Gene Inari's Ship Builds

I like the build. Personally, I would switch the missile shield for the mass weapons inhibitor (or whatever it’s called). That module is amazing for guards to use. The 17.7% damage reduction not only makes your guard that much more tanky, but also your teammates who are being attacked by enemies within the radius.

20.5% reduction if you use the 10c implant (J10/bottom 10).

Which also gives the emergency shield boost a nice kick.


Inari’s build is a nice one.

Since the patriarch doesn’t get a nice range boost to its guard modules in general, 

the missile shield may well have more uses to it with this setup, since it has the largest range of all the guard modules.

To bring my topic back on track:

Jericho Rank 15 Premium Guard: Patriarch



Proper description will be edited in.


Da energy man! Da energy!

For some reason I can’t see any picture from GeneInrai, anyone knows why?



Must be your ISP. Try using a proxy

Is blocked? Because that is what I use to share/host my images.

Is blocked? Because that is what I use to share/host my images.


I have puush installed and I use it to share osu replays and skins so I should be able to see images posted with it… 

Sharing my T3 lineup.














Why would you not use ion-beam warheads on your Dragonfly? They are perhaps the single greatest missile ever. After all, those missile are basically mini-ECMs.

Why would you not use ion-beam warheads on your Dragonfly? They are perhaps the single greatest missile ever. After all, those missile are basically mini-ECMs.


I prefer the damage output of EM missiles.  For finishing off interceptors.

I prefer the damage output of EM missiles.  For finishing off interceptors.


I personally go with utility over damage for commands. I focus on helping the team more than dealing damage to enemies. For taking down interceptors I use a gauss cannon bear, for straight up damage dealing, I use the Desert Eagle.

With the dragonfly (particularly the build Gene showed), you get decent damage from the rapid-fire rails, so going for utility on the missiles won’t be a huge detriment to your damage output.

I always switch my missiles around a lot, piercing missiles just happen to be what I had equipped when doing the screenshots. 

I personally go with utility over damage for commands. I focus on helping the team more than dealing damage to enemies.


With this badboy you can do both utility and damage (on the same level as a gunship) and those EM missiles come in very handy when trying to take down a guard’s shield also:




(sorry GeneInari, I know it’s the thread for your builds, not mine - I should start one actually)

While yes, the Prometheus X can get a slightly higher RoF with the x3 capacitor slots, my Dragonfly build has a strong shield tank to go with the damage, with everything over 100 resists when shield aura is active. The Dragonfly also has a bonus to crit chance, which gives its rails that much more damage. Most of the time it’s merely 200 damage on shields, but with Valkyrie buff and on out-of-phase Guards, I’ve seen 1k+ crits.

PromX have a better diffusion tank and an equally strong hull tank if millanble dosent waste a slot for regenerative hull.

Also, why is that shield slot not used for auxiliary generator.

I used to use the prom-x in a similar fashion mill.


I ran a vernier, 3 heatsinks, compact shield, passive and galvenized. With the same actives save the shield resists, i used a repair kit instead. I also used ion-beam missiles instead of EM.


Now I use the dragonfly because it can shield tank well, and it’s premium, so I can get more free syn.


Personally, I have found the katana-s better than the prom-x. It does better damage, with the same diff tank, and shield tank that tops the hull tank of the prom-x

Personally, I have found the katana-s better than the prom-x. It does better damage, with the same diff tank, and shield tank that tops the hull tank of the prom-x


lemme rephrase that. I like it better because it gets about the same, if not more, DPS, but no diff tank, but shield tank is amazing on it.

Katana-S gets no diffusion tanking? What?

The best PromX
