Guide contest (Discussion)

[7faefd595a7964ffbeac317515c8.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29819-guide-contest-knowledge-is-priceless/)

Do I qualify for the contest, if I update [list of resources needed to complete Secret Project ships and Destroyers](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29576-resource-cost-information-for-secret-project-ships-and-destroyers/)?

Basically, it’s a guide, which lets you decide, how to handle or prioritize construction of ships and management of available resources.

Darn. Stole my idea. Oh well.

Do I qualify for the contest, if I update [list of resources needed to complete Secret Project ships and Destroyers](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29576-resource-cost-information-for-secret-project-ships-and-destroyers/)?

Basically, it’s a guide, which lets you decide, how to handle or prioritize construction of ships and management of available resources.



Darn. Stole my idea. Oh well.

Are you accusing me of something, TheDarkRedFox?

You had your chance, I just had more willpower to do it.


Idea is only an idea, if it isn’t manifested in a physical form. I won’t go into philosophy here…

I got my idea and I’ve made sure, that I actually took the time and effort to finish it and publish it on forum.

What’s the deadline?

What’s the deadline?


The competition will last for 3 weeks and end on 17th March. Winners will be selected within a week after completion of the contest.

Foxy here u go it seems your little alcoholic angel heard you …

Are you accusing me of something, TheDarkRedFox?

You had your chance, I just had more willpower to do it.

Idea is only an idea, if it isn’t manifested in a physical form. I won’t go into philosophy here…

I got my idea and I’ve made sure, that I actually took the time and effort to finish it and publish it on forum.



What are you on? Must you rabble on about this simple arbitrary event in your life?

Using such an extended vocabulary does not affect your point in any way, though it does allow for a more long-winded response in counter.

Next time you see that you have taken an opportunity from someone, simply continue with what you have done.

Use it as an opening for you to make something great.

I know that your skills in these subjects are quite superior to mine, so anything that you could have possibly done would remain in greater competence than mine. (even if any given person could add up numbers and put them in spoiler tags.)


Congratulations, but I don’t care.


[7faefd595a7964ffbeac317515c8.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29819-guide-contest-knowledge-is-priceless/)


not to be a spoil sport, competitions are great and all, but this is all pointless.


There are not enough gms to ban afk farmers. (today’s pvp shows that)

Reporting does nothing.

Ping is not fixed.

No advertising

Devs don’t respond.

Devs don’t accept help offers.


Instead of doing competitions, please read bug reports and fix them. 20k gs < better ping, less bugs, better advertising, etc. I am tired of offering you guys help because you don’t take it up. I’m tired of making bug reports because you don’t read them or respond to them. might as well be critical cuz you guys seem to read that. 

What are you on? Must you rabble on about this simple arbitrary event in your life?

Using such an extended vocabulary does not affect your point in any way, though it does allow for a more long-winded response in counter.

Next time you see that you have taken an opportunity from someone, simply continue with what you have done.

Use it as an opening for you to make something great.

I know that your skills in these subjects are quite superior to mine, so anything that you could have possibly done would remain in greater competence than mine. (even if any given person could add up numbers and put them in spoiler tags.)


Congratulations, but I don’t care.

Neither do I.

You’re joking with the Joker. You know what that means!

You will laugh yourself to death!

Seems like a good opportunity to get info from the vets before they all quit the game when T5 dreads arrive :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like a good opportunity to get info from the vets before they all quit the game when T5 dreads arrive :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll see you in t2 :slight_smile:

I’ll see you in t2 :slight_smile:


hehe, it will be a nice chance to dust off some of my T2 ships :slight_smile:

Great contest idea. I would be all over it, but the Forum keeps preventing me from making a new Topic, so I can’t submit any guides.


OOOOOOOOHHH mil is that how u FARMED your stats??? in T2!!!




Haha I’ve been on 0.99 for ages before going to t2 XD

And tbh in t2 I lose a fair bit anyway, due to other vets. And just random Aces dying as captain, that no amount of support can keep alive…

Did you know there are two maps in the t2 rotation that are not in any other tier? They are quite beautiful!

Looks like I made my tackler guide a few years too early. Sadly I only just picked up the game again, and I’m unlikely to have enough knowledge to update the guide before the deadline. 

Nice guides people, could someone do a pvp/pve guide since the destros are a wild card pretty much. Btw, what do you think about my [guide](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29834-how-to-open-space/#entry355800), did i miss something important?

Cov Ops Advanced Guide : (Not done yet possibly by EOW)