Global Fleet Upgrade : Engineer - what we love what we miss from Atlas

Ok, we can  have a look into the upcoming modules, modifiers and weapons for the engineer role of the frigate class in our Atlas, now.


I’d like to give a synopsis of all modules and their specs, below so that we can discuss what we love or miss:


Fuse blaster 12
EM weapon
frigate engineering
ranks 8-12
DPS             325 dmg/s
damage (EM)     649 dmg
rof             30 round/min
crit chance     10 %
crit bonus      50 %
range           4000 m
spread          1 deg
overheating     8/4 s
a powerful electromagnetic weapon


EM dissolvers 9
EM weapon
alligator mk2 & premium ships of same role
ranks 5-9
DPS             292 dmg/s
damage (EM)     389 dmg
rof             45 rounds/min
crit chance     5 %
crit bonus      50 %
project speed   4000-10000 m/s
range (max)     3700 m
overheating     6/2 s
when it hits an ally releases nanodrones restoring the ally’s hull by 250 pts. when an enemy is critically hit the host’s damage resistance increases by 25 pts for 10 s. projectile speed grows with uninterrupted fire.

Commitment 5
active module
engi module
raptor a & premium ships of same role
ranks 1-5
active time     1 s
energy          65 en
revharge        55 s
burns all energy in activation. for each energy unit above own consumption, all allies in range receive 5.6 shield pts and all enemies receive 7.5 EM damage


Commitment 13
active module
engi module
raptor a & premium ships of same role
ranks 9-13
active time     1 s
energy          100 en
revharge        52 s
burns all energy in activation. for each energy unit above own consumption, all allies in range receive 5.6 shield pts and all enemies receive 7.5 EM damage


Particle Explosion 6
active module
engi module
raptor mk2 & premium ships of same role
ranks 2-6
dmg (EM)        3396 dmg
range (max)     5000 m
recharge        35 s
energy          200 en
no description


Repair projector 9
active module
engi module
hydra 2 & premium ships of same role
ranks 4-8
active time     7 s
energy          20 en
energy consum   255 en/s
recharge        40 s
forms a cone with 350 m base. allies in the cone have their hulls restored by 1520 pts/s


Repair projector 17
active module
engi module
naga & premium ships of same role
ranks 12-17
active time     7 s
energy          30 en
energy consum   383 en/s
recharge        40 s
forms a cone with 350 m base. allies in the cone have their hulls restored by 1810 pts/s


Explosive restoration 8
active module
engi module
alligator m & premium ships of same role
ranks 4-8
active time     10 s
energy          300 en
recharge        40 s
when an enemy is hit allies in 750 m range from hit zone have 4077 hull pts restored


Explosive restoration 17
active module
engi module
alligator m & premium ships of same role
ranks 11-17
active time     10 s
energy          420 en
recharge        40 s
when an enemy is hit allies in 750 m range from hit zone have 4854 hull pts restored


Twins barrier 9
active module
engi module
alligator mk2 & premium ships of same role
ranks 5-9
active time     3 s
energy          300 en
recharge        55 s
the host and an ally marked as target become invulnerable for 2.5 s and restore 5936 hull pts if their durability goes below 5 % while the effect is active. only works if an ally is marked as target


Twins barrier 14
active module
engi module
grizzly m & premium ships of same role
ranks 10-14
active time     3 s
energy          420 en
recharge        55 s
the host and an ally marked as target become invulnerable for 2.5 s and restore 7014 hull pts if their durability goes below 5 % while the effect is active. only works if an ally is marked as target


Pendulum module 11
active module
engi module
styx & premium ships of same role
ranks 7-11
active range    2000 m
energy          300 en
recharge        0.5 s
two-mode module. press the activation key to switch modes. always active.
a) defence mode:
increase hull defence for the host and the nearest ally in range by 20 pts (default)
b) offence mode:
increase crit hit chance for the host and the nearest ally in range by 12% in range.


