Get Rid of Doomsday Missiles

As the title says. Please remove them from the game.

Reasons please.


Another “One shot one kill after waki AE stasis” victim probably. These missiles are easy to dodge, but for that you need to have ability to move :stuck_out_tongue:

Another “One shot one kill after waki AE stasis” victim probably. These missiles are easy to dodge, but for that you need to have ability to move :stuck_out_tongue:



No need to remove them, just make them only usable by frigates, or atleast not usable by interceptors.

or… equip proton walls?

No need to remove them, just make them only usable by frigates, or atleast not usable by interceptors.

Rather Fighters, Frigates have Cruise Missile that work exactly the same way but with less damage.

or… equip proton walls?


or… equip proton walls?


or… equip proton walls?

or… equip proton walls?

Or…change ECM class entirely?

Or…change ECM class entirely?







T5 is not a kindergarden, if you don’t like Doomsday, play 1 tier lower.

in T5 you have plenty of ways to avoid Doomsdays.


If you are so worried about it, fit proton walls. 

or… equip proton walls?


I have that equipped, though only a green one atm.



T5 is not a kindergarden, if you don’t like Doomsday, play 1 tier lower.


I don’t expect it to be, but the stassis + doomsday combo is OP.



No need to remove them, just make them only usable by frigates, or atleast not usable by interceptors.



Just make them not usable by inties would work.

Well. If you don’t have top notch equipment, how do you expect to counter top/end-game/craftable ammo? Put EB on then, it will give you extra second to hit the repair module. 

How to avoid being destroyed by ECM’s in T5…


Step 1: Buy a Gunship.

Step 2: Fit out an Emergency Barrier, Proton Wall, Combat Reboot and IR Flares.

Step 3: Wait for ECM to activate its stasis module and respond by activating your combat reboot.

Step 4: Wait for ECM to fire Doomsday missiles and respond by activating your IR flares.

Step 5: Destroy that f…



If you don’t like being ECM’d and doomsday’d, make your fit to counter it, on any ship you fly. It is one combination of modules that happens to be extremely effective against people who don’t fit against it or don’t use proton walls. Proton walls and EBs are my best friends in T5, for many reasons. ECM’s (mainly the Waki-AE) and torps are why I use those two modules a lot in T5 (mainly on ceptors and fast fighters).

Ok doomsdays are cheap. No doubt. 

Now answer this: ecm have low dps compared on other classes. Why remove from them even the doomsdays that basically are effective mostly only against frigs? 

Ok doomsdays are cheap. No doubt. 

Now answer this: ecm have low dps compared on other classes. Why remove from them even the doomsdays that basically are effective mostly only against frigs? 


The ECMs don’t use their doomsdays against frig though… They use them to one-shot interceptors and fighters… I have even seen tacklers using them while the inti is slowed *ahem* *ahem*


I’m fine with doomsday being in t5 though. It is balanced, it’s just a pain in the arse. It took them soooo long to remove them from other tiers though. Now that was ridiculous. And the damage didn’t even scale according to tier ^^

The ECMs don’t use their doomsdays against frig though… They use them to one-shot interceptors and fighters… I have even seen tacklers using them while the inti is slowed *ahem* *ahem*


I’m fine with doomsday being in t5 though. It is balanced, it’s just a pain in the arse. It took them soooo long to remove them from other tiers though. Now that was ridiculous. And the damage didn’t even scale according to tier ^^


I use doomsdays on the tackler, yep. Fighters and frigs “loves” it. I’m a cheap person. Deal with it :stuck_out_tongue: