Hangar visuals!

We really desperatly need more hangar atmosphere and more visuals more stuff… because its a top of toppest top priority! REAALLY!!!1!1111


We need THIS!


Cats all over the hangar, chilling on ships, deciding what will we fly and when.

Yes please, we need more of this


I’m smelling trolling here. 

If you smell it like that, either message isnt for you, or you dont have a nose…ShonVoldemort :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yes please, we need more of this



Cats all over the hangar, chilling on ships, deciding what will we fly and when.

That’s my personal desire since I’m here, but no one don’t want to do that for some reason :expressionless:

Ok all jokes aside…if SC had a ‘cat mode’, im pretty sure more people would play, bigger and more presistant playerbase :slight_smile:

just let us paint ships like we did in warthunder man then u can make a catlike jaguar!!! (and i will be able to make a garlic camo >:) )

Cat turrets pls now or i will stahp playin dis game

Cat turrets pls now or i will stahp playin dis game

he means it !!

he meowns it !!

Fixed it for you ))




zero hoot given


Make it so or we qvit!