Gunship Active Module: "Infrared Tracer"

Yes, I know this is entirely absurd and farce and stupid, why fit this on a gunship, you’re making them even more OP, etc. but I am going to suggest anyway.

A module that reveals (without uncloaking or negating the effects of) cloaked players, only viewable from the eyes of the gunship pilot. Available from ranks 9-15, active time 10 sec. Also allows the gunship pilot to lock on to targets under camouflage.

Yes? No? Expand further? Limitation?

Revealing cloaked players is more of a Recon than a Gunship job. And they have two great modules for that already - ML and SpyDrones

We had A1MA with worked almost the same. It locked on targets for 2 seconds at 100% accuracy. Insta-death for interceptors and fighters. Well, now we have reworked A1MA.

We already have Recons to reveal the cloak. I think that it isn’t necessary.

If you don’t necessarily have a recon in the field, the gunship can take up the job but the limitations are that only the gunship can see. This will also encourage more use of the gauss cannon

If you don’t necessarily have a recon in the field, the gunship can take up the job but the limitations are that only the gunship can see. This will also encourage more use of the gauss cannon

Well, for me it makes little sense. I get you, but I think that developers won’t go in that direction.

Possibly not. We’ll see, it might even be something they’ll implement into destroyers

Possibly not. We’ll see, it might even be something they’ll implement into destroyers

Update 1.2.6 should have them in, I hope. Maybe it will be 1.3.0 (Season 3).

This ability doesn’t fit to the role of gunships

This ability doesn’t fit to the role of gunships


Neither does the Particle Purge. It’s still interesting to have in gameplay

Let me translate into Doombot language

This ability doesn’t fit to the role of gunships



no t



Particle purge is more meant for federation gunships, there are enough ways of uncloaking tacklers and to mention another point…


Yes, I know this is entirely absurd and farce and stupid, why fit this on a gunship, you’re making them even more OP

You mentioned it already on your own.

Neither does the Particle Purge. It’s still interesting to have in gameplay


PP has high burst damage, which is what the gunship is for.

I’m with most people on this, it doesn’t fit the role. As a long-time gunship pilot, I’ve seen my fair share of changes and have learned the ins and outs of the role quite extensively, and I can assure you, this isn’t a module suited for gunship. Gunships are meant to be fairly tanky, high damage roles, without much utility purpose outside of that. Particle Purge suits gunships extremely well, as it is a way to deal high burst damage at close range.