Halo Launcher 14 the useless weapon

lol just poor argue like your poor skilled and you desir to keep your ancient advantages and your incapcity to think good because in your stretched mind you’re “god of Star Conflict” lol just laughing

Well judging by your knowledge and capabilities in the game, i might as well be on the god levels to you.

lol, you never seen me played so stop talk, and when I will post some vids you will had some things to learn don’t worry

lol, you never seen me played so stop talk, and when I will post some vids you will had some things to learn don’t worry

Cant wait, I love learning new things, on other hand it looks like you are incapable of doing the same thing.

lel, stop argue in absurd mind and try to be more deeper in your reflexion and I will engaged a dial

My apologies, I am to stupid to understand your ingenious philosophy output.

Still does not change the fact you are pretty bad at this game, the sooner you acknowledge this, the sooner you will step on path of becoming better, maybe even one day you will be just like us (i doubt though)

If you haven’t caught on yet…the more you say “stop talk” the more we go on.   This is how a forum works.


What ancient advantages?   That I have lots of T5 ships that I never get to use…meanwhile try hards like you get a R11 destroyer just for joining the game…for free.   I had to OS farm for every single component of mine…easily 40+ hours flying around clicking on rocks.


I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for that video…maybe in another year he’ll be good enough to actually want to record it. 

ratio will not said the quality of the player


it’s just a waste of time to discuss with you because you have closed mind, so I will dial with more competents guys, I hate loose my time for make smile on your face

Funny how the close-minded guy is saying we’re close-minded. Hypocrisy at it’s best, ladies and gents.

lol dreams are free man, I will not waste my time with Goat ppl

lol dreams are free man, I will not waste my time with Goat ppl

You said it last time in patch notes thread, and yet here we are.

You still did not explain WHY that change must be in the game, you have no arguments, nor facts nor knowledge, just desires.

lol, you believed what you wrote ? it’s a shame to see ppl like you

Back on topic:

Destroyers are a suppressive class, designed to be in the front lines pouring lead into the battlefield.

The halo nerf was necessary since some builds allowed for 9km range halos that rendered the destroyer useless. The range is perfectly fine now, and requires pilots to move forward and support the team instead of sitting back like a Ace LRF. If you can’t deal with those changes, you have one of three options:

  1. Rebuild your ship to compensate for the nerf.

  2. Adapt to a new playstyle or die trying.

  3. Uninstall.

Take your pick.

lol dreams are free man, I will not waste my time with Goat ppl


Your average NASA pilot…and yes we’re all winos ;D


Good lord, people. I know he’s asking for it, but two pages of trolling right out the gate (even though he started it) might be a bit much, don’t you think?


Besides, the range nerf on halo really hasn’t changed much about the actual gameplay. The slow projectile speed means that you couldn’t consistently hit anyone beyond 5000m, anyways. Not even other destroyers! If anyone has evidence of them managing to land shots from that range, I’d really like to see it.

I’m going to make the attempt to be genuinely helpful.


I talk about R11 destroyer so your post are useless thx to delete it, I want real destroyer opinion not just tourrist


Far from a tourist, completed every berry missions using R11 destroyer in PvP and then some, i refuse to bore myself running pve over and over.


lol, you never seen me played so stop talk, and when I will post some vids you will had some things to learn don’t worry


You and i have crossed paths many time, didnt realise till the profile picture up there. I even referenced you before as the player who accused me of cheating as i ‘cloaked’ in a destoyer. Couple of clicks u’ll find the post or maybe you remember? Your 3 deaths for that match were not only my doing but the huge difference between our two dess pushing in hard as we were (I get it, they were new and OP lets just see how much they can do). This the basic w/l of that match tells me that you excel at making a longer range build of dess but are not prepared in ship or playstyle to fight at lower ranges such as the -4k range that i caught you at.


Brings into question the comment you made in the patch notes that you stay at longer ranges. For me it seems like you had some bad games using dess close up and decided staying alive at the back must be the way to go. Thus this rant about range nerfing. I only remember this match as calling me a cheat afterwards sticks in my mind. I always like to think that i have learned some new level of mastery when that happens. So if i didnt say before ill say it now. Thank you.


lel, stop argue in absurd mind and try to be more deeper in your reflexion and I will engaged a dial


Listen to what some are saying and try it for yourself, u dont have to like them to do that.


Failing that. Keep this nonsense up. I get entertainment either way.

Good lord, people. I know he’s asking for it, but two pages of trolling right out the gate (even though he started it) might be a bit much, don’t you think?


Besides, the range nerf on halo really hasn’t changed much about the actual gameplay. The slow projectile speed means that you couldn’t consistently hit anyone beyond 5000m, anyways. Not even other destroyers! If anyone has evidence of them managing to land shots from that range, I’d really like to see it.

and then you get into t4 Dreadbattle, and clear enemy dread structures (and snipers) from your spawn :slight_smile:

and then you get into t4 Dreadbattle, and clear enemy dread structures (and snipers) from your spawn :slight_smile:

No, you clear snipers with photon torps. Higher projectile speed, damage, and trigger radius, plus lower visibility :stuck_out_tongue:


But yeah, 10k range and easy structure clearing was dumb. Dumber than covert ops nuke rushes.