ground battles


I’m quite new at this game, I apologyze if following suggestions are already been considered.


I think it should be nice to have PVP ground battle with ground targets (enemy, neutral and “do not” target :slight_smile: ) and ground HQ to be destroyed in order to win the battle.


It should be nice also to have some place where ships could be repaired.


These kind of maps could also be restricted only to some kind of ships.


thanks for patience


Dude… Its called war thunder. Never gonna happen here

Our game is settled in space so the chance are really low to see something like this:)

I like the idea of non-combatant elements in play though. I have some ideas on how that could play out…

I like it but on PvE, a PvE map where u have to attack a enemy ground base, but nothing else.

Moon base runs?  It does sound interesting for PvE.  Loosing half the map to ground in PvP would kind of suck.

As a PvE mission: Sure, it would be nice to have more variety.
As a PvP game mode: Nope, it won’t work, and if it does, there’ll be people that will find a way to abuse it or something like that.

yer like everyone else said PVE sure PVP na!, keep it to space fighting.

Our game is settled in space so the chance are really low to see something like this:)

Seems popular support is in favor of a new PvE mission.