Get Fox a Hunter Project (GFHP)

As some of you know, ever since beta invasion testing, I have been in love with the alien frigate called the “Hunter” because of just how exotic and awesome it is. I am starting this thread to hopefully get enough people to complain about it that *maybe* someone important will see it and let me have a Hunter (Or even a Scout(Same thing but weaker)).


Just comment below with something relevant, put “Get Fox a Hunter” in your signature, and go tell everyone you know about this! This needs to happen! X3


This is the most beautiful ship in the game:


(Pic 0008 is my fav)























it have been clearly stated that alien ships wont be available for player - sorry for this


would be fun anyway but wont happen

*Cries self to sleep*

Hey, huh, Fox? Just get a Katana and paint it green. Same diff.

Do you really think the devs would gift you a ship that is not available to anyone just because you like it and because you have a cute foxy face?

Do you really think the devs would gift you a ship that is not available to anyone just because you like it and because you have a cute foxy face?

Yes. :3 (But I would expect a much weaker version because of how OP the invasion version is.)

yay I’m cute


Hey, huh, Fox? Just get a Katana and paint it green. Same diff.

I have done that with the Strong, with singularitys to match damage output. But the model is different, it doesn’t have the Turbophaser, and it doesn’t have the exact same texture. Also there is no black smoke.





And just look at this! I had the name “HUNTER” back before I even knew about Star conflict as a game! It was fate that brought me here!

Just go through locked game files like me. I have been flying biomorph ships in invasion for about 3 weeks now. They leave me alone. Yet to find the hunter or dreadnought file though.

Just keep dreaming, you can live with that xD

Just keep dreaming, you can leave with that xD

I will always be dreaming, but I will NEVER GIVE UP!

Just go through locked game files like me. I have been flying biomorph ships in invasion for about 3 weeks now. They leave me alone. Yet to find the hunter or dreadnought file though.


You think I’m joking. Lel

Just go through locked game files like me. I have been flying biomorph ships in invasion for about 3 weeks now. They leave me alone. Yet to find the hunter or dreadnought file though.

Pics or it didn’t happen.

It didn’t happen then.

I want to be a l33t hax0r too

I’d settle for just a few of those alien blaster! Pew Pew Pew!

I will only settle for a whole ship. Munitions and modules inclusive. :confused:

Why dont wish for a defiler hm?Damn it gonna be EPIC and TOO ******* OP to the others

Why dont wish for a defiler hm?Damn it gonna be EPIC and TOO ******* OP to the others

But I don’t want the Defiler. (Well who doesn’t but that’s off-topic.) I just want the Hunter ship. Or maybe just the soloable Scout model. I just want the ship.

But I don’t want the Defiler. (Well who doesn’t but that’s off-topic.) I just want the Hunter ship. Or maybe just the soloable Scout model. I just want the ship.

Or maybe makes it something like a “skin” for your ship?

Or maybe makes it something like a “skin” for your ship?

I already have the “Invasion” skin on the majority of my ships. But that does not magically turn them in to Hunters.

Ok,go beg them,there is nothing we can do here,maybe you can try to cry until your eyes are dried and their mind may be fried and they’ll give you a hunter and you’ll be excited.