HAWKS recruitment center

Hello and welcome to the “WARHAWKS” recruitment center.
My name is surgioster, Vice-President of the WARHAWKS.
Before I continue let me give you some information about us…


tag: [HAWKS]
there are two minimum requirements for joining us.

  1. 1000+ skill rating (this may be waived if the player proves his/her activness and willingness to progress.

  2. Active player (daily is preffered) we are very strict on this second rule and if your account goes inactive for ten days without giving prior warning to myself (surgioster) then you will be kicked.

Many people will tell you that these two rules put the WARHAWKS into the category of a “zerg” corporation. But here is why this is not the case.
in order for players with higher skill ratings to be attracted to join a corp, it is necessary for them to see the corp’s activity and worth.

By recruiting lower level skill ratings to start and over time building the corp we accomplish two goals.
First, new players that are unknown masters are found by us. And yes I will tell no names, but I am thinking of two players in the HAWKS who have become just that, masters.
Second, with inactives being kicked regularly we are left with a corp full of active players and good ones at that. At almost all times of the day you can find players online who are loyal to the corp and want nothing more than to see it flourish.

If you are interested in joining us then gve your in-game name and write a few sentences on why you believe yourself to be a worthy candidate to join the HAWKS.

Thank you,
and may your claws drip with the blood of your enemies.

I’m Interested, I’ve only been playing a few weeks but have played daily and skill is currently 1059

I learned pretty fast that team work trumps anything in this game and have seen the HAWKS tag on several occasions.

Seem like something I would like to be part of. IGN - Panzerghost

I’m Interested, I’ve only been playing a few weeks but have played daily and skill is currently 1059

I learned pretty fast that team work trumps anything in this game and have seen the HAWKS tag on several occasions.

Seem like something I would like to be part of. IGN - Panzerghost

I will send an in-game message. friend me and I will send the invite. And Welcome to the HAWKS

Warhawks are currently at full capacity. We shall attempt to expand and clear up inactives in the next days.


Applications are still open, however, a delay of admission is to be expected due to our inability to accept new members.


This post shall be updated as soon as this situation is resolved.


Warhawks Officer Pelia

Stupid question: is this corp related with http://forum.star-conflict.ru/index.php?/topic/39606-black-hawks/? in any way?

We are not related to Black Hawks in any way.

I hope to see you guys in battle! 


Wow, you filled up that quickly already? 

Indeed we have, though forum applications are a priority in processing, most members are found in in-game chat and I’m a charming person :slight_smile:

LOL charming? I suppose that is one way of describing you Pelia :stuck_out_tongue:

what faction are you guys with?

We have no faction contract signed as of now. There are very few members with sufficiently ranked ships to effectively represent HAWKS in Sector Conquest, so we’ve been putting this off so far.


Role play wise, most of our members would go for the Empire, so it just might be we would sign the contract with them in the future.

I would stay away from the empire, as usually the top dawgs are there. if you even want a chance at a sector, then I suggest you should stick with federation or Jericho. The Empire has already 3-5 top corps and they are VERY competitive for sectors. Just a friendly warning, I dont want to scare you guys, but Im just telling it how it is currently. 

I would stay away from the empire, as usually the top dawgs are there. if you even want a chance at a sector, then I suggest you should stick with federation or Jericho. The Empire has already 3-5 top corps and they are VERY competitive for sectors. Just a friendly warning, I don’t want to scare you guys, but Im just telling it how it is currently.

They are only competitive for GOLD sectors, credits and iridium sectors are out of our interests, there are empty sectors up for grabs (credits/iridium) pretty much every cycle.I would even say it is better in Empire for non gold sectors because there is much less competition for those.

They are only competitive for GOLD sectors, credits and iridium sectors are out of our interests, there are empty sectors up for grabs (credits/iridium) pretty much every cycle.I would even say it is better in Empire for non gold sectors because there is much less competition for those.

True that, and you know how greedy I can be for GS…

Most of our members want to progress through normal ship trees and buy ships, so the Empire would seem a sensible way to go since you need quite a lot of credits to fund all the new ships and modules you want to get. I’m one of the few people who has no problems with that for some reason, but having something on top never hurts. Besides, I’d do it for the corp :wink:

Most of our members want to progress through normal ship trees and buy ships, so the Empire would seem a sensible way to go since you need quite a lot of credits to fund all the new ships and modules you want to get. I’m one of the few people who has no problems with that for some reason, but having something on top never hurts. Besides, I’d do it for the corp :wink:

it would do empire good for some new blood, currently most sectors for credits are held by the same corp.


i wana join HAWKS! 

ingame name : Mordoken


skill rating :1134

win lose ratio : 0,9


my stats and best ships on screenshot. 


i play near evry day , but my online time at weekends lots bigger.

i understand english a bit , can use teamspeak or any voice software.



We are still full, but some of the inactives have been kicked, so we’re keeping a spot warm for you. Forum applicants have priority when having free slots. Now it’s a question of the invite.


Welcome to the HAWKS :wink:

I’m interested. I currently have a skill rating of 1142 and a win/lose ratio of 1.09. I’ve been playing for nearly a week and settled into Empire after trying out Jericho Command and Federation Engineer ships (Got both to rank 6). I’m working through the Empire ships maxing out synergy as I go Currently on rank 3) and want to do a mix of PvE and PvE. I’m doing quite well in PvP at the moment in my recon interceptor and gunship.


It would be good to be involved in a corp that has aims within the wide community. Also getting a bit frustrated with the lack of coordination in skirmish matches. 


Ingame name is judgeted.

I’m interested. I currently have a skill rating of 1142 and a win/lose ratio of 1.09. I’ve been playing for nearly a week and settled into Empire after trying out Jericho Command and Federation Engineer ships (Got both to rank 6). I’m working through the Empire ships maxing out synergy as I go Currently on rank 3) and want to do a mix of PvE and PvE. I’m doing quite well in PvP at the moment in my recon interceptor and gunship.

It would be good to be involved in a corp that has aims within the wide community. Also getting a bit frustrated with the lack of coordination in skirmish matches.

Ingame name is judgeted.
