Guard transportation module?

I’ve noticed that almost every ship but the Guard has some form of “get me from here to there quickly” module. Even the Destroyer, the slowest and biggest of the ships, has a wormhole. I suggest that the Guard get some form of transportation module so that it can keep up with its team. Here are some suggested modules:

Name: Demon Rush

Type: Guard Active Module

Ranks: 9-15

Recharge: 55s

Energy: 380pts

Tooltip: Creates a solid barrier of energy in front of the ship and warps it forwards for 2 seconds, dealing massive damage to any ship hit by it. The ship’s shield resistances are lowered to 0 for the duration of the warp.

Name: Phantom Blink

Type: Guard Active Module

Ranks: 8-15

Recharge: 45s

Energy: 530

Tooltip: Charges for one second, where all resistances are set at 0, then teleports the user 4,500m in the direction of the crosshairs.

Hmm. We should be able to bail out with guards as well. After all, this is space, and one main feature of space in games is bailing out in a split second with whatever you have no matter how heavy and huge it is.

Dos Names Doh :005j: , I agree with the suggestion, just make them less as extensive as you say with 4500m warp thats too much for a guard in my book

I’ve noticed that almost every ship but the Guard has some form of “get me from here to there quickly” module. Even the Destroyer, the slowest and biggest of the ships, has a wormhole. I suggest that the Guard get some form of transportation module so that it can keep up with its team. Here are some suggested modules:

Name: Demon Rush

Type: Guard Active Module

Ranks: 9-15

Recharge: 55s

Energy: 380pts

Tooltip: Creates a solid barrier of energy in front of the ship and warps it forwards for 2 seconds, dealing massive damage to any ship hit by it. The ship’s shield resistances are lowered to 0 for the duration of the warp.



yeah i love ramming things… and i hate been late to beacon capture with my guard.

Hmm, I don’t know… I’d prefer something more similar to an engine overcharge. It stops gunships from doing what they do best (shooting), so I think the guard version should increase the ship’s velocity by 60% while maybe reducing your resistances by 40%, but it allows you to keep shooting.  


A warp seems a little too much. 

Yet an “instant” teleportation module for 5km range is fine for the Destroyers.

Yet an “instant” teleportation module for 5km range is fine for the Destroyers.

I never said destroyers are balanced. 

Imo some form of the Phantom Blink should be for all ships.