Healing Done + Advanced Battle Statistics

As requested, and building off of [THIS](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21254-award-kill-to-highest-damage-dealer/page-2#entry225228) conversation- talk about seeing ‘healing done’ by players per battle, as well as an optional advanced battle statistics setting that offers more in-depth breakdowns. Here is an example done by Snib:



Yep, it’s quite interesting actually. Quickly added it in. One example from yesterday night, our team (team 2) didn’t have an engineer, yet our guards did put out impressive amounts of self-heals rivaling at least one of the enemy engineers:


Session ID: 2788139

Session Time: 2013-09-12, 23:56:06.356 to 00:08:35.347 (Battle time: 12:00)

Session Type: PVP (Detonation) on Lava Spines

Session Size: 12v12

Session Result: Victory (Timeout)

Kills: 13

Damage Assists: 9

Buff Assists: 0

Efficiency: 2,570

Synergy: 9,363

Credits: 65,906


Damage Player: 88,294.19 (12.33% of team / 6.5% of total)

Damage Team: 716,274.27 (52.71%)

Total Damage: 1,358,808.77


Team 1 - Alex6376226    in Hawk-M                - K:  2 - AD:  4 - AB:  0 - D: 9 - Dmg:  10,148.15,  0.75%,  1.58% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff: 1,170 - Syn: 1,660 - Crd:  64,712

Team 1 - Alexander1985  in Ira Deus              - K:  9 - AD: 13 - AB:  0 - D: 0 - Dmg: 150,273.60, 11.06%, 23.39% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff: 2,040 - Syn: 3,323 - Crd:  84,881

Team 1 - androgenox     in Alligator-M           - K:  4 - AD:  3 - AB:  6 - D: 0 - Dmg:  16,506.24,  1.21%,  2.57% team - Heal:   3,448.51 - Eff: 1,300 - Syn: 2,804 - Crd:  81,789

Team 1 - Domini         in Hawk-M                - K:  5 - AD:  6 - AB:  0 - D: 9 - Dmg:  87,920.02,  6.47%, 13.68% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff: 1,070 - Syn: 1,778 - Crd:  63,826

Team 1 - Findudu        in Hawk-Eye              - K:  3 - AD:  5 - AB:  0 - D: 7 - Dmg:  28,282.99,  2.08%,  4.40% team - Heal:   2,466.92 - Eff: 2,150 - Syn: 2,007 - Crd:  60,757

Team 1 - keneke45       in Phobos                - K:  2 - AD:  6 - AB:  0 - D: 7 - Dmg:  46,473.38,  3.42%,  7.23% team - Heal:   9,016.00 - Eff:   620 - Syn: 1,717 - Crd:  49,540

Team 1 - pesadillas     in Diamond Dwarf         - K:  2 - AD:  2 - AB: 28 - D: 1 - Dmg:   7,250.52,  0.53%,  1.13% team - Heal:   9,548.12 - Eff: 2,740 - Syn: 2,732 - Crd:  65,083

Team 1 - Ritschie       in Katana S,Prometheus X - K:  5 - AD:  2 - AB:  4 - D: 7 - Dmg:  55,601.61,  4.09%,  8.65% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff: 1,550 - Syn: 2,018 - Crd: 119,692

Team 1 - Sajton         in Katana S              - K:  4 - AD:  7 - AB: 24 - D: 2 - Dmg:  14,969.22,  1.10%,  2.33% team - Heal:   5,640.80 - Eff: 3,250 - Syn: 2,685 - Crd:  97,441

Team 1 - shadowdf       in Anaconda              - K:  7 - AD:  8 - AB: 20 - D: 6 - Dmg:  66,953.74,  4.93%, 10.42% team - Heal: 131,893.01 - Eff: 3,140 - Syn: 3,547 - Crd:  82,157

Team 1 - SilverSoul     in Anaconda              - K: 12 - AD: 12 - AB: 21 - D: 2 - Dmg: 110,854.19,  8.16%, 17.25% team - Heal: 237,890.48 - Eff: 4,120 - Syn: 5,078 - Crd:  90,835

