Global player ranking

As far as I know i havn’t seen any sort of player ranking. I believe that would be usefull feature, and in fact i’m a bit supprised that it does not exist yet.

Ranking players could be something like: kill rating * (win rating * n)

Where n would be modifier to determined influence of win rating against kill rating(ELO)


for now lets say both kill rating and win rating are considered equal for player rating. (n = 1)

i.e. my current stats(i’m pretty new player):

1395 * (1,29 * 1) = 1799,55 player rating


What do you think of this kind of ranking?


p.s. if some kind of player ranking currently exist, and i just couldn’t find it, I would look really silly right now.  :facepalm:

this is eternal rating


Actually this is not an exact skill meter. Some of players are T2, some T4, some inactive for a long time. Pick the weekly intervals for more actual information but this is not a skill count too because of rating isn’t tech dependable :slight_smile: You can farm newbies at t2 and raise your ELO without any troubles. One thing I can tell that anyone with above 1300 is actually a decent player, 1500+ is a relative good player.



Whoo, thanks. So there actually is a player ranking. This only raises a question - why it’s not implemented in-game like the corporation rankings?

this is eternal rating


Actually this is not an exact skill meter. Some of players are T2, some T4, some inactive for a long time. Pick the weekly intervals for more actual information but this is not a skill count too because of rating isn’t tech dependable :slight_smile: You can farm newbies at t2 and raise your ELO without any troubles. One thing I can tell that anyone with above 1300 is actually a decent player, 1500+ is a relative good player.




Or you can be ESB or Zero and farm T4 where no one else can compete with your full epic fitted ships, that is SO MUCH SKILL isn’t it?




Or you can be ESB or Zero and farm T4 where no one else can compete with your full epic fitted ships, that is SO MUCH SKILL isn’t it?




Full epic fitted? I have from 0 to 2 epic items on my ships same as others. Did you ever seen ESB farming anywhere? We are fighting against other ESB squads as enemies. It is just a game, and we are enjoying good fights. Stop talking about things you are don’t understand please :slight_smile:


Zero  play in mk2 & green …

Full epic fitted? I have from 0 to 2 epic items on my ships same as others. Did you ever seen ESB farming anywhere? We are fighting against other ESB squads as enemies. It is just a game, and we are enjoying good fights. Stop talking about things you are don’t understand please :slight_smile:


I have seen ESB, Zero etc stream at T4 and I know exactly how and what you fly.


Everytime I see someone from Russia stream he has nearly fully epic fitted ships.

I have seen ESB, Zero etc stream at T4 and I know exactly how and what you fly.


Everytime I see someone from Russia stream he has nearly fully epic fitted ships.



Zero  stream   mk2 & green fit  

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you just dont know the powa of a dark side=)

We are just hiding our greatness


you just dont know the powa of a dark side=)

We are just hiding our greatness

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Sweet Jesus, test server?

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