Guns and upgrades

Is it possible to make guns “evolve” like, when u upgrade them from mk1 to mk5 they get bulkier/bigger/shinier, graphically richer in any way?

I liked the effects of the new years weapons and all so it made me think since it was possible to edit them a little, would there be some way to permanently edit them so u get to visually distinguish what level they are and not just by hangar/docking.



The premium guns used to be gold in an old version but that’s as far as they ever got with this. It proves that they can do it and have done it, but they will probably say something stupid to dodge having to do extra work like “not planned” or “we’ll think about it”. Xp

I like the idea.

They already have 3 different models (mk0, mk1-4 and mk5)


They already have 3 different models (mk0, mk1-4 and mk5)

Do they differ in size or shape when u look at them?

Do they differ in size or shape when u look at them?

yes they get slightly bigger coz they get some little attachments.

I will post some pics later

yes they get slightly bigger coz they get some little attachments.

I will post some pics later


In that case, please do. I’ve never seen any difference so far tho. :confused:

I was wrong they only differ from rank to rank sometimes but not from mk lvl

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Thank you for the pics. No wonder i havent noticed anything, the differences are really small and between tiers probably.

There are differences on turret models between rank to rank but the base version of the turret goes up 1 every tier (I think. Don’t quote me on this)

In any case, it has a lot of room for improvement. I think…