Team 1 - sttorlanth     in Dragonfly,Ira Deus    - K:  2 - AD:  7 - AB:  4 - D: 6 - Dmg:  47,300.84,  3.48%,  7.36% team - Heal:     974.80 - Eff: 1,400 - Syn: 5,280 - Crd: 117,357


Team 2 - Armegadon      in Alligator-M           - K:  6 - AD:  8 - AB:  4 - D: 4 - Dmg:  95,103.66,  7.00%, 13.28% team - Heal:  92,417.95 - Eff: 1,680 - Syn: 5,464 - Crd:  58,665

Team 2 - bourbon        in Ricasso               - K:  4 - AD:  5 - AB:  0 - D: 6 - Dmg:  37,221.99,  2.74%,  5.20% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff: 2,110 - Syn: 3,784 - Crd:  75,088

Team 2 - crazymonk      in Katana,Stiletto AE    - K:  2 - AD:  6 - AB:  3 - D: 7 - Dmg:  21,787.60,  1.60%,  3.04% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff: 1,780 - Syn: 4,262 - Crd:  59,478

Team 2 - dolanduck      in Swift-M               - K:  4 - AD:  8 - AB:  0 - D: 6 - Dmg:  37,438.32,  2.76%,  5.23% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff: 1,200 - Syn: 4,051 - Crd:  31,988

Team 2 - DRACHE         in Hercules Rage,Strong  - K:  0 - AD:  4 - AB: 22 - D: 5 - Dmg:   5,986.57,  0.44%,  0.84% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff: 2,190 - Syn: 7,694 - Crd:  94,221

Team 2 - heisen6erg     in Fox-M,Axe-X           - K:  1 - AD:  7 - AB: 13 - D: 6 - Dmg:  15,277.88,  1.12%,  2.13% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff:   960 - Syn: 3,750 - Crd:  41,827

Team 2 - iamone666      in Hawk-M                - K:  6 - AD: 12 - AB:  0 - D: 7 - Dmg:  94,973.90,  6.99%, 13.26% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff: 1,800 - Syn: 5,546 - Crd:  72,042

Team 2 - Kine           in Tiger-M,Nodachi       - K: 10 - AD:  5 - AB:  0 - D: 4 - Dmg: 100,169.17,  7.37%, 13.98% team - Heal:   9,412.00 - Eff: 2,950 - Syn: 8,318 - Crd: 184,860

Team 2 - MadFestivaL    in Prometheus X          - K:  6 - AD: 12 - AB: 21 - D: 3 - Dmg: 149,054.91, 10.97%, 20.81% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff: 3,220 - Syn: 9,237 - Crd: 151,201

Team 2 - SemenyukSergey in Neuron Zealot         - K:  2 - AD:  8 - AB:  0 - D: 6 - Dmg:  29,737.65,  2.19%,  4.15% team - Heal:       0.00 - Eff:   680 - Syn: 4,045 - Crd:  40,022

Team 2 - Snib           in Templar AE            - K: 13 - AD:  9 - AB:  0 - D: 1 - Dmg:  88,294.19,  6.50%, 12.33% team - Heal:   4,641.00 - Eff: 2,570 - Syn: 9,363 - Crd:  65,906

Team 2 - Trimir         in Katana AE,Templar S   - K:  2 - AD: 10 - AB:  1 - D: 2 - Dmg:  41,228.43,  3.03%,  5.76% team - Heal:  40,379.80 - Eff:   980 - Syn: 7,750 - Crd:  87,714


Ignore the synergy values, they’re a bit off since 0.9.4, haven’t bothered fixing that yet (if I even can, I’m unsure what they changed).





To make it readable:


Session ID: 2788139
Session Time: 2013-09-12, 23:56:06.356 to 00:08:35.347 (Battle time: 12:00)
Session Type: PVP (Detonation) at Lava Spines
Session Size: 12v12
Session Result: Victory (Timeout) 

Total Damage: 2,453,294 - Team: 54.11%
Total Heals: 547,729 - Team: 26.81%
Total Kills: 113 - Team: 49.56%

