Guard Modules Buff

The guard modules havent changed much except the anomaly so what i was thinking is maybe buffing the signature masking to 3000m and the effect debuffing damage output of every enemy inside that bubble, also buffing the spectre field to 3000m and maybe (optional) buffing it’s duration to 10 seconds.

Let me know how this can backfire more than tharga.




The signature masking buff is necessary for me because new weapons lately have more range. I still use it, but I’m thinking of  changeing it for missile shield.

I feel guards are a bit abandoned to his fate because isn’t a selling point of the game right now. The last patch has an intriguing reference:



Guard ships
Guard ships are designed to protect your team from enemy missiles, as well as improve allied ship defences. 
    Increased shield resistance

I prefer more range for the active modules if they want guards to protect allied ships.


nevertheless guards still have worse shield resistances than a year ago. I remember I could stick up 98k surv on inquisitor, now with the same build 91k max…


They are pretty useless now, though buffing weapon output would be the worst idea.

Maybe add active time on both signature and propulasion, something like:

Propulsion mk4

25 e/s
toggle cooldown 6 seconds
radius 3100 m.

-Propulsion toggle mode 1: decreases all enemy ships speed by 15%

-toggle mode 2: decrease all enemy ships rotation and strafe speed by 25%

Signature mk4

25 e/s
toggle cooldown 6 seconds
radius 2100 m.

-Signature toggle mode 1: decreases all enemy ships damage output by 20%

-toggle mode 2: increase all enemy ships active module cooldown by 70%

The thing is that this role is one of the most underrated ones so far and also in the same time whatever you do with it just backfires all the time, it’s like there is no cure to instability xD

I think that in current destroyer saturated gameplay environment, it wouldn’t be wrong to just remove that hidden -30 shield resistances malus that all guards have.

let’s see , since month , new weaons , on some weapons ( without class frigate ) having buff for their stat :

  • more range

  • more dps

  • more accuracy

the others points , before destroyers , all class like as inti. , covers ops , gunship the average speed ( T5 ) its above more 400m/s ,

with all nerf on the coil motar , the weapon can’t anyway do his job , suppressor barrel .

great devs. make the new kenetick canon to tracking fast target , but with its short range and mono target , its more ulesess ( i use it only on Pve sometimes )

finaly , all debuff active module becoming a bit also ulesess .

as the OP , i’m for a boost for the active module range debuff ( 3700-3800 m at MK5 seems fine  )

for coil motar , AOE effect up at 400m like as before but -30% on dmg AOE

ATM a command ship its more helpfull to protect our team and its more “tanky”


1 hour ago, Vohvelielain said:

I think that in current destroyer saturated gameplay environment, it wouldn’t be wrong to just remove that hidden -30 shield resistances malus that all guards have.

I do agree, no need to hold them off anymore.

I used to refer to this game as space tank when i 1st played many moons ago, i enjoyed the safety and ease of a guard when i was new.

Tbh i read bout this change in guards and decided to use them again(least the ones on the list for range buffs).

Yes they are useable again and have an actual impact in games. I dont think they need anymore resistance but more that every module should have a standardised buff to the range and not just individual ships. In fact if my only choice was to take either inquisitor or my ronin i’d choose the r13 over the ship i can customise and that is just wrong.

Rarely going to get 1st place in high rank games in a guard, lots of points is not your job and there are good reasons why the adaptive charging guard was only ever moderatly effective.

The shield that protects the realms of men. Hah!

I think all none-alien ships need a buff, right now intie feel like an attack drone, figher feel like intie, frigate feel like fighter, and destroyer feel like guard but bigger. Alien ship need a big nerf.


3 minutes ago, Milfeulle said:

I think all none-alien ships need a buff, right now intie feel like an attack drone, figher feel like intie, frigate feel like fighter, and destroyer feel like guard but bigger. Alien ship need a big nerf.


may be its more time the for Devs to balance all ship , weapon , module , before adding contents .

its feels like , all new contents design to balance game but all those news stuff make game more broken , as example the new main weapon from the Tha’gar can be mount on all gunships . ( i’ve seen on T5 , gunship with this one and yep ,…top leaderbpard with more 20 kills ) .


There are a few modules that could use buffs and small changes to make games a bit more interesting than it is now.

When I can new into this game, I liked the engineer frigates, because they had some speed and these amazing drones which could repair and help fend off small fighters attacking.

Those days I collected for building the special Frigate:Engineer Octopus  — but than the destroyers came out …

… never did build the Octopus in the end …