Guide contest (Discussion)

As I mentioned, one week to choose winners (maybe less).


I hope less, cant wait to see the results. :smiley:

By “within a week” you mean that you will select the winners over the course of the week like each 1 or 2 days or everyone will be announced at the end of the week?

Probably the second one, top 5 by the end of one week time.

Meh,theat means we are 5 days away to find out and get disappointed,more than 50% of the submitted guides are about destroyers,mainstream stuff shouldn’t make it in the list.

Maybe not, they should tho take only the finished ones into consideration, other than that, im okay.

Yes but,from my point pretty much everyone has been introduced and is familiar with the destroyers,also the unfinished guides should count too,there you are right,hope we will be lucky,a r15 premium ships would be welcome at this point…

My way in deciding would be “simple”: Check if it follows the rules, covers the topic it proposes, accurate and valid, easy to read and understand (user friendly), reaches out to the most players.

It should not matter if others chose the same topic or not.    

I just want the spatial scanner, my jag is all dusty being in the garage all the time. I wish someone had done a pve and/or pvp guide, they would hold much more value than any other guide and people fail so hard on these modes. 

I’d like the Golden Eagle,and not because James Bond,also i can make a PvE guide,i like to play it and i have my own strategies for every map,maybe i can share them with you  if you want.

Please make it as detailed as possible and post it on the guides, it will help a lot of people.

No, you should decide :slight_smile: People could be biased towards their friends, ar against certain ship types in my case :stuck_out_tongue:


Everyone gets it mill u dont like lrf :stuck_out_tongue:


I dont even like them, I hate relieving an enemy team of their ships and there nobody left to shoot. Your team fails at an objective, blames you and nobody helps you when your in trouble… #LRFracism :005j:


  1. farmig in T2 2) JC did a good job 3) Kosty did great but he teaching ppl how to Dessi :confused:


1)Hells NO


3)They still new so all the guides i read bout them are all personal opinions an impressions, which can be helpful. But it would take players new to the game a long time to find their own style an groove with it. Not to mention that the changes to them have started already. So im not sure how useful the destro guides are right now.


I’d like the Golden Eagle,and not because James Bond,also i can make a PvE guide,i like to play it and i have my own strategies for every map,maybe i can share them with you  if you want.


I’d like to read that guide. There are certain aspects of ship selection and teamwork in pve that are a good starting points for new players. Or alternatively the ways to solo some maps as some do find pve dull but want the creds and daily syn regardless of the random team.

K,ill get to the work!

The guide is done!Check it out!

Can you link it, i seem to be blind or something.

K here it is,it doesnt really have EVERYTHING you need to know,but ill be working on that:

2 more days to go  :005j:

Yes,2 more days to get dissapointed that you didnt get even the 5th place,i might not even get it,its like 5/13 chance,more exactly 38,46% likely to be in one of the places,YAY,MATHS!

Why so pessimistic?

Why so pessimistic?

Exactly, the rewards for this are huge and only 13 entries.  Those are great odds.  I am honestly surprised the 13 of us didn’t go up against other very talented players.  I honestly expected a lot more WPK guide submissions or Fdef, Beast and Viking.  There are so many area’s that this game could need more guides.  I personally think we are lucky on this one.

Exactly, the rewards for this are huge and only 13 entries.  Those are great odds.  I am honestly surprised the 13 of us didn’t go up against other very talented players.  I honestly expected a lot more WPK guide submissions or Fdef, Beast and Viking.  There are so many area’s that this game could need more guides.  I personally think we are lucky on this one.

Russki side of the event (submissions thread)