Guard ships unbalenced?

Ever since the proximity mortar update, guard ships became unbalenced already. Now, with the passive Mass Propulsion Inhibitor, the phase shield speed increase, pulsar damage resistance, and the induction laser, the ship has become the third most unbalenced thing in the game (tai’kin is number one while thar’ga is number 2).

I disagree, guards do their job that is tanking and protecting. Only thing that is unbalanced in guards is Proxi Mortar. Guard ships get destroyed very quick when they receive 2 damage types at the same time, even with res bonuses.

Naah it’s just the proxy mortar thats OP. Or should I call it, Pay to win faster. In any case, this gun has been available to buy for like 24 hours. It’s like the coilmortar used to be, but better ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


Nah, guards are overpowered. 

They are the fastest, tankiest, and most powerful frigates.


There’s currently no way of efficiently deal with them beside using Ellydium. So yes, they are a OP. 

It’s even more broken with energy converter. 


The funniest thing I’ve seen was a 8vs8 :

3 guards, 2 engi, 2 vigilant with mini gravi, and one random. 

That was absolutely impossible to break the frigballs, even using Thar Ga. 

4 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Nah, guards are overpowered. 

They are the fastest, tankiest, and most powerful frigates.


There’s currently no way of efficiently deal with them beside using Ellydium. So yes, they are a OP. 

It’s even more broken with energy converter. 


The funniest thing I’ve seen was a 8vs8 :

3 guards, 2 engi, 2 vigilant with mini gravi, and one random. 

That was absolutely impossible to break the frigballs, even using Thar Ga. 

They are created to fight with that green BS released recently.

59 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Nah, guards are overpowered. 

They are the fastest, tankiest, and most powerful frigates.


There’s currently no way of efficiently deal with them beside using Ellydium. So yes, they are a OP. 

It’s even more broken with energy converter. 


The funniest thing I’ve seen was a 8vs8 :

3 guards, 2 engi, 2 vigilant with mini gravi, and one random. 

That was absolutely impossible to break the frigballs, even using Thar Ga. 

a recon with shield drain and 2 ppl shooting is enough. The key is to engange him outside of his auras, because only when you come withing 2k or smth he can use his heals properly. But guys its all there check the guard modules, they got changed a while ago ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Btw they are OP because they are good at what they do, if you use it well. The speed bonus might be a bit generous but w/e why not take part in objectives ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

In any way, one well placed destro kann kill all the guards in the map from far away. The guard buff is all about the destros, without it guards have no chance against your common destro ranged artillery when it comes to moving from A to B.

Guard are fine now, they have a purpose but yea that proximity mortar is annoying I wonder why the coil does not work the same way… you have to hit the target to get the explosive dmg but with the proxi you don’t even have to aim properly  ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

Proximity Mortar is P2W. I wasn’t able to get it, now it’s gone and it’s OP.

6 hours ago, Koromac said:

Proximity Mortar is P2W. I wasn’t able to get it, now it’s gone and it’s OP.

This weapon is not really much more op than coil mortar used to be. They nerfed coils, and this is about as good as coils used to be. Coils used to have splash damage, now they don’t. Guards suck alone, its when there are multiples you see them become op.

8 hours ago, Oregyen said:

a recon with shield drain and 2 ppl shooting is enough. The key is to engange him outside of his auras, because only when you come withing 2k or smth he can use his heals properly. But guys its all there check the guard modules, they got changed a while ago ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Btw they are OP because they are good at what they do, if you use it well. The speed bonus might be a bit generous but w/e why not take part in objectives ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

In any way, one well placed destro kann kill all the guards in the map from far away. The guard buff is all about the destros, without it guards have no chance against your common destro ranged artillery when it comes to moving from A to B.

So 3 peoples to kill one ? Yeah definitely not OP. 


Half of the t5 guards can have access to 50% range buff, so “2k auro range” is a joke.

And the modules effects are too much. I mean seriously 3km permanent 30% slow, that can’t even be countered using reboot/r8 implant, and that comes with an AB disable with a low cooldown ?

Or a pulsar that both deny beacons AND gives over 200 if not 300 resistances when used in a team fight ?

Combined with a 100k survavibility, which in reality is worth over 250k due to modules. And a cute 400m/s for free when outside of combat ?


Compare what guards can do with an LRF. 

Guads can even out damage LRF using proxi + anomaly + their special. 

Seriously. Be honnest. In what situation would you take an LRF over a guard beside survival (wich is supposed to be a temporary game mode) ?

That moment I 1v1 guard in a tackler and blew it up ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”)

21 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Seriously. Be honnest. In what situation would you take an LRF over a guard beside survival (wich is supposed to be a temporary game mode) ?

Basically… every situation ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

17 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

That moment I 1v1 guard in a tackler and blew it up ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”)

There are Aces everywhere. 

Guards are finally doing now what they were meant to do initially, the speed buff is a nice extra for OS the only problem is constant frigballing since not many can do the “fastpaced” part of the game with lesser classes.

There’s a difference between “doing that they are meant to do”, and being so powerful that more then half of the ship played are guards.


6 out of 10 ships in the enemy team were guards.

Don’t tell me that there’s no problem with this.


3 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

There’s a difference between “doing that they are meant to do”, and being so powerful that more then half of the ship played are guards.


6 out of 10 ships in the enemy team were guards.

Don’t tell me that there’s no problem with this.


It is like Destroyers heaven for target practice

Just now, xKostyan said:

It is like Destroyers heaven for target practice

U have no idea ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

so guards are a viable option, BIG DEAL! you still have your tai’kin and thar’ga and whatever ellydium monstrosity you paid to get, just stop pissing yourselves because there is a ship that is focused on countering quicker ships.

quite frankly though, why the **** is the proximity mortar a thing? it seems like the devs were just trying to make a quick buck

Guard isn’t for countering quicker ships. It is for keeping things away from other things. 

3 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

There’s a difference between “doing that they are meant to do”, and being so powerful that more then half of the ship played are guards.

Do you have the coil mortars GS edition?

3 hours ago, xKostyan said:

It is like Destroyers heaven for target practice

hahah true story