Guards, guards everywhere...

how about guards get a 20% range penalty. after all they are not meant to snipe the enemy and outdamage most other ships. they are a damm slow tanks and thats what they should be

20% range penalty to all guns would be one of the worst things that could happen to guards, so no. 

The only thing people have been asking for, really, is that the special gun, the destructor, be nerfed. If anything gains a range reduction, it’s that gun, so don’t touch the others unless it’s needed.

The only two problems with guards is the destructor, as WolfKhan stated above, and the frigballs. Which can be countered with a nuke and some sheer DPS.

Speaking of frigballs, I believe that there has been some confusion with the language used to describe ‘frigballs’.

For instance, some believe that a frigball consists of nothing but frigates, and others classify a frigball as the usual balanced team of a couple of frigates, some gunships or fighters, and perhaps an interceptor or two…

I wonder what a frigball actually is, at this point, really. xD

Speaking of frigballs, I believe that there has been some confusion with the language used to describe ‘frigballs’.

For instance, some believe that a frigball consists of nothing but frigates, and others classify a frigball as the usual balanced team of a couple of frigates, some gunships or fighters, and perhaps an interceptor or two…

I wonder what a frigball actually is, at this point, really. xD

I’d say that a frigball is an agglomeration of multiple frigates. Any time I see 3+ guards and an engi along with a smattering of fighters and inties I call it Frigball & Co.


But that’s just my definition :stuck_out_tongue:

Guards and destructor have been modified ;p It seems that the “after effect” may have been causing the problem as it triggers a guarunteed amount of damage plus whatever you get for hitting the hitbox :slight_smile:

I think that the destructor was better before this patch. I mean, I would solve such a problem of destructor with the range and zone effect radius. So basically the longer is the distance, the smaller is the radius of the effect and the shorter is the distance (between the place of collision of the beam and solid structure and the guard) the bigger the radius is.

Speaking of frigballs, I believe that there has been some confusion with the language used to describe ‘frigballs’.

For instance, some believe that a frigball consists of nothing but frigates, and others classify a frigball as the usual balanced team of a couple of frigates, some gunships or fighters, and perhaps an interceptor or two…

I wonder what a frigball actually is, at this point, really. xD

Frigball is when more than half of the enemy team is made of frigates, and they move together as a single unit.


While it is a valid tactic, the problem is that the current buffs and changes has made it one of the best “risk-reward” tactics in the game.


Concerning the destructor changes, if the effect radious is the same, then the main problem (beacon games) still remain.

Well there is also the changes to guard modules, remembering the destructor is only found on guard ships  :)

Te guards stil lrule da day… didnt find any difference. Bad thin is there is no destructor in T3. That should be changed.

Te guards stil lrule da day… didnt find any difference. Bad thin is there is no destructor in T3. That should be changed.

dont you dare!! its painful enough when 3+guards cluster together with 1 engi behind them and they all have 5k range and do non stop mortar spam. destructor in t3 will only make this worse.

Bubble gunships even with crap ping can do some damage

Many people are using Destructors to block beacon capturing. That makes beacon-based gamemodes barely unplayable.

Many people are using Destructors to block beacon capturing. That makes beacon-based gamemodes barely unplayable.

and I use nukes.

find a better tactic.

and I use nukes.

find a better tactic.

Nukes? lol the guards just shrug at nukes. And they are at 5k anyway so…


I have played 2 more games in tier 5. It is still guard conflict. Back to tier 3 and fun games.

After some testing  the guards are actually not sooo good. In fact, when u overdo it, they are outright terrible.


Fast ships can be at the beacon and capture it before the guards arrive, if that happens game over, u get in a downward spiral. Soo actually u should have a max of two guards in any game and some fast ship to prevent enemy fast ship from capturing. In other words, more guards is not answer to everything. A shame but true, 

 Back to tier 3 and fun games.


Implying Guards aren’t a swarm there too. I just got a capture the beacon game where a team of 4 guards and a gunship were just going from beacon to beacon rolfstomping everything. 

After some testing  the guards are actually not sooo good. In fact, when u overdo it, they are outright terrible.


Fast ships can be at the beacon and capture it before the guards arrive, if that happens game over, u get in a downward spiral. Soo actually u should have a max of two guards in any game and some fast ship to prevent enemy fast ship from capturing. In other words, more guards is not answer to everything. A shame but true, 

You don’t need to be at the beacon. Just fire at it with the destructor from 5.5 km.



Implying Guards aren’t a swarm there too. I just got a capture the beacon game where a team of 4 guards and a gunship were just going from beacon to beacon rolfstomping everything. 


But in tier 3 you can play interceptors in beacon games. In tier 4-5 you just can’t. It is a destructor fest. And with the new engineer mechanics, the T rex and the Octopus with the recharge time are epic win now. They can just chain heal everyone at the beacon.

You don’t need to be at the beacon. Just fire at it with the destructor from 5.5 km.




But in tier 3 you can play interceptors in beacon games. In tier 4-5 you just can’t. It is a destructor fest. And with the new engineer mechanics, the T rex and the Octopus with the recharge time are epic win now. They can just chain heal everyone at the beacon.

Destructor does no DMG, especialy now after fixes, it is not even tickling. Try dodging for once, it helps.

Destructor does no DMG, especialy now after fixes, it is not even tickling. Try dodging for once, it helps.

Dodging? But we fly guards!