Energy-compensating projectile 10
active module
engi module
anaconda & premium ships of same role
ranks 6-10
damage          5720 dmg
range (max)     4500 m
recharge        55 s
energy          300 en
launches a grenade. detonation creates a 750 m area for 10 s where allies restore shields at 630 pts/s and enenies have their shield and hull regeneration speed reduced by 90%.


Energy-compensating projectile 17
active module
engi module
anaconda & premium ships of same role
ranks 13-17
damage          6812 dmg
range (max)     4500 m
recharge        55 s
energy          420 en
launches a grenade. detonation creates a 750 m area for 10 s where allies restore shields at 750 pts/s and enenies have their shield and hull regeneration speed reduced by 90%.


Med evac 12
active module
engi module
garm & premium ships of same role
ranks 8-12
active time     6 s
energy          500 en
recharge        50 s
jumps to an ally marked as target but no further than 5000 m. while the ally is in module’s range its hull is restored at xy pts/s.


Nano devourers 12
active module
engi module
minotaur & premium ships of same role
ranks 8-12
active time     5 s
energy          650 en
recharge        48 s
upon hitting the target nanobots start devouring 134 hull per s. then they restore the hull of the closest ally in 500 m range by 3250 pts.

Meteor accelerator module 13
hull modifier
engi module
minotaur & premium ships of same role
ranks 9-13
at speed above max your hull receives 50 thermal damage resistance pts. at max energy reserve critical hit chance increases by 12%.


Dual shields 8
shield modifier
engi module
alligator m & premium ships of same role
ranks 4-8
the shields of your ships and the clostest ally in 750m range regenerate at 161 pts/s.


Dual shields 14
shield modifier
engi module
grizzly m & premium ships of same role
ranks 10-15
the shields of your ships and the clostest ally in 750m range regenerate at 225 pts/s.


Reserve boosters 5
engine modifier
engi module
raptor m & premium ships of same role
not for allien ships
ranks 1-5
when shields are lost increases speed and maneuverability by 50% for 12 s. activates once every 65 s.


Reserve boosters 17
engine modifier
engi module
t rex & premium ships of same role
not for allien ships
ranks 13-17
when shields are lost increases speed and maneuverability by 50% for 12 s. activates once every 60 s.


Ally recharge 8
capacitor modifier
naga & premium ships of same role
ranks 4-8
restores 14 eng per second for each ally in 2000 m range but not more than 72 pts/s.


Ally recharge 17
capacitor modifier
naga & premium ships of same role
ranks 12-17
restores 14 eng per second for each ally in 2000 m range but not more than 84 pts/s.


Mass drone boost 10
CPU modifier
anaconda & premium ships of same role
ranks 6-10
all ally drones in 1000m have their damage increased by 30% and hull repaired at 150 pts/s.


Echidna processor 12
CPU modifier
garm & premium ships of same role
ranks 8-12
speed threshhold   5%
when speed is below the threshold active engineering module range increased by 20%.


It was suggested by


1 hour ago, [TheDarkRedFox](< base_url >/?app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id=242418) said:

Someone needs to start an “Engineers don’t just heal” campaign and bug the devs about it.



So, I like these:

EM dissolvers 9

  • EM weapon
  • when it hits an ally releases nanodrones restoring the ally’s hull by 250 pts. when an enemy is critically hit the host’s damage resistance increases by 25 pts for 10 s. projectile speed grows with uninterrupted fire.
  • Like: an eclipse launcher alternative


Repair projector 9

  • active module
  • forms a cone with 350 m base. allies in the cone have their hulls restored by 1520 pts/s
  • Like: a Brokkish hull heal beam


Pendulum module 11

  • active module
  • two-mode module. press the activation key to switch modes. always active.
  • a) defence mode:
    • increase hull defence for the host and the nearest ally in range by 20 pts (default)
  • b) offence mode:
    • increase crit hit chance for the host and the nearest ally in range by 12% in range.
  • Like: two mode is interesting because makes you feel you have control over situation, offensive/defensive switch


Energy-compensating projectile 10

  • active module
  • launches a grenade. detonation creates a 750 m area for 10 s where allies restore shields at 630 pts/s and enenies have their shield and hull regeneration speed reduced by 90%.
  • Like: interesting for tactical play: say at beacons in pvp, or at selected pve locations etc.


