Get Fox a Hunter Project (GFHP)

*begs more* :,(

Ah well that’s finally a person who is interested in the alien craft, that’s cool.

Which was to destroy the already alien TurboPhaserDN-?

I want the same weapons!

You should be able to have the alien guns lol but not the ship. 

You should be able to have the alien guns lol but not the ship. 

J’ai besoin de cette armes , mais peut on avoir les même armes des aliens ?

D’aprés le forum star conflict français , c’est impossible d’en trouver et en avoir !

Alors ?


Translate = 


I need this weapon, but can we have the same weapons aliens?

On conflict after the French star forum, it is impossible to find and have!

So what?

(sry for spelling)

J’ai besoin de cette armes , mais peut on avoir les même armes des aliens ?

D’aprés le forum star conflict français , c’est impossible d’en trouver et en avoir !

Alors ?

Maybe in a blueprint? 0.o

Maybe in a blueprint? 0.o

Rare the alien’s plan, but I have tried, I have a karma lvl 3 and I always find laugh …

(and sry but i translate x)

Rare the alien’s plan, but I have tried, I have a karma lvl 3 and I always find laugh …

(and sry but i translate x)

In the time I’ve had the “Spatial Scanner” I’ve only found five blueprints, so I’m not sure if you can find any secret ones or not. Maybe a Monocrystal blueprint or maybe even a Turbophaser-DN-IV blueprint! X3

In the time I’ve had the “Spatial Scanner” I’ve only found five blueprints, so I’m not sure if you can find any secret ones or not. Maybe a Monocrystal blueprint or maybe even a Turbophaser-DN-IV blueprint! X3

I stop not to fall on pirate shield plan WHY ME?

But I fear that we can find "aliens plan 'only in their own world (I have visited 6 times x), and I find that little booty.So… (sry , me spoiler is locked x)






1416728315-screenshot-140906-194310.jpgNEEED !!!

I thought you had karma +3 hmmm?

I thought you had karma +3 hmmm?

This is screenshot are very old xP





Look me topic , and look -.-’

i visited the alien world with spatial scanner many a time, and found at least 6 different spot for mysterious container, but no alien weapons of course. 


I’m quite sure they will never be available to the players.

i visited the alien world with spatial scanner many a time, and found at least 6 different spot for mysterious container, but no alien weapons of course. 


I’m quite sure they will never be available to the players.

One will see well thereafter …

Wait and see…



Maybe it will be a secret blueprint obtainable only as a drop from Hunters or Biomorphs?

Or even maybe it will be a drop from special Ops???

Maybe it will be a secret blueprint obtainable only as a drop from Hunters or Biomorphs?

Or even maybe it will be a drop from special Ops???

I certainly hope

players will neither be able to fly alien ships as well as using alien weapon

players will neither be able to fly alien ships as well as using alien weapon




Waht about the Defiler? I’m dreaming of flying that bada55 dreadnought/cruiser :smiley:

players will neither be able to fly alien ships as well as using alien weapon

*Hopes crushed again*post-242418-0-83025200-1416785202.jpg