Granite - ship with identity crisis

I got my hands on this overpriced bad boy recently and have no clue what role it wants to fulfil.


It’s weapon is clearly meant to be used at long ranges, with 4 km base range and low fire rate. Adaptive resonator module also promotes that extending the range to over 5km. Yet bonus fire rate from Satisfaction Algorithm passive triggers only at 2.5km. That means either that you must charge forward for this fantastic team buff and risk being destroyed (its not very maneuverable and missing is very punishing) or trigger only at ally death, conflicting what command ship should do - buffing allies resistances so healers have it easier to keep them alive.
So then I thought, maybe it mean to be tank? Adaptive Resonator buffs my resistance for each ally nearby. Nope - I got ‘Archangeled’ from full to zero even with coating polarizer on. This module seems to not work properly or I am missing something, the in-game tooltip says something different than in hangar. In the end, I had to reroll back to old trusty Diffusion Shield giving up the damage and weapon effect is kinda pointless.
Anti-sabotage module is great, but need it’s effect changed - the bubble greatly covers the view.

Conclusions of the ship:
-Adaptive resonator doesn’t work properly. It seems just to increase resistances by 50pts once, not by 40 for each ally nearby.
-Less tank capability than Saw One or even Aura.
-DPS is on the level, but rate of fire OR projectile speed is just dreadful.
-Resonator promotes long-range fire, while buffs and passive are not.
-Going full Diffusion Shield regain some of the tank, but you must give up the damage.

Decide what this ship is meant to be - close range ‘Buffship’ like Loki or long range proper command.

Close range:
-Change class bonus to command modules strength
-Increase base speed a little
-Change 25% energy regen bonus to hull resistances or even weapon damage
-Energy discharger - decrease range, increase rate of fire. Hitting target also increase duration of other command modules.

Long range:
-Change class bonus to command module range
-Move engine or capacitor slot to cpu
-Change 25% energy regen bonus to EM weapon projectile speed and spread (so it also buffs Phaser or bubbles)
-Satisfaction algorithm: triggers at 4km with less duration. Extensible by energy discharger hits
-Energy discharger: hitting targets increase duration of other command modules and satisfaction algorithm buff.

Adaptive resonator:
-Fix the resistance buff or turn it into weaker diffusion shield like Archangel doing with overdrive
-‘Scope’ range buff could also affect allies.
-Add some visuals to indicate it’s still on without having to watch the icons

Anti-sabotage 2.1
-Change the visuals, too much covering the screen making it nuisance for allies
-Lower the CD to 30 something seconds


For now, not worth 60 electrum tbh.

Meanwhile i didnt even fly it beyond maxing it out…


Pay a player with a 8000 pilot score or greater to develop this game as its more than obvious that the current Dev’s are at a 1000 pilot score

7 hours ago, Rob40468 said:

-Change 25% energy regen bonus to hull resistances or even weapon damage

just a quick note, this is a command buff, this can’t be removed

Point is also - what is the logic of the new ranks 16 and 17? have head room for new stuff? the new r16s could have been put under ‘Unique’ ship tree and not more than 15 - not?

Does somebody have a clou?

3 hours ago, Original_Taz said:


Pay a player with a 8000 pilot score or greater to develop this game as its more than obvious that the current Dev’s are at a 1000 pilot score

suggestion: advertise this game, to less rely on individuals spending huge ammounts on this game


15 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Point is also - what is the logic of the new ranks 16 and 17? have head room for new stuff? the new r16s could have been put under ‘Unique’ ship tree and not more than 15 - not?

Does somebody have a clou?

I think the r15 area on the tech tree is kind of full, and also 16 and 17 looks much nicer… (having a new top rank, in a time when a rank 15 ship isn’t a prestiege object anymore)

3 hours ago, Original_Taz said:


Pay a player with a 8000 pilot score or greater to develop this game as its more than obvious that the current Dev’s are at a 1000 pilot score

As if the pilot score has any meaning. It is just a arbitrary number that not necesirally says something about a pilots experience and skill.

1 hour ago, John161 said:

As if the pilot score has any meaning. It is just a arbitrary number that not necesirally says something about a pilots experience and skill.

So right! During campaign I realized that I had not all ‘Mentor’ medals - so I went down to low rank ships to get it and my pilot-rating went down. Now that I fly old T4 again, its up again.

2 hours ago, evo888 said:

just a quick note, this is a command buff, this can’t be removed

It’s 8 rank 20% regen bonus, sorry.

