Guards, guards everywhere...

Destructor does no DMG, especialy now after fixes, it is not even tickling. Try dodging for once, it helps.

Damage is not the problem. I will say it again just for you.


The problem is the area of effect, and the beacon denial. It effectively removes interceptors and figthers from any beacon games (half of them in tier 4 and tier 5)


Also, dodging? against a hit scan weapon that every time it grazes you applies 1000 thermal damage? sure, man.

Actually on most maps it is possible to get to the beacon and capture in before the guard reaches within 5.5km of the beacon. This is especially true if u use two recons and the enemy has no fast ships to counter.

Actually on most maps it is possible to get to the beacon and capture in before the guard reaches within 5.5km of the beacon. This is especially true if u use two recons and the enemy has no fast ships to counter.


Because Fed Guards torping the beacon doesn’t exist.

Actually on most maps it is possible to get to the beacon and capture in before the guard reaches within 5.5km of the beacon. This is especially true if u use two recons and the enemy has no fast ships to counter.

Only in big maps with no brain players in the enemy team. But in tier 5 most people already know the timings, and they start moving to the next beacon before the counter finish in the previous one, and in most maps a well positioned guard can deny 2 beacons at the same time.

Ita not a 1000 dmg for a “graze”, i know that math was never your strong side, but comon now.

if there are no enemies at the beacon, capping it in fast ship an easy job even under destructor fire from 5k+ if there are enemies enemies at the beacon you shouldnt really cap it anyways unless taking care of that.

But in tier 5 most people already know the timings

lol, yah. I whish this would be the reality of things.

I know you are right overall, but unfortunately it never seems to be true.

Also, dodging? against a hit scan weapon that every time it grazes you applies 1000 thermal damage? sure, man.

Area damage takes almost 5 seconds to get from 180 to 1k dmg (with mk4), target must be constantly held for those 5 secs to reach that dmg (do better than old version of A1MA xD). Those 5 secs apply to the ship that has recieved dmg (I.E. if the guard shoots a beacon for 6 seconds and you arrive at the last second, you will only recieve 180dmg instead of the full charge), furthermore, destructor has 8 secs overheat (meaning you must hold your aim on target for more than 60% overheat time, imo impossible to do while shooting a skilled interceptor) wich is very low unless you equip a shared cooler, wich means your guard will turn almost nothing and you will be easy pray for fast ships. So yeah, dodge, that works really well vs destructor.

Any way i agree that problem was the range for area dmg and it was pretty clear that people will still “cry” (cant find another word sry) since beacon cap was the biggest issue. About old area of effect dmg i cant say much because i tried destructor the most at PVE (i barely did PVP with it) and coils or HB always did better xD