can spray the general area that they’re in.  In a space sim, you’ve got complete freedom of movement.  The only way to lay down suppressing fire would be with a weapon that fires everywhere in front of, above, and below you. Or something that can change where it’s aiming faster than an interceptor can change directions.  The HB just can’t do that.  Any change would be welcome.

  As stated in a couple of threads above if at any time you have to rotate your line of fire more than a couple of degrees the HB aim takes too long to align and your losing precious miliseconds-to sometimes seconds.