Grappling Hook [Sai Module]

Name: Grappling Hook

Type: Sai Active Module

Rank: 9

Energy: 25

Recharge: 3 seconds

Max range: 3,500m

Tooltip: Launches a massive spike at the crosshairs. If it hits an object, the object and the player will be pulled to each other at a rate of 200m/s until the chain reaches its max distance or is broken. “Use this to swing around stuff!”



I think I probably made a similar suggestion a while ago, but I think that this would really fit the Sai for a number of reasons. One being that it could work like an actual chain and be used to sling ones self around objects like beacons or asteroids for greater ramming damage possibility or acceleration. I’d like to see this work like an actual chain in that LoS is mandatory and accelerating at an angle from the target would give greater acceleration and speed.

Blitzcrank,Pudge,Roadhog much?

48 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Blitzcrank,Pudge,Roadhog much?


Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:


What,you don’t get the references?

1 minute ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

What,you don’t get the references?

I vaguely understand the roadhog one because of Internet rage but the others are nope

Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

I vaguely understand the roadhog one because of Internet rage but the others are nope

They go on the same thing about pulling stuff towards them,but about pulling themselves towards the stuff they pull,that will be Nautilus and Tresh,from LoL aswell.


A grappling hook… in space, without gravity? There’s no way to swing around stuff if there’s no force applied to your ship other than the grappling hook pull. Maybe strafing could “curve” your path…

But, in general, I don’t like this idea.

Attaches a grappling hook to your target, letting your ship strafe around it at a distance of 450m for 3 seconds at the ship’s max strafe speed. Ship can be turned but will remain strafing at said distance while module is active. Using afterburners will increase strafe speed in accordance with normal operation.

Well I mean this more of a module to be used to manually tow slow targets back to your team for an easy kill. The effect would stack depending on how many grappling hooks were on the target, allowing pirates to tow targets to their base without dealing significant damage to them.

Tow a frigate using a lightweight scout ship, yeah…   :slight_smile:

14 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Well I mean this more of a module to be used to manually tow slow targets back to your team for an easy kill. The effect would stack depending on how many grappling hooks were on the target, allowing pirates to tow targets to their base without dealing significant damage to them.

And now I should remember you that the Sai is a recon and not a tackler.