guided torpedo in T3 and T4

i had a blast playing jericho frigates in t1 and t2 the guided torpedo was alot of fun, but when i reached t3 there was an attachment, that destroys incoming missiles with a laser , with that change, and the fact that interceptors are now alot fast and can maneuver better, it has gotten really hard to land a good torpedo.


i think  guided torpedos should have higher turning speed. ( i even sue the talent which gives you 40% more velocity and turning speed with rockets)

People have to sacrifice an active skill slot to counter your faction ability. WAD

Why, is this the only ship-type that has its ability completely disabled by a single module? And can that module continue to be extremely effective even in the absence of that ship? Does that module also actively grant the same benefits to allies? Also, can this ability be countered by any other module as well?


Yes: No other ship ability can be disabled by an active module (except for modules that disable ALL abilities)

Yes: Missile defense will work on normal guided missiles as well as torpedoes

Yes: Missile Defense will attack ANY enemy guided missile in range, regardless of target

Yes: IR Flares are still effective on Torpedoes as well as normal missiles, though perhaps not AS effective.


So yes, in need of some kind of balancing.

Yes: No other ship ability can be disabled by an active module (except for modules that disable ALL abilities)

Spy drones for fed fighters, now that is complete disabling.

Missile defense has short range and only frigs can have them. Flares are useless against guided torpedo.

Without this 2-3 jericho frigs would easily nuke any captain to oblivion.

If you are spamming Jericho missiles then you are contributing nothing to the team to begin with…

Spy drones for fed fighters, now that is complete disabling.

Eh. I’ll give you that. But Fed…everything has been in need of some balancing as well.

Missile defense has short range and only frigs can have them. Flares are useless against guided torpedo.

Doesn’t seem so short to me. I’ve been using it to cover my captain and anyone near by. Heck, if I see a torpedo incoming, I’ll accelerate towards it. (Have to complete that silly Vanguard contract somehow). And flares are hardly useless. It’s just that people use them blindly. At the first alarm, they’ll pop off flares and after a bit of waiting, I’ll redirect and hit them anyway. Smarter players wait for it to come closer before flaring and then turn sharply away. Or head into asteroid fields and making me hit them instead.

If you are spamming Jericho missiles then you are contributing nothing to the team to begin with…

Untrue. That’s a myth that’s perpetuated by stupider Jericho frigate pilots. Most will sit off somewhere and snipe (not that getting kills is bad). Smarter ones sit on caps and beacons and tear apart any Interceptors that try to cap or dump EMP bombs. The idiocy of a pure offense team and no defense is the norm for this game, but that doesn’t mean its right.

Jericho Frigates need a way to dud their torpedo in stead of triggering it. Sometimes, you don’t want to blow it up because you’ve been dodged and you will now friendly fire.

Jericho Frigates need a way to dud their torpedo in stead of triggering it. Sometimes, you don’t want to blow it up because you’ve been dodged and you will now friendly fire.


I would really like that idea…