Global Fleet Upgrade : Engineer - what we love what we miss from Atlas

5 hours ago, avarshina said:

I think - that engineer upgrade comes the least tells us , that the engis are loved least!  ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”) But they have a committed small community in SC ![:01212:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/01212.png “:01212:”) ![:fed012:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fed012.png “:fed012:”) ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)



I liked Engineers more back when they had 6 guns and were simply referred to as Federation Frigates.  ![:006:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006.png “:006:”)


These upgrades are a total joke and nothing less then the devs laughing in our faces.


Fighters still does INSANE amounts of damage… upwards of thousands of dps.

The first thing that needs to be adjusted is… fighters damage needs to be toned down ALOT

to where it’s actually balance with the current amount of healthpool of ships.


When a frigate has 20k Hull and a fighter puts out 10k dps, you got a problem


After that is done, boost the repairamount of Engineers.  A maxed out Engineer with all R4 modules should be more

then a bite for even 2 fighters,  a single fighter should NOT be able to take out a strong engineer - perhaps one with lowrank items.


Engineer frigates has ONE purpose, supporting the fleet.  But this can only be done in close proximity, where the frigates can’t stay alive.


26 minutes ago, Progenitor2 said:

Engineer frigates has ONE purpose, supporting the fleet.  But this can only be done in close proximity, where the frigates can’t stay alive.

 Imho - not really:

In a battle group every ship (regardless of its role) has the purpose to support the group! Sometimes the hole group is just bonkers and my engi must do the job;beacon hunt/capture … I know it’s crazy but what can you do (besides, that fat capture bonus is good for after battle rewards ; ) ?

Engineer frigates have the ability to heal others, that’s their unique ability - you might say: purpose, I am ok with that! But it’S rather poorly rewarded and comes at a price: namely in exchange for firepower and/or own survival, AoE etc.pp.)


So: it comes down to this: every engi has to trade firepower and self-survivability against help from the group, but what if there is no battle-group or no group of pilots that is properly acting like a battle-group? What then? Poor engi or what ?? – Man, leave us engineers some means of self protection and let us also get our behinds into the seat of engineer fire supporters (its the way more exiting and fun role in the long run to be honest)


Engi has 2 or 3 purposes or more maybe but all include some means of healing others to different degrees! Here’s what I brain storm:

#1st - healer (espc. keep destroyers alive)

#2nd - fire supporter (hit and run, hunter seeker, finisher)

#3rd - minor tank (aka fire attractor/distractor, eating enemy fire)

#4th - getting objectives done

#5th - put big fat engi in line of fire in front of wounded ally to safe him in last second and help him escape

#6th - Wazgot’s battlestation can secure a position (to a minor degree)

#7th - beacon capture support and denial (to a minor degree)

#8th - fishing overconfident interceptor pilot out of the space with main gun or missiles

we need more creative gear for engineers, also:


to the devs! Interceptor pilots will freak out when they see dedication, it’s a module meant to kill them after all, just don’t do what they say! dedication should not be nerfed until interceptors are back in the roll of objective support, not killers that ruin the game! don’t nerf dedication!

1 hour ago, evo888 said:

we need more creative gear for engineers …

Hey - you know you can give us something you dream of, here : ) Do not be shy and get your creative side out a bit ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)


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O.K. pilots, the comrades of engineers think the ability of the Waz’got to pick up ship debris is a fine way of keeping our open space clean and tidy!

How about if we would green-engineer all other Egineer frigates as well?


Scrap Racycling in Wazgot:

Picking up a scrap particle gives the Waz’got a drone (up to 4) - excess debris particles, picked up give the Wazgot 'Engi, grants [Engine overcharge] for 10 s, that is +10% speed for 10 seconds. The Wazgot can recycle debris with its special module in open space, it can even send the material to allied ships or build a battle station out of it!


[Pictures: Here’s how the scrap particles look like after detection by a Wazgot:]


[Ready for collection (left), spotted in open space (right)]


With this basic mechanic, already introduced into this Ellydium Corp vessel, we could further the green advancement of the Engineer sub-class, let us call it :



"Engineer Space Scrap Collection Service (ESSCS)"


( [click here for more info about our campaign](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36415-environmental-protection-of-open-space/) )

( see also:  #esscs )



3 hours ago, avarshina said:

  • Man, leave us engineers some means of self protection and let us also get our behinds into the seat of engineer fire supporters (its the way more exiting and fun role in the long run to be honest)


I’m still of the opinion that Frigates were better balanced when all of them had 6 guns.