Med evac 12

  • active module
  • jumps to an ally marked as target but no further than 5000 m. while the ally is in module’s range its hull is restored at xy pts/s.
  • Like: interesting for tactical play: jump module is better than warp gate - makes engi stick to group


What I miss:

Twins barrier 9

  • active module
  • the host and an ally marked as target become invulnerable for 2.5 s and restore 5936 hull pts if their durability goes below 5 % while the effect is active. only works if an ally is marked as target
  • missed: hull restored must scale with ship size, so lara for interceptors, very insufficient for frigates and destroyers - factor of *2 for frigates, *5 for dessys


Nano devourers 12

  • active module
  • upon hitting the target nanobots start devouring 134 hull per s. then they restore the hull of the closest ally in 500 m range by 3250 pts.
  • Miss: what is the range??


Meteor accelerator module 13

  • hull modifier
  • at speed above max your hull receives 50 thermal damage resistance pts. at max energy reserve critical hit chance increases by 12%.
  • Miss:


Dual shields 8

  • shield modifier
  • the shields of your ships and the clostest ally in 750m range regenerate at 161 pts/s.
  • Miss: shield regeneration must sclale with ship size!!! range of 750m is too low=> 1250m


Mass drone boost 10

  • CPU modifier
  • all ally drones in 1000m have their damage increased by 30% and hull repaired at 150 pts/s.
  • Miss: should be accessible for Ellydium engineers; should have rank 17 version


Echidna processor 12

  • CPU modifier
  • speed threshhold   5%
  • when speed is below the threshold active engineering module range increased by 20%.
  • Miss: probably useless due to better cpu modifiers and scarcity of cpu slots in engineers;
  • Make it: weapon range increase too + spread reduction, too!!!


Suggestions: What i really miss!


#1 some really good Engine modifiers like this:


Weasle enhancer 6, 11,  17

  • engine modifier
  • engineer module
  • raptor, alligator mk2, grizzly m & premium ships of same role
  • not for alien ships
  • ranks 2-6, 8-10, 13-17
  • Increases acceleration from 75% to 100% with afterburners enabled. Strafe speed +50%. Afterburner energy costs -15%.


Waltzer assist 5, 10,  17

  • engine modifier
  • engineer module
  • raptor, alligator mk2, grizzly m & premium ships of same role
  • not for alien ships
  • ranks 1-5, 7-10, 13-17
  • Increases rotation from 30% to 50% with afterburners enabled. Max forward speed by speed +10% and max backward speed +70%.



#2 a missile slot enhancer like this:


Diprosopus Autochargeur  6, 11,  17

  • active module
  • engineer module
  • alligator m, anaconda, garm, osprey & premium ships of same role
  • ranks 2-6, 8-10, 13-17
  • energy          300 en
  • recharge        5 s
  • two-mode module. press the activation key to switch modes; always active.
  • a) dogfight mode:
    • missile and missile slot drone velocity and turn speed +100%; missile and cassette reloading time by -25%; target locking time -75%
  • b) long range mode:
    • maximum missile range and missile slot drone durability +100%; increases damage dealt by missiles and missile slot drones by +25%;


#3 some missile slot secondary weapons:


Crtitical satellites 6,12,17

Type:                     Missile slot drones
Class:                    Frigate
subclass:                Egineer
ships:                    Hydra 2, Styx, Naga, and premium ships of similar role
ranks:                    2-6, 8-12, 13-17
Drone:DPS (EM)             900 dmg/s
Drone:damage              900 dmg
Drone:rate of fire          60 rounds/min
Projectile speed:        2000 m/s
Drone:weapon range        2000 m
Drone:range            10500 m
Drone:durability        1530 pts
Charges per cartridge:       2 pts.
Recharge:                   4 s
Cartridge reload time:      60 s
Energy consumption          80 eng
Description:            Launches Critical satellites with 1530 hull strength following behind the ship and attacking enemies. On activation sends a satellite to the marked target-ship. Satellit attaches permanently to that ship until destruction, no more than 1 per ship. From there it cancels and disables target locking for all enemies in 1250 m for 3 s and effects main weapon and sensors until destruction. If sent to an enemy it changes sensor range by -50% and critical hit chance by -10%… If sent to an ally it changes sensor range by +50% and critical hit chance by +10%. (Idea taken from one of Wazgot’s special modules: Alien satellites).