32 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Now that I fly old T4 again, its up again.




it is nice that you are able to do that, ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)


I can see just one new mess TIER. ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)



also, I’m glad to hear that yours it’s up again  ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)

2 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

I think the r15 area on the tech tree is kind of full, and also 16 and 17 looks much nicer… (having a new top rank, in a time when a rank 15 ship isn’t a prestiege object anymore)

as much as I agree on how it looks better, I hate being unable to group up in my wolfhound,

Group restrictions should consider R16 and R17 as being R15 , it’s really annoying indeed.


And now with the R17 around the corner , it will be even worse.

On 4/10/2018 at 9:45 AM, Rob40468 said:

I got my hands on this overpriced bad boy recently and have no clue what role it wants to fulfill.


It wants to be a versatile command fighter.

You don’t have to use all of it’s special gear at once:

-Want to use it up close, use a close range weapon.

-Want to use it long range, swap out the short ranged module.


12 hours ago, dreamer78 said:

And now with the R17 around the corner , it will be even worse.


R17 shouldn’t even exist. There is no reason other than bumping the numbers up to have another tier of ships.

i love granite in open space : )

1 hour ago, Naqel said:

R17 shouldn’t even exist. There is no reason other than bumping the numbers up to have another tier of ships.

Flash already said why r16 and r17 exist now. 


Rank 15 is full. There are all the standard ships, loads of premiums and the Secret Projects. So in turn when the devs wanted to add more unique ships into the max ranks they instead made new ranks for them to fit into.


13 hours ago, dreamer78 said:

Group restrictions should consider R16 and R17 as being R15 , it’s really annoying indeed.


And now with the R17 around the corner , it will be even worse.

Group restrictions should be removed. Enough said.

Or you could put a delta restrictions.

>No more than 3 rank difference.


Would allow R14 to play with R17

16 hours ago, evo888 said:

as much as I agree on how it looks better, I hate being unable to group up in my wolfhound,

I know and it sucks


1 hour ago, dreamer78 said:

Or you could put a delta restrictions.

>No more than 3 rank difference.


Would allow R14 to play with R17

You mean, like it was about 2 years ago… i agree thou

2 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Rank 15 is full. There are all the standard ships, loads of premiums and the Secret Projects. So in turn when the devs wanted to add more unique ships into the max ranks they instead made new ranks for them to fit into.


i doubt that. there are lots of r15 ships, true, but r8&r9 seems a lot more “full”.

it seems more likely a marketing move to make you more interested, and that the designer seems to have those 2 ships already pre-existing in his portfolio, which did not really fit into the design of current r15. at least older renders of those ships seem to not have been for conflict. but that could be just coincidence, or anything.


2 hours ago, dreamer78 said:

Or you could put a delta restrictions.

if they truly intend to have absolutely no impact of ship ranks, and only this new pilot skill based tier system, group restrictions make no sense anyway.

i almost thought you want the 3 rank restriction back for equipping ships… :open_mouth:

On 4/11/2018 at 11:53 AM, TheDerpNukem said:

Flash already said why r16 and r17 exist now. 


Rank 15 is full. There are all the standard ships, loads of premiums and the Secret Projects. So in turn when the devs wanted to add more unique ships into the max ranks they instead made new ranks for them to fit into.


Rank 15 is not “full”, even if we assume very generously that they can only fit 3 new ships into it per faction, that’s still only the frigates that’d need re-shuffling.


Even if we concede R15 being full to be the case: why not have them all in rank 16, or as Special Projects? They already don’t look like any faction (Granite looks like a Federation frigate if anything, with it’s Alligator cockpit), they have non-standard special modules, and you can’t get them as part of the regular  Synergy+Credits progression.


It’s a numbers bloat strategy, nothing else.

On 10.4.2018 at 5:59 PM, Flash0914 said:

…  I think the r15 area on the tech tree is kind of full, and also 16 and 17 looks much nicer…

On 11.4.2018 at 11:53 AM, TheDerpNukem said:

…  Rank 15 is full. There are all the standard ships, loads of premiums and the Secret Projects. So in turn when the devs wanted to add more unique ships into the max ranks they instead made new ranks for them to fit into.  …

Imho, they somehow stick to their old ship tree model - and not want to reform it (due to gains from collectors?).


On 11.4.2018 at 12:12 PM, dreamer78 said:

Or you could put a delta restrictions.   …

… it will be soft boundary restrictions!?