Guards, guards everywhere...

I enjoy this game really, but higher tier matches are becoming more and more annoying. Guards with Destructor everywhere, in 8 man battle, opposing team uses only guards. Guard conflict, that should be name of this game.

On top of that you have frig ball engineers with large energy capacity and sit there waiting to pop their burst heals… guard with 0 shield suddenly got full shield in a instant.

The new nukes break frigballs up nicely!  Also the new firestorm missiles on a gunship with nova bubbles really works.

but the mines… so many mines

but the mines… so many mines

but they are nothing comparing to the power of old mines or em torps

mines are by far not that big problem as i expected them, to be honest. torps now again need a bit of thinking, and the lucky facetorp is out of question, while the exactly aimed torp - if ping and battle allows it - are nice.


all i see is destructor being easy denial and way to victory. the more destructors, the better. while in t3, i had a few guardballs breaking their teeth on the new healing mechanics and the upside of a mixed team used wisely, so the blood tormentor mass parade has become not as obviously easy anymore.

it still happens, but it was way worse before the patch.

it’s basicly, without question, the destructor beam, imho.

The new nukes break frigballs up nicely!  Also the new firestorm missiles on a gunship with nova bubbles really works.

Oh it would be nice if you can get close enough to plant them, and pulsars… Man, the pain, you can’t do anything.


I have nothing against guards, but equipped with Destructor you cant do much, especially if guards cluster. They break anything in their path. Not even gunsip with bubbles can’t hurt them. And I am talking about PvP. You can’t expect coordination with bunch of random players. Also 2 disconnected players, no way of win. Maybe we all should play with guards equipped with Destructor. Might be fun.

Well, I can confirm one thing. I am seeing more Guards now, than ever before.

Most of them use, if not almost everyone, select the Guard, which uses Destructor weapon.

Without good, coordinated team of 2 or more people, you don’t have very good chances, especially if we are deling with more than 2 guards.

Problem is that now Guards are number 1 choice, when it comes to preferences. ECM is secondary, with some occasional Healers.

The Guard is a great ship to start out on; It gets you through pve and pvp, unlike most of the other classes.

Of course we’d eventually see more of them. 

The use of guards picked up a good deal before this patch was even announced.

Most new players: Which is the tank class? A. Guard. OK. Guards,everywhere!

Random pub players aren’t even using Destructor, I see more Mortars and HB than Destructors, but Guards are everywhere indeed. Veteran players are the only ones I see “abusing” Destructor.


And it’s still very easy to go with your CO with 3 multipurpose modules and plant a Nuke in the middle of them.



And I hate Guards.



but the mines… so many mines


So many tickles.

Suicide runs are great vs guard captain - nuke, plasma Orion, reactor overload, plasma arc if you have the ping XD Deals good damage to them and blows up engineering things. Or if you wait until he uses his heals up then you may even kill him ;p

was playing t4 with radyogh today… couldn’t win beacon games with destructor scimitars around. High DPS, beacon denial and AOE damage :confused:

There are really a lot of guards…i had a game with 4 guards on the enemy team nearly all time. that was odd. It must have something to do with da changes in latest patch, though i dont know what.

was playing t4 with radyogh today… couldn’t win beacon games with destructor scimitars around. High DPS, beacon denial and AOE damage :confused:

I already gave up about playing tier 4 and tier 5. I’m in tier 3 and tier 2 chilling out, and farming Nuke achievements. I don’t even care anymore about winning or losing. I just want to troll people with nukes, all the day :smiley:

I already gave up about playing tier 4 and tier 5. I’m in tier 3 and tier 2 chilling out, and farming Nuke achievements. I don’t even care anymore about winning or losing. I just want to troll people with nukes, all the day :smiley:

They’re so good to make frigates move ;p The troll kill is where they think they have gotten rid of you because you are running away…

This thread reminds me.



but the mines… so many mines



The beacon hunt and Domination on this map are practically made to be played in frig ball, and will be unless you completely erase them from the game. But if you compare it to for example Destroyed station Beacon Hunt or Capture the beacon, how often do you see successful frig ball there? unless very well coordinated with warp gates, but than it is not frig ball issue, but enemy is that much better on coordination.

If you want to prove your point, play 10 games, get game logs to back your words up, make screenies. Then that is something that can not be argued with, but without that, words are just empty words, especially when every other player around sais different things.

I think the guards are very strong now. Before patch i never played them, but now u just have to cuz they are soo good. In all modes with beacons, even on large maps, u can just shoot at beacon and kill and prevent it from being taken. And when an CovOps attacks u just use mines or pulsar.


I have never flown guard much before and its stil lhalf green but i own a lotta people already.