-> Please comment and/or add stuff you miss, thank you!

2 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Please comment and/or add stuff you miss, thank you!

You should have read also the values that some modules have when fully upgraded. Some have their effectiveness increased quite a lot.

Also imo that CPU drone buff module is too strong. Phoenix can already deal too much dmg with its drones and a 45% buff definitely too much.

Thank you! Good points.

Yes now I found the level up values. Values in my suggestions are taking into account to some degree the time when the Crew Implants are gone : )

11 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Thank you! Good points.

My values are in replacement for the time when the Crew Implants are gone ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)
… and, not least importand: lets have a op thingy for engineers, too like the frontal blaster, they could nerf it some weeks later anyhow! ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

Have you already took a look at the commitment 13, it would deal 30k DMG on my brokk to any enemy closer then 1250m and also heals 20k shield to any ally within 1250m.

14 minutes ago, avarshina said:

… and, not least importand: lets have a op thingy for engineers, too like the frontal blaster, they could nerf it some weeks later anyhow! ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

frigates can’t have OP weapons, their role is to be the workhorses and fighters, them having powerful weapons would only be natural


11 minutes ago, John161 said:

Have you already took a look at the commitment 13, it would deal 30k DMG on my brokk to any enemy closer then 1250m and also heals 20k shield to any ally within 1250m.

where do you get the information on range (1250m) and scaling on leveling up (Mk1-5) from?


8 minutes ago, evo888 said:

frigates can’t have OP weapons, their role is to be the workhorses and fighters, them having powerful weapons would only be natural

… and interceptors have even more of all goodies  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”) (irony)

34 minutes ago, avarshina said:

where do you get the information on range (1250m)


36 minutes ago, avarshina said:

and scaling on leveling up (Mk1-5) from?

Hover with your mouse cursor over the Get button.


I miss the simpler time where we didn’t need al this exotic garbage for the game to be fun.


I am however happy that there aren’t any drones or deployables on the list. A game about dogfights should have the absolute minimum of things to fortify a location with.

3 hours ago, Naqel said:

I miss the simpler time where we didn’t need al this exotic garbage for the game to be fun.


I am however happy that there aren’t any drones or deployables on the list. A game about dogfights should have the absolute minimum of things to fortify a location with.

sapper engineers are one of the main engineer types, the problem for a lot of us is that there aren’t enough deployables, so please stop sowing your poor opinions and go cry with the other interceptor pilots who think their job is to fight. also, this game is in no way about dogfights,

On 19.3.2018 at 7:02 PM, John161 said:


Hover with your mouse cursor over the Get button.



Thank you John!

Please look, I have non of the thing you showed me in my GUI:

  • no get button,

-no Mk1-4 stats

  • no range displayed on item’s icon spec plate in the Atlas

The  “Unique module limit: 2/3 count” in your upper pic shows that you have it equipped on a ship, so is it from the test servers or are you a tester? (Or did Rakza provide …?)


8 hours ago, avarshina said:


Thank you John!

Please look, I have non of the thing you showed me in my GUI:

  • no get button,

-no Mk1-4 stats

It seems like that if you loom at s module from store or atlas it will have some missing information. You get the full information if you click on one of your engineers that can equip the module.

8 hours ago, avarshina said:


  • no range displayed on item’s icon spec plate in the Atlas

The  “Unique module limit: 2/3 count” in your upper pic shows that you have it equipped on a ship, so is it from the test servers or are you a tester? (Or did Rakza provide …?)


The unique module count is above 1 because I have the Brokk Laser equipped.


1 hour ago, John161 said:

The unique module count is above 1 because I have the Brokk Laser equipped.


