Give us chat prefixes

Seriously, we need some significant improvement in the chat system. I mean, it’s good and all that channels control what messages are filtered, but we need to be able to write to any channel from our current one. Many games solve this by prefixes, like if you write $ you write to trade chat (not available here, may be squad). We have so many characters messages wont start with usually (!, $, #), i just want to not use my mouse when writing to squad chat or corp chat, and still be able to read and write team chat.

don’t be lazy and just use your mouse

In a battle? No thanks, i have more important things to do than switching back and forth.

In a battle? No thanks, i have more important things to do than switching back and forth.

Like not writing. Chat can wait till the end.

Like not writing. Chat can wait till the end.


Like not writing. Chat can wait till the end.

Writing something to squad and still be able to communicate with the team is not a usecase that is so unthinkable, i would say.

Writing something to squad and still be able to communicate with the team is not a usecase that is so unthinkable, i would say.

Get on voice comms. But how to troll global while in battle? That’s a more serious issue. :wink:

More on topic: A revamped chat system was promised to be around the corner a year ago already. In StarGem time that means we’ll probably get it by the end of next year.

They added voice comms.  They’re still not used.  People begged for it, but it turns out it was a massive waste of programmer resources.

Not that massive, probably just integrating an existing solution. The problem is, it’s off by default, so you can be sure most of the people won’t hear you. So you don’t even bother putting on headset.

Not that massive, probably just integrating an existing solution. The problem is, it’s off by default, so you can be sure most of the people won’t hear you. So you don’t even bother putting on headset.

that’s why you make sure you squad has it on and is using it before you go into battle. again don’t be so lazy,  take the initiative

So what is exactly your problem? Someone plays differently than you, so they must do it wrong?

So what is exactly your problem? Someone plays differently than you, so they must do it wrong?

since you didn’t quote anyone im not sure you are talking to BUT if it was directed at me… no your not doing it wrong but it sounds like you are being lazy. someone pointed out there is a voice comms but your reply was well its set to off… ok so turn it on and have your squad mates do the same. and like someone else said you shouldn’t be chatting in battle anyways so i guess you could say they said you were wrong on that account and i kinda have to agree with them on that one.

Well I think it is a little bit misunderstood. I agree with Edzew when you are in squad you just use any voice com (in-game or whatever).

The problem is to communicate with others in your team. Texting something to your team they don’t notice that. Voice Chat they don’t use because they are too scared or just because it is off by default.


So team communication is a problem which the special characters probably won’t fix.

But they will fix that you don’t type messages in the wrong window whether if your are in battle or not. 

since you didn’t quote anyone im not sure you are talking to BUT if it was directed at me… no your not doing it wrong but it sounds like you are being lazy. someone pointed out there is a voice comms but your reply was well its set to off… ok so turn it on and have your squad mates do the same. and like someone else said you shouldn’t be chatting in battle anyways so i guess you could say they said you were wrong on that account and i kinda have to agree with them on that one.


I’m not lazy. There are circumstances. You just don’t see how people can play and communicate differently than you. It’s getting quite ridiculous. What if i don’t want to voice chat? What if my squadmates don’t want. What if some of us can’t for whatever reason? What if i want to write something, because asynchronous communication OP? There are so many use cases to consider. I just want to be able to write to multiple channels (including squad, corp and team, maybe even global) from the keyboard. Is that a problem for you? No. If you don’t use it, you didn’t lose anything.

As far as my experience tells, the most reliable way to comunicate with your team is pinging stuff.


Sadly, most people don’t understand the flow of the game, and you are called Ace for ping the next beacon 30 secs before the previous one is deactivated.


And I don’t see how you can teach your team in 10 seconds what they haven’t understood in 200 games.


But this is normal, most of the player base is casual and just want to kill stuff in fancy ships. It happens in all the games around.

I’m not lazy. There are circumstances. You just don’t see how people can play and communicate differently than you. It’s getting quite ridiculous. What if i don’t want to voice chat? What if my squadmates don’t want. What if some of us can’t for whatever reason? What if i want to write something, because asynchronous communication OP? There are so many use cases to consider. I just want to be able to write to multiple channels (including squad, corp and team, maybe even global) from the keyboard. Is that a problem for you? No. If you don’t use it, you didn’t lose anything.

i guess you are correct i cant see why someone would want to communicate in 4+ channels at the same time. for me well global is almost useless and about 90% of it can be ignored 90% of the time (unless you are a bacon troll he he) . but shouldn’t team and squad be the same thing? and the only time you would need those would be while you are in battle, once out of battle i would think it would fall back into your corp channel. to me that would make more since than continuously changing channels.  and if you can get your team/squad to use the voice thing then you really only would need corp. not to mention your teams/squads reaction times would be a lot faster.   


and like what evicerador said above the best way to communicate with a team (especially with a random team) is pinging. you can type all you want all day long telling them the perfect plan to win the game in less than a min and no one will pay attention to you (ive found its mostly because only one other person speaks english the others only speak russian )


i guess im just not a social butterfly like you are and don’t really get the communicating in so many different channels at once. i try to prioritize what i do/need, when im here ill do this and when im there ill do that.

Ok we get it, if it was according to you guys the chat system could be removed. But since it’s there and used by many people please improve it, mkay?