TEAM 1:                                 
Alex6376226 Hawk-M 2 4 0 9 0 27,945 1.14% 2.48% 0 1,170 1,660 64,712
Alexander1985 Ira Deus 9 13 0 0 0 236,830 9.65% 21.04% 0 2,040 3,323 84,881
androgenox Alligator-M 4 3 6 0 0 31,714 1.29% 2.82% 3,449 1,300 2,804 81,789
Domini Hawk-M 5 6 0 9 0 159,505 6.50% 14.17% 0 1,070 1,778 63,826
Findudu Hawk-Eye 3 5 0 7 0 35,143 1.43% 3.12% 2,467 2,150 2,007 60,757
keneke45 Phobos 2 6 0 7 0 83,987 3.42% 7.46% 9,016 620 1,717 49,540
pesadillas Diamond Dwarf 2 2 28 1 0 33,329 1.36% 2.96% 9,548 2,740 2,732 65,083
Ritschie Katana S,Prometheus X 5 2 4 7 0 103,632 4.22% 9.21% 0 1,550 2,018 119,692
Sajton Katana S 4 7 24 2 0 29,105 1.19% 2.59% 5,641 3,250 2,685 97,441
shadowdf Anaconda 7 8 20 6 0 113,931 4.64% 10.12% 131,893 3,140 3,547 82,157
SilverSoul Anaconda 12 12 21 2 0 188,489 7.68% 16.74% 237,890 4,120 5,078 90,835
sttorlanth Dragonfly,Ira Deus 2 7 4 6 0 82,146 3.35% 7.30% 975 1,400 5,280 117,357
TEAM 2:                                 
Armegadon Alligator-M 6 8 4 4 0 142,786 5.82% 10.76% 92,418 1,680 5,464 58,665
bourbon Ricasso 4 5 0 6 1 133,085 5.42% 10.02% 0 2,110 3,784 75,088
crazymonk Katana,Stiletto AE 2 6 3 7 1 73,143 2.98% 5.51% 0 1,780 4,262 59,478
dolanduck Swift-M 4 8 0 6 0 56,717 2.31% 4.27% 0 1,200 4,051 31,988
DRACHE Hercules Rage,Strong 0 4 22 5 0 35,592 1.45% 2.68% 0 2,190 7,694 94,221
heisen6erg Fox-M,Axe-X 1 7 13 6 0 37,209 1.52% 2.80% 0 960 3,750 41,827
iamone666 Hawk-M 6 12 0 7 0 201,775 8.22% 15.20% 0 1,800 5,546 72,042
Kine Tiger-M,Nodachi 10 5 0 4 1 137,163 5.59% 10.33% 9,412 2,950 8,318 184,860
MadFestivaL Prometheus X 6 12 21 3 0 179,154 7.30% 13.50% 0 3,220 9,237 151,201
SemenyukSergey Neuron Zealot 2 8 0 6 0 109,813 4.48% 8.27% 0 680 4,045 40,022
Snib Templar AE 13 9 0 1 0 146,179 5.96% 11.01% 4,641 2,570 9,363 65,906
Trimir Katana AE,Templar S 2 10 1 2 0 74,924 3.05% 5.64% 40,380 980 7,750 87,714

What did you write it in?

I’d like to see some more info from the battles too. +1

What did you write it in?

C# but it’s not what the thread is about, Dagget added the table just as an illustration.

Snib you just made the thread about it :stuck_out_tongue: I want that kind of information in an extra screen ;o

Snib you just made the thread about it :stuck_out_tongue: I want that kind of information in an extra screen ;o

Well that again is exactly what the thread is about. For the devs to add that info to the end of battle screen and some of it to the profile.

already made topic about that, but nobody noticed :) 


definitively “must have” feature.

already made topic about that, but nobody noticed :slight_smile:

I’m not sure anybody relevant notices the suggestions forum anyway. It’s typically just something you have on forums to make your player base think their opinions matter. ;D

already made topic about that, but nobody noticed :) 


definitively “must have” feature.


Feel free to link your thread in a comment here, i’d like to see it :]



I’m not sure anybody relevant notices the suggestions forum anyway. It’s typically just something you have on forums to make your player base think their opinions matter. ;D


You speak the truth :smiley:

Feel free to link your thread in a comment here, i’d like to see it :]




You speak the truth :smiley:

not necessary, i suppose… its all said in here, and at least is a little bit active topic :wink:

This still would be really nice to have :D