That counts towards the limit? damn

13 hours ago, evo888 said:

this game is in no way about dogfights,


4 out of 9 ship classes are explicitly about fighting other ships(Gunships, both types of LRF, Tacklers, CovOps) another 2 are focused primarily around leading the charge and making their allies fight better(Recon and Command), and 2 more are designer to wreck as much havoc as possible without needing to actually kill anything themselves(ECM and Guard). Only the Engineer is not explicitly about interacting with the enemy in some capacity.


The objective of every game mode that doesn’t explicitly reward you for killing the enemies is still best achieved by eliminating them so that they do not interrupt your team.

By all standards the focus of the game is dogfights and dogfight adjacent activities, which base building is not.

nobody commented on my ‘Atlas Shrugged’ riddle … I thought this play on words funny : )

I’d really love if we could get something more to the whole ‘Engineering’ factor other than heals and restoration. Say a normal battlestation separate from the Waz’got or something centered around drones. Or perhaps some adjustment to the basic drones, I wish all engineers could get the Phoenix special module. Also, some additional modifiers to the speed would be nice to make the Fed engies go even faster without losing survivability.

On 3/19/2018 at 9:24 AM, avarshina said:

Ellydium engineers; should have rank 17 version

No. Ellydium ships are overpowered enough!

From insta crash denying access to a beacon( no other way in) by 2 engies with Gravi-wave to a battlestation that auto aimbot fires to a tracking WL-13EL emitter to never miss scavenger drones. There is a REASON maunfactured and ellydium ships do not get the new mods because they would be broken on top of broken with them!

8 hours ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

No. Ellydium ships are overpowered enough!

From insta crash denying access to a beacon( no other way in) by 2 engies with Gravi-wave to a battlestation that auto aimbot fires to a tracking WL-13EL emitter to never miss scavenger drones. There is a REASON maunfactured and ellydium ships do not get the new mods because they would be broken on top of broken with them!

If 2 gravi wave boys are beacon deniers in your eyes already … ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”) Ok Battles stations are a nuisance, but they are weak and stationary !!!


*No rank17 for Ellydium ships? The hell why not - I thought initially? Now I think already differently: it will not come! They even nerfed the Wazgot, taking away research points for building your Wazzi. Result: rank13 isn’t there for Wazgots any longer, flexibility is rather very limited now.  But having analyzed it a bit through, my best bet at the moment is that SC -over time- will leave the ranks 1-15 somewhat behind and start fresh with ranks 16 and up… like a new game in the game, yes that’s pretty much what I think about the strategy. That’s why they called it Journey - travel to other systems and ships and SC experience : )

*Battle station  is rather weak and of limited use …

*Scavenger drones do miss sometimes… they are missiles you know? Guard auras never miss …

*Do not get new mods? Right for the Ellydium ships -they have good/idiosyncratic mods, but no/bad in case of SPs … they deserve better, they are slick, good design and user friendly through flexibility- they should get access to new mods (lets start with 1 per ship and see ; )




23 hours ago, _Lemmy44_ said:

I’d really love if we could get something more to the whole ‘Engineering’ factor other than heals and restoration. Say a normal battlestation separate from the Waz’got or something centered around drones. Or perhaps some adjustment to the basic drones, I wish all engineers could get the Phoenix special module. Also, some additional modifiers to the speed would be nice to make the Fed engies go even faster without losing survivability.

Thank you.

*Imho, I guess, that Phoenix drones for @ll engis will not come and also Battle station will be a only seen with Wazgots, that making them unique and worth grinding for.

*More speed to the Fed engineers? Dunno, maybe we will see a bit here, but I think the designers & devs see it  fit that empire engis fly on par with gunships and fed engis are speedy enough in their eyes. But maybe who knows??

*Something centered around drones - would be the only logic since we saw introduction of drones to fighter class in so many ways… why not be creative in the backyard and think of engis, again?

*Heal and restoration? Some upcoming modules are very good, see the [Commitment 5] in the Atlas.

I think - that engineer upgrade comes the least tells us , that the engis are loved least!  ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”) But they have a committed small community in SC ![:01212:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/01212.png “:01212:”) ![:fed012:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fed012.png “:fed012:”) ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)