Halo Launcher 14 the useless weapon

 Halo need 6500m with 1 horizon and implant 2-2 or 6000m but not under ! that’s all ! (in R11 !)


Coilgun  = 4400 m range 

meson  = 4650 m range

Halo  = 3700 m range 


unplayable like it is now, just a mess and s***t weapon, don’t make the job, Halo is for support, so support mean more than 6000m range for can hit target from the middle off the team.

and I don’t talk about the 1vs1 with Destroyers, it’s just a “lucky chance time”, no gameplay can be done like that


and at the actual useless range destroyers loose there module in less than off 15sec so be useless after, it’s a shame


need an up of the range for retreived a utility

Well a few people complained about its 3x horizon range of over 8km, so the devs did what they usually do and nerfed it to the ground.

I agree that this and all the other changes are a bit over the top, but what can we do?

edit post

Well a few people complained about its 3x horizon range of over 8km, so the devs did what they usually do and nerfed it to the ground.

I agree that this and all the other changes are a bit over the top, but what can we do?

Then I’m asking how the lowest damage weapon is such a problem?

8km or 12km what’s the difference? Q.Qing about the range of this weapon is just Q.Q in my eyes. I wonder who complain about that?

Lord your post aren’t in the goal of this topic delete it


Adapt or die.

lol say a Nasa ? the corp who made the defiler in 2.50minutes, the corp who kill the destroyers ? delete this post 

Yes, we singlehandedly killed destroyers. We are the only population in this entire game that the devs took their statistical samples from and made their balancing decisions.

Your ignorance and lack of intelligence astounds me.

lol buy a brain before talk

Buy a grammar textbook. You need it.

lol it’s all argue you had ? you make me laugh so get out this post 

This post are only for the real Destroyer player so you aren’t one of them so keep your mouth closed

Halo seems quite in line with the rest of the bubble weapons now.  Just like Singularity Cannon the max range is shorter versus thermal or kinetic weapons.


 FYI i can still get 6400 range with a R11 Halo using 2 horizons on my Archon.   The range will actually slightly increase for the R14 variant.   Either learn to adapt or go back to using Meson/Coilgun.   Not like you can actually hit anything besides destroyers or frigates with Halo from 5k+ range.


And who are you again Scyther?   Stop acting like a 13 year old imbecile, grow up, and have an intelligent conversation like an adult.    From what I see all you do is insult anybody who doesn’t fall in line with your opinion.   

I talk about R11 destroyer so your post are useless thx to delete it, I want real destroyer opinion not just tourrist

it’s easy to come in corp mate on a poston you aren’t the welcome,so keep your mouth close again I will not said it a third time it’s understand ?

You really are clueless aren’t you?   Weapon range is based on the  rank of the weapon not what rank ship you are using.    


Since you want to play the insults game…


#1   .92 Win Rate?   You can’t even win half your games.  I know wives of current players who barely know how to play besides healing with an engi and they still have a better win rate than yours.

#2   52 premium ships bought when you only have 52 normal ships.   What is the game too hard for you?  Need to pull out your wallet to inflate your ego just because you have a R15 prem ships with all mk1 gear?

#3   You’ve been playing since May 2015…a little over a year.   Shut the hell up already…I’ve been playing since early 2013 and the game has drastically changed multiple times since then.  Stop complaining because you can’t farm kills any more in your no skill ship.


Mediocrity at it’s best:


lol again a NASAOOB, ratio will not said the quality of the player, so your argue is like your mind, a child things, keep your mouth close or I asked to a moderator to restricted you on this post it’s understood ? last time !

keep your mouth close or I asked to a moderator to restricted you on this post it’s understood ? last time !

Oh you think so, lets play a game :slight_smile:

Last time I checked ratio does show the quality of player.   Just because you’re an Ace in imagination land doesn’t mean you’re one in real life.


By all means try…I’m friendly with most of the mod’s and gm’s on this forum…because you know I actually know how to talk to people without feeling the need to belittle them.  We tried to discuss the original topic with you, but clearly this was past your maturity level.

We haev had this argument in the patch notes, nothing changed since then, you did not learn a